Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I take your word for it because you know him, and that explains why he acted that way for sure.
I was never debating him handling it like he did or even saying it was wrong, just stated I personally wouldn't have handled it the way he did, but I understand why he was so frustrated and aggressive after reading your post. Again, I wasn't trying to make a point that he should have complied and rolled over(definitely didn't know his history with the PD), I myself was disturbed by his actions as a Father with the 2 week old in the back, and also making the Mother to feel like she had to obstruct when she obviously cared about nothing but her Kid

 Did the people protest outside the WalMart and cause them to close, or did they group together and decide to stop shopping there for the time being?
I see what you're saying, I wasn't trying to prove you right or wrong. I was just trying to give a little insight on a situation I'm familiar with. Sometimes a little background can make all the difference in the world in a story.
^^^Yes I know. I was just commenting on the new info you provided. Dope post, for me anyway. Repped up
Must say the concept of what you said I understand but let's keep it funky. Any alternative to complying with an officer is going to yield more violent results. Yes it will look like you rolling over but what's the other option? Decline and they just walk away? Y'all know that ain't happening. It don't matter how wrong the cop is in a situation once you try to "be a real man" and fight back they gon put that baton on ya or shoot you and be justified.

These cops looking to antagonize and provoke you to make you act up just so they can say"I was defending myself" or "my life was threatened"
They didnt know the cop was going to be a a hole or did what he did because they used and excerised their RiGHTS
The world JUST sucks.

If I had a child in the car...I would be "yes sir/maam" and be on my way.

You DO have to pick your battles.

Very true, but according to @lfuqua3 this wasn't the first time he was harrassed by the cops.

The only difference in him getting out vs staying in the car is the obstruction charge. The officer knew who he was, knew he was going to pull him over, and knew he was going to search him. The warrants are irrelevant. They're driving under sus. and speeding from 06 or 07 from a city that won't come pick him up for it. Everybody involved knew that going in. The reason Stockett reacted that way is because he's always getting stopped by the police. He was stopped last month with the same woman, who was pregnant at the time, and made to stand on the side of the road while his car was searched for hours. Dude is fed up. He's getting harassed and he knows it. The problem is that when the spd deals with you they put you on their radar and f with you everytime they get bored. A cop got killed by one of his 'favorites' a few years back. Dude said he was fed up. That's their unwritten procedure for traffic stops. The only reason the cop is in trouble is because he got caught on tape. If Stockett would've complied with that unlawful request for id and then filed a complaint there would've been zero consequences for the cop

Why are they messing with him in the first place?

They were both charged with obstruction and released. It's messed up that this has been going on, but I'm kinda glad it was him. I only say that because he loves to talk and loves attention. He'll never let this go. He's speaking at a 'Know Your Rights' rally today in front of the police station

Good for him, maybe now they will let him and his girl live. When I first saw this vid last week, some comments stated it was because she is white and he is black. Any truth to that, since you said they stopped them often?

A traffic stop over allegedly not having headlights on when the sun is out turns into "you match a warrant description", drug dogs on deck, drug dogs "mark" the car, man and woman are threatened to be arrested, a 2 week old child is threatened to be taken away from the parents. Such a waste of money these cops are.

THis was a lose lose no matter what they decided to do. You can't trust these cops, and they come into the mix with a plan already. I would be scared if a cop pulls me over on some bs traffic violation, then proceeds to say I fit the description and bring in K-9s. That reeks of a set up.
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@Cobra Kai
Even beyond the political implications thereof, Walmart is a pretty poor consumer experience. The stores are always dirty, racks unfilled, with long lines at every time of day. The employees are generally surly and rude because they hate their jobs, and for that I don't blame them. Walmart clearly has no respect for their customers or their employees, so to hell with them.
Even beyond the political implications thereof, Walmart is a pretty poor consumer experience. The stores are always dirty, racks unfilled, with long lines at every time of day. The employees are generally surly and rude because they hate their jobs, and for that I don't blame them. Walmart clearly has no respect for their customers or their employees, so to hell with them.
All of this is truth and sums up my local Walmart stores perfectly.

Worst store ever.  I avoid it at all costs.  
i disagree but we can all have our own opinion

police just shooting ...they dont care who they hit 
"There is absolutely no evidence, none, that's in the least bit credible, that Officer Weekley knowingly created a danger or, more importantly, intended to cause injury,"

So did Myers shoot at the off duty cop or not? Obviously the cops say he did, but are there any other eyewitnesses who saw him do so?

I only ask because if he did fire at the cop, I can't say that I expect the cop to just sit back and do nothing. That said, I hate that dudes walking down the street doing nothing are suspects to many cops. These dudes create unnecessary conflicts because of their prejudices and folks end up dead because of them. Sickening.
I'm a lil biased to the whole thing, dude they were looking for had just killed my lil cousin that's why they were at his crib. He responsible for both them deaths IMO
Ferguson Panel at the Missouri History Museum.

Part One

Wednesday, October 15th

Ferguson Panel at the Missouri History Museum.

Part Two

Ferguson Panel at the Missouri History Museum.

Part Three

Ferguson Panel at the Missouri History Museum

Part Four

"Shooting at helicopters" :stoneface:

All the vines, live feeds, youtube videos, reporters, news cameras must have missed that. :rolleyes
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