Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

People make anything up in their mind to support their own racists beliefs. In the history of man I don't think anybody charged someone with a loaded gun after they've already been shot.
Anyone else notice how the fact that they basically shut down a number of Walmarts for hours at a time went virtually uncovered by CNN and the rest of the MSM?
I was at that gathering Sunday...Ferguson cops were plotting at the Fire Station down the road. 

They move us out with threats of tickets and loitering charges.

The city gonna burn if ole boy is let off.

I love the LOU, glad I'm home though.
What part do you live here or staying,?
People make anything up in their mind to support their own racists beliefs. In the history of man I don't think anybody charged someone with a loaded gun after they've already been shot.

Maybe someone high on PCP but no sane person is doing that.

Especially a guy who doesn't have a record and was starting college the next day. Makes no sense!
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Up here in Privilegelandia, I have been trying to sell folks on the virtues of championing black rights. It sometimes works when I make an ethical appeal but the far more effective tactic is to explain how this Country's singular persecution and plunder of black people, poisons and infects our entire body politic.

Clearly the biggest victims of this country's war on blacks have been black people. Secondarily, white supremacy has warped the minds of white people and it has caused us to make counter productive decisions that have adversely affected white people.

In the 1770's, when we had the Declaration of Independence, most of our Founding Fathers were fairly young and idealistic and they possessed a genuinely democratic and egalitarian sprite. Their status as slave owners caused them to become increasing fond of oligarchy when they formed the Constitution in the late 18th Century. Their slave driven love of oligarchy caused them to neglect the common man in the early 19th Century. That slowed the growth of our economy for decades.

In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, labor organization was stopped and turned back due in large part to racial division. White people, North and South, Anglo or immigrant, hated black people more than they hated poverty. As Union soldiers left the South and they savagely abandoned black people, those same Federal regiments would be turned northward and they would butcher and murder and torture workers in the Midwest. White folks up North got to see black men and women thrown to the wolves of the KKK and it leads to the Pullman strikers being hanged, lynched by the American state, as a result of failing to stand with downtrodden blacks.

After the Second World War, we invested in ourselves and we created the greatest middle class the World had ever seen. We invested in everyone except for blacks. By the end of the 1970's, black folks finally had legal equality but the white elites would not give up. They escalated the Drug War and they declared that government is not the solution it is the instead the problem. The Drug War crushed blacks and our racist, scorched Earth economic policies since 1980, have punished the white middle class. Infrastructure, investment in higher education, full employment policies and reasonable financial regulation were ended in order to stick it to blacks but it ended up crushing plenty of whites.

Today, white fear of the black male body, has caused us to give far too much power to law enforcement. Following the usual pattern, black folks get harmed the most but police militarization is also slamming whites more and more.

The struggle for black people, the struggle to bring full and genuine citizenship to our black brothers and sisters, is also a white struggle. A nation that can purge itself will be a richer, freer and fairer country than one where the white majority clings to those fleeting public and psychological wages that are garnered from black blood, sweat and tears.
lol at the leaks. this is so frustrating. i'm ready for mid november already or jan or whenever the end of this long, drawn out charade will end. just tell us that he's getting off and stop the bs.

smh. hopefully everybody is planning the response. because we don't need to let this go. at all.
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Up here in Privilegelandia, I have been trying to sell folks on the virtues of championing black rights. It sometimes works when I make an ethical appeal but the far more effective tactic is to explain how this Country's singular persecution and plunder of black people, poisons and infects our entire body politic.

Clearly the biggest victims of this country's war on blacks have been black people. Secondarily, white supremacy has warped the minds of white people and it has caused us to make counter productive decisions that have adversely affected white people.

In the 1770's, when we had the Declaration of Independence, most of our Founding Fathers were fairly young and idealistic and they possessed a genuinely democratic and egalitarian sprite. Their status as slave owners caused them to become increasing fond of oligarchy when they formed the Constitution in the late 18th Century. Their slave driven love of oligarchy caused them to neglect the common man in the early 19th Century. That slowed the growth of our economy for decades.

In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, labor organization was stopped and turned back due in large part to racial division. White people, North and South, Anglo or immigrant, hated black people more than they hated poverty. As Union soldiers left the South and they savagely abandoned black people, those same Federal regiments would be turned northward and they would butcher and murder and torture workers in the Midwest. White folks up North got to see black men and women thrown to the wolves of the KKK and it leads to the Pullman strikers being hanged, lynched by the American state, as a result of failing to stand with downtrodden blacks.

After the Second World War, we invested in ourselves and we created the greatest middle class the World had ever seen. We invested in everyone except for blacks. By the end of the 1970's, black folks finally had legal equality but the white elites would not give up. They escalated the Drug War and they declared that government is not the solution it is the instead the problem. The Drug War crushed blacks and our racist, scorched Earth economic policies since 1980, have punished the white middle class. Infrastructure, investment in higher education, full employment policies and reasonable financial regulation were ended in order to stick it to blacks but it ended up crushing plenty of whites.

Today, white fear of the black male body, has caused us to give far too much power to law enforcement. Following the usual pattern, black folks get harmed the most but police militarization is also slamming whites more and more.

The struggle for black people, the struggle to bring full and genuine citizenship to our black brothers and sisters, is also a white struggle. A nation that can purge itself will be a richer, freer and fairer country than one where the white majority clings to those fleeting public and psychological wages that are garnered from black blood, sweat and tears.

View media item 961452View media item 858014
I love how these leaks conveniently cover EVERY scenario and leave no room for questioning what happened. Only contrived stories can do that.

I think we all saw this coming, but actually seeing the jig take place right before your eyes is pretty crazy. They've had 2 months to fine tune their story to their advantage though, so this is expected I guess.
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I love how these leaks conveniently cover EVERY scenario and leave no room for questioning what happened. Only contrived stories can do that.

I think we all saw this coming, but actually seeing the jig take place right before your eyes is pretty crazy. They've had 2 months to fine tune their story to their advantage though, so this is expected I guess.


Even more frustrating is the 5-6 people who clearly saw the whole incident take place, having these "experts" who weren't even there telling them that their eyes were lying to them. I mean, if this were the other way around and there were a handful of people who clearly saw a black man shooting a white cop, he would've been arrested and charged that night (obviously). This whole thing is an insult to the people's intelligence and I'm just about over it. Let him walk so we don't have to sit here pretending that something will come of this.
I just don't understand how...

A person can HONESTLY think...

That a ***** GOT SHOT...



Turned around...


Like... How can peopleplay this out in their minds? White black purple green...

I don't care what color you are. How in the **** can someone honestly think that?

That makes absolutely no sense.
I wish the grand jury could see this post. This post makes the most sense! brown would be the first person ever in this world to get shot then run and turn away and run diorectly into
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Why is that the headline when the autopsy doesn't even reveal that :smh:


FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – A report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch this morning shows the official autopsy supports Ferguson officer Darren Wilson’s claim that Michael Brown struggled with him in his patrol vehicle, and that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot Aug. 9.

A forensic pathologist from San Francisco, Dr. Judy Melinek, says based on a bullet wound to Brown’s arm, Brown’s palms could not have been facing Wilson in the standard surrender position – with hands up and palms out – when he was shot, and Brown was falling forward or lunging when he was hit by the fatal shot to the top of his head.
 A source tells the Post-Dispatch that Wilson testified to the Grand Jury that when he tried to get out of his SUV to talk to Brown and his friend Dorian Johnson about the theft of cigarillos, Brown slammed the door shut and punched him in the face.  Wilson pulled his weapon, and Brown grabbed it. At one point, the barrel was pointed at Wilson’s hip, then a shot was fired hitting Brown’s hand.   Wilson says he then chased Brown, who turned and ran toward him. Wilson said “stop,” then fired. Brown kept coming, so Wilson fired several more shots.
this dont even make sense 

he shot him in the hand, in the car, then brown ran away, and then turned back around and ran back toward the car? 

FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOX) – A report by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch this morning shows the official autopsy supports Ferguson officer Darren Wilson’s claim that Michael Brown struggled with him in his patrol vehicle, and that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot Aug. 9.

A forensic pathologist from San Francisco, Dr. Judy Melinek, says based on a bullet wound to Brown’s arm, Brown’s palms could not have been facing Wilson in the standard surrender position – with hands up and palms out – when he was shot, and Brown was falling forward or lunging when he was hit by the fatal shot to the top of his head.

That's the only autopsy that says that... I still don't understand. I'm on mobile so is there maybe an autopsy picture that goes with the article im not seeing?

But 12 people are just making **** up huh? :smh:
Even if they don't indict dude he can never return to a normal life or even the police force. he will have to change his name and hide out and move out of state
Even if they don't indict dude he can never return to a normal life or even the police force. he will have to change his name and hide out and move out of state

He got 500k to retire on.

How many autopsys said the exact opposite?

St.louis has to chose wisely...you can't just kill a bunch of black people when they riot...and they will riot. AS SOON AS THE PROBLEMS ARISE NEAR SLU/downtown area...the cops will be trigger happy.
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