Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

i think charles tryna run for office or something 
i think charles tryna run for office or something 
Who is he?

How does he get a platform to speak on issues as such through the media?

However, a guy like Dr. Cornel West is continually ostracized, as well as a handful of black political activists with the integrity to critically examine the issue at hand. Those are the individuals, well whatever is left of them, that should be given a platform through the media.

For the most part, that's why I hardly ever follow the narrative as given through corporate media outlets. The programmers know exactly what they're doing.
Who is he?

How does he get a platform to speak on issues as such through the media?

However, a guy like Dr. Cornel West is continually ostracized, as well as a handful of black political activists with the integrity to critically examine the issue at hand. Those are the individuals, well whatever is left of them, that should be given a platform through the media.

For the most part, that's why I hardly ever follow the narrative as given through corporate media outlets. The programmers know exactly what they're doing.

He's basically the Black Sarah Palin. An idiot that media gives a platform to make a fool of himself/herself.
It's open season on BLACK MEN
This is so Powerful.

This post is so dope man. One of the better ones I've seen in here.

The propaganda is real. This is one thing that was on my mind/heart when I touched on one persons actions affecting/reflecting on a whole group.

We've been painted as a certain type or  "thug" based on dress, actions, the way we speak and carry ourselves. 

This picture is being painted through as he said "the conduits of the media, radio, papers, SM".

When we fit the stereotype that has been laid out in these conduits, it becomes easy for America to accept things like what just happened with Ferguson.

The propaganda has laid the foundation for America to believe that Mike was a thug and was lawfully terminated.

I am not saying that you shouldn't be able to dress or speak or act in a certain manner.

I'm just understanding that when we do "dress urban" we fit the thug propaganda, when we "riot" we fit the thug propaganda. When we let journalists and reporters catch our "uneducated" on camera spewing nonsense that all whites are racist,  they have fulfilled their goal of getting America to view us in a negative light, in order to justify us being killed unlawfully and calling it lawful, and in turn they are experiencing little or no backlash at all for their crimes because the propaganda has justified it in mainstream America.

It's so deep, and we are so far behind, and I don't have the answer to get ahead of the curve, but the things I've seen over the course of the Ferguson incident as well as this thread gives me little to no indication that we are 1. Aware of how we are being played 2. Have the means  mindset to start a revolution or begin change.

We have to find a way to change this, and it's going to take time. I said earlier I don't have the answer to get ahead of the curve, BUT I do believe it can start (in this instance) with minding who is elected as our town officials, which becomes something as simple as voting.

Reporter slams Derrick Rose for ‘I Can’t Breathe’ shirt, thinks NBA player is inarticulate

What I find amazing in American sports is how athletes are considered role models until they speak up; personally, I think we need more Mohamed Alis and less Michael Jordans

Well really this isn't something they should be involved in. Lots of if and ands about this situation. It's a very touchy subject

I mean really I don't know what to think. White people get killed to. Just few days ago cops killed a white person in Hollywood, so people can't really say, it's murder season on blacks

Alot of people fail to understand this. I mean if your going to fight for a black person dying unjusited7to citizens then fight for that white person dying a well..

Since brown murder there have been 3 whites killed by the police that I heard of. Why isn't nobody fighting for them as well.

There have been a black officer that killed a white person and he did not get indicted so pepper can't say if it was a black cop vs white he would be indicted because that isn't true and this is a fact

Basically blacks need to get it together and quit commiting lots of stupid crime. Whites do it a well but lacks to be so low in population in the USA commit crime at a very high rate or it may be the police just mess with us more

If Obama wanted to solve this issue he should hire and assemble a under over team of blacks and maybe whites of different looks to go out drive around, walk in a white neighborhood at night and report back how the cops handled the situation or if they arrest blacks more then whites

He would have first hand knowledge of the situation and can act accordingly on the situation . Really this is all it will take. Assemble a undercover team of people to see first hand how different rates especially are treat or issues handled by coos

Hispanic population is lager then blacks here, why aren't they complaining. It's because they rarely commit crime or are violent plus they stick together and look out for each have other

I can go on and on,but we have to change ourselves as blacks. Now their are alot if good blacks there are alot of bad blacks there alot of good and bad whites, Hispanics here I rarely here of them committing crime and there population is larger then blacks. It may be because alot our illegal and try to stay under the radar, who knows

But whatever
What's voting gonna do when the ones running have their own agenda. It's a catch 22; you vote, you still lose.
Well really this isn't something they should be involved in. Lots of if and ands about this situation. It's a very touchy subject

I mean really I don't know what to think. White people get killed to. Just few days ago cops killed a white person in Hollywood, so people can't really say, it's murder season on blacks

Alot of people fail to understand this. I mean if your going to fight for a black person dying unjusited7to citizens then fight for that white person dying a well..

Since brown murder there have been 3 whites killed by the police that I heard of. Why isn't nobody fighting for them as well.

There have been a black officer that killed a white person and he did not get indicted so pepper can't say if it was a black cop vs white he would be indicted because that isn't true and this is a fact

Basically blacks need to get it together and quit commiting lots of stupid crime. Whites do it a well but lacks to be so low in population in the USA commit crime at a very high rate or it may be the police just mess with us more

If Obama wanted to solve this issue he should hire and assemble a under over team of blacks and maybe whites of different looks to go out drive around, walk in a white neighborhood at night and report back how the cops handled the situation or if they arrest blacks more then whites

He would have first hand knowledge of the situation and can act accordingly on the situation . Really this is all it will take. Assemble a undercover team of people to see first hand how different rates especially are treat or issues handled by coos

Hispanic population is lager then blacks here, why aren't they complaining. It's because they rarely commit crime or are violent plus they stick together and look out for each have other

I can go on and on,but we have to change ourselves as blacks. Now their are alot if good blacks there are alot of bad blacks there alot of good and bad whites, Hispanics here I rarely here of them committing crime and there population is larger then blacks. It may be because alot our illegal and try to stay under the radar, who knows

But whatevrr

I don't mean this in an offensive way but how old are you?
What's voting gonna do when the ones running have their own agenda. It's a catch 22; you vote, you still lose.
I think it could help at a State Level for sure. (Elect a proper Sheriff that can enforce or promote an equal law)

Nothing is fixing the problems tomorrow and this is why comments like "why vote it  makes no difference" are given life.

At a Higher level voting becomes more irrelevant in cases like this.

Like anything when building, you start from the bottom and go up.

Voting for your State Officials (in my eyes anyway) have a lot of power for they are in your community and make a difference there.

People voted for Obama because he was Black

Like he was going to eradicate racism in his first day.

Ask 10 Blacks how they feel about Obama today, and 7 will say **** Obama, but couldn't tell you why.

I personally believe the President enforces a propaganda already in place so it's a void position that means nothing.

The Presidents who want change or have went against the propaganda were assassinated.
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I don't mean this in an offensive way but how old are you?
Man, that was hard to read.

I know I have some controversial opinions and not many agree with me so maybe I don't have a lot of room to criticize his post, but I'm not sure if he was serious or not with that.


I shouldn't have said any of that. My bad @Superb, sincerely.
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Reporter slams Derrick Rose for ‘I Can’t Breathe’ shirt, thinks NBA player is inarticulate

What I find amazing in American sports is how athletes are considered role models until they speak up; personally, I think we need more Mohamed Alis and less Michael Jordans

They want to scare you in to silence. That's what they tried to do with the Rams players. They don't want more athletes realizing their power and speaking up, because it makes them uncomfortable.

Mike Ditka was saying the same thing. I don't think they know what they're doing :smh:

Why don't they? They have a better understanding than he does, because they're young and black. Why wouldn't they know what's going on? Because they're athletes, or because they're black athletes?

What aren't they understanding? What happen with the incidents or how they're upsetting the white power structure?
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They want to scare you in to silence. That's what they tried to do with the Rams players. They don't want more athletes realizing their power and speaking up, because it makes them uncomfortable.

Mike Ditka was saying the same thing. I don't think they know what they're doing :smh:

Why don't they? They have a better understanding than he does, because they're young and black. Why wouldn't they know what's going on? Because they're athletes, or because they're black athletes?

What aren't they understanding? What happen with the incidents or how they're upsetting the white power structure?

These athletes probably have their own negative personal experiences with law enforcement and know more about the issue than many of the people criticizing them. I'm not trying to criticize Mike Ditka but I doubt he knows about how law enforcement treat minorities in this country.
They want to scare you in to silence. That's what they tried to do with the Rams players. They don't want more athletes realizing their power and speaking up, because it makes them uncomfortable.

Mike Ditka was saying the same thing. I don't think they know what they're doing :smh:

Why don't they? They have a better understanding than he does, because they're young and black. Why wouldn't they know what's going on? Because they're athletes, or because they're black athletes?

What aren't they understanding? What happen with the incidents or how they're upsetting the white power structure?

That's exactly what they mean. :smh:

It's another way of saying don't bite the hand that feeds you... boy.
"Why don't Black people protest Black on Black crime instead on Cop on Black brutality."

Probably the dumbest argument and ignorant comment I hear.

Agree 100 percent. People have been protesting and fighting against crime in minority areas for years. That story isn't carried or talked about in the media. That's like us asking why white people aren't protesting school shootings.
Agree 100 percent. People have been protesting and fighting against crime in minority areas for years. That story isn't carried or talked about in the media. That's like us asking why white people aren't protesting school shootings.

It's funny, though. These comments are from people that I considered smart and known (not really friends) for years.

What gets me really upset is how people are criticizing the protestors. Are there rules to Civil Disobedience that I'm not aware of? I'm in Miami right now and all I heard over the weekend was how people were upset about the traffic to Art Basel. Sorry (not sorry) your apathetic yuppie lives are temporarily interrupted due to something bigger than an art show.

When there is looting = "Violence isnt the answer"
Stopping traffic non-violently = "There are other ways to protest"

When people protest overseas for a perceived injustice nobody complains how people protest, but when it hits home, there are rules. ****OH.

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Well really this isn't something they should be involved in. Lots of if and ands about this situation. It's a very touchy subject

I mean really I don't know what to think. White people get killed to. Just few days ago cops killed a white person in Hollywood, so people can't really say, it's murder season on blacks

Alot of people fail to understand this. I mean if your going to fight for a black person dying unjusited7to citizens then fight for that white person dying a well..

Since brown murder there have been 3 whites killed by the police that I heard of. Why isn't nobody fighting for them as well.

There have been a black officer that killed a white person and he did not get indicted so pepper can't say if it was a black cop vs white he would be indicted because that isn't true and this is a fact

Basically blacks need to get it together and quit commiting lots of stupid crime. Whites do it a well but lacks to be so low in population in the USA commit crime at a very high rate or it may be the police just mess with us more

If Obama wanted to solve this issue he should hire and assemble a under over team of blacks and maybe whites of different looks to go out drive around, walk in a white neighborhood at night and report back how the cops handled the situation or if they arrest blacks more then whites

He would have first hand knowledge of the situation and can act accordingly on the situation . Really this is all it will take. Assemble a undercover team of people to see first hand how different rates especially are treat or issues handled by coos

Hispanic population is lager then blacks here, why aren't they complaining. It's because they rarely commit crime or are violent plus they stick together and look out for each have other

I can go on and on,but we have to change ourselves as blacks. Now their are alot if good blacks there are alot of bad blacks there alot of good and bad whites, Hispanics here I rarely here of them committing crime and there population is larger then blacks. It may be because alot our illegal and try to stay under the radar, who knows

But whatever

this post is awful on soo many levels
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