Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

voting happened yesterday...good to see the people get out there and vote...

Ferguson voters make history and increase turnout

residents in Ferguson, Mo. Tuesday elected two black city council members, transforming the political body's racial composition after months of protests over racial profiling and police brutality.

One sitting black member of the council was not up for re-election. When the two new African-American council members take their seats it will be the first time that blacks have controlled half of the council, despite the fact that two-thirds of the city's 21,000 residents are black.

Demonstrations gave way to increased civic activism with 29% of eligible voters casting more than 3,700 ballots. That's more than double the 12% of eligible voters that came out for last April's mayoral election.

Since the shooting death last summer of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white police officer, activists in the St. Louis suburb have implored people to vote. That message came through Tuesday as voters elected Wesley Bell, who is black, in Ward 3, Ella Jones, who is also black, in Ward 1, and Brian Fletcher, who is white, in Ward 2.

"We need more representation because you have to understand the culture of the people and you need to understand how to interact with people," Jones said.

A Justice Department report last month confirmed a broad pattern of biased policing in the city that singled out African Americans for excessive arrests and harsh punishment. Mayor James Knowles, who is white, holds the seventh seat on the council. He is not up for re-election.

Eric Fey, St. Louis County director of elections, said he was pleased with the turnout but is cautious about whether future elections will have such results.

"I think it's a shame that it took all the events and attention for people to come out and vote for their city council," Fey said. "Only time will tell if people remain engaged."

Bell, 40, a criminal justice instructor and municipal judge, will represent the the neighborhood where Brown, 18, died. He said he will focus on community policing, changing the city's court system and spurring economic development.

"We need to double down and implement policing where departments are part of the community and not distant from the community," Bell said.

Jones, who was a sales director for Mary Kay for 20 years, said she wants to give residents more opportunities to voice their concerns through town hall meetings and wants to look into ways to create jobs in the city.

Fletcher, 55, a former Mayor of Ferguson and a 30-year-resident of the city, says Ferguson needs stability and "normalcy" after months of protests. "It's been a very unsettling period," he said. "The citizens don't want to be in the headlines everyday. They want to go back to their day to day lives. "

Meanwhile, heavy rain and wind that swept through Ferguson Tuesday made some worry that the weather might deter people from voting. The weather slowed turnout early in the day, but turnout picked up later, Fey said. "Luckily we had no power outages, so the weather was only an irritant rather than a major issue," he said.

Throughout Tuesday, candidates offered residents free rides to the polls and volunteers went door to door to get out the vote.

Video of Fatal Police-Involved Shooting of Lavall Hall in Miami Gardens a 'Bombshell': Attorney

The attorney for the family of a man killed in a police-involved shooting in Miami Gardens said the video showing the incident is disturbing and contradicts the former chief of police's narrative of the shooting.
Glen Goldberg said the police dash camera video of the shooting of Lavall Hall was obtained by his family.
"I have been a lawyer here in Dade County for 43 years I have never seen anything on video like this in Dade County or around the United States," Goldberg said.
Miami Gardens Police said they were required to release the video to Hall's family but said they wouldn't comment further because it remains an open investigation.
Hall was shot and killed by officers in February after his mother called 911 for help with her son, who was schizophrenic. Former police chief Stephen Johnson said the officer opened fire after Hall attacked two officers with a broomstick.
Goldberg said the video contradicts Johnson's narrative.
"It is a bombshell, it does not corroborate what the City of Miami Gardens police chief had said," Goldberg said.
Goldberg is holding the video for the family, who is eager to release it, saying it will shed light on the actions of the police. The video is set to be released on Wednesday.
On Tuesday afternoon, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said in a letter to Goldberg that releasing the video could harm the criminal case involving the officers.
"Obviously our concern is that this potential contamination may compromise our common goal to seek the truth," her letter said, in part.
"It is our position that the practices and procedures employed by the City of Miami Gardens were far below the standards in our community," Goldberg said.
The family of Hall has already filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city and police department.
So every other genre is harmless? Why yall only feel like hip-hop is the problem?
people are ******ed b, i went to school wit kids that listened to heavy metal son, them mf's was making salt pentagrams in their basement and sacrificing squirrels and cats and ish. people are just weird man. idk how they listened to that mess and let it influence them
Facts. Most the kids who shot up schools did not have a Jay-Z playlist in their iTunes.

Video of Fatal Police-Involved Shooting of Lavall Hall in Miami Gardens a 'Bombshell': Attorney

The attorney for the family of a man killed in a police-involved shooting in Miami Gardens said the video showing the incident is disturbing and contradicts the former chief of police's narrative of the shooting.
Glen Goldberg said the police dash camera video of the shooting of Lavall Hall was obtained by his family.
"I have been a lawyer here in Dade County for 43 years I have never seen anything on video like this in Dade County or around the United States," Goldberg said.
Miami Gardens Police said they were required to release the video to Hall's family but said they wouldn't comment further because it remains an open investigation.
Hall was shot and killed by officers in February after his mother called 911 for help with her son, who was schizophrenic. Former police chief Stephen Johnson said the officer opened fire after Hall attacked two officers with a broomstick.
Goldberg said the video contradicts Johnson's narrative.
"It is a bombshell, it does not corroborate what the City of Miami Gardens police chief had said," Goldberg said.
Goldberg is holding the video for the family, who is eager to release it, saying it will shed light on the actions of the police. The video is set to be released on Wednesday.
On Tuesday afternoon, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said in a letter to Goldberg that releasing the video could harm the criminal case involving the officers.
"Obviously our concern is that this potential contamination may compromise our common goal to seek the truth," her letter said, in part.
"It is our position that the practices and procedures employed by the City of Miami Gardens were far below the standards in our community," Goldberg said.
The family of Hall has already filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city and police department.
miami gardens? oh no, this is the area im from. smh that rights next door to where i grew up and lived. miami gardens is not the hood either. ranges from your average middle class to the rich and famous. he had a broom, so ya shot him? a new standard needs to be put in place for police. if its decided they're guilty of gross misconduct, jail for 5 year minimum. you cant be a civil servant while terrorizing the civilians. its got to stop. its GOT TO STOP. remember the swat team being sent on us for clear water guns story a few posts ago? thats about 10 minutes from here including 200 stoplights. the story about police using black peoples mugshots as targets at the shooting range, another 10-15 minutes from here. smfh

Damn, that's sad, another Police White officer killing an innocent black man SMH RIP. I sort of want all police officers to wear body cameras for now on.

Why isn't Obama doing or saying anything when it comes to these shootings? Instead he's focusing on helping illegal immigrants as opposed to our own people already struggling.

Video of Fatal Police-Involved Shooting of Lavall Hall in Miami Gardens a 'Bombshell': Attorney

The attorney for the family of a man killed in a police-involved shooting in Miami Gardens said the video showing the incident is disturbing and contradicts the former chief of police's narrative of the shooting.
Glen Goldberg said the police dash camera video of the shooting of Lavall Hall was obtained by his family.
"I have been a lawyer here in Dade County for 43 years I have never seen anything on video like this in Dade County or around the United States," Goldberg said.
Miami Gardens Police said they were required to release the video to Hall's family but said they wouldn't comment further because it remains an open investigation.
Hall was shot and killed by officers in February after his mother called 911 for help with her son, who was schizophrenic. Former police chief Stephen Johnson said the officer opened fire after Hall attacked two officers with a broomstick.
Goldberg said the video contradicts Johnson's narrative.
"It is a bombshell, it does not corroborate what the City of Miami Gardens police chief had said," Goldberg said.
Goldberg is holding the video for the family, who is eager to release it, saying it will shed light on the actions of the police. The video is set to be released on Wednesday.
On Tuesday afternoon, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said in a letter to Goldberg that releasing the video could harm the criminal case involving the officers.
"Obviously our concern is that this potential contamination may compromise our common goal to seek the truth," her letter said, in part.
"It is our position that the practices and procedures employed by the City of Miami Gardens were far below the standards in our community," Goldberg said.
The family of Hall has already filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city and police department.
Been following this for a while.

Was going to go down there with Phil Agnew's Dream Defenders for solidarity.
Lol if Obama says anything about this ppl will say he's dividing the country

Dude's an obvious troll or just straight ignorant.

Anybody who has the audacity to question the existence of HBCU's or the need for alternative programming for people of color, amongst other things, needs a slap across the face.
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Lol if Obama says anything about this ppl will say he's dividing the country

It doesn't have to be about black and white that would propel a "divide". That's an issue with many people, it always has to be about black and white. He could add a new law that prevents police murderers from getting a pass. Should Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman, Michael Slater be indicted? I believe so, even if the judges find/found no significant evidence, they should still serve some time even if it's a year and have their records stamped.

It's pretty sad that when someone does not side with a Black victim he's automatically labeled a "SWS" or racist no matter what. That's not fair at all especially since they're pointing out their own (unbias) opinion like everyone else. That's pretty hypocrite to label someone as an "SWS" yet you don't even realize that you're just as the same level as a "SWS". And when they give out some statistics and some facts that you don't agree with, you just attack them or claim they're trolling. I was at a convenience store the other day, a black employee was sweeping, but when a couple black dudes came, the black employee would always stare at the black customers. I guess that black employee is racist too? I'm pretty sure there's some black folks out there who are quick to perceive someone as a thug.

People are still forgetting, we're still in a "White country" and sadly Whites will always get priority, the benefits, etc and there's not much we can do about it. The more minorities grow, the more racist these Whiteys will potentially become (though not all).
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It doesn't have to be about black and white that would propel a "divide". That's an issue with many people, it always has to be about black and white. He could add a new law that prevents police murderers from getting a pass. Should Darren Wilson, George Zimmerman, Michael Slater be indicted? I believe so, even if the judges find/found no significant evidence, they should still serve some time even if it's a year and have their records stamped.

It's pretty sad that when someone does not side with a Black victim he's automatically labeled a "SWS" or racist no matter what. That's not fair at all especially since they're pointing out their own (unbias) opinion like everyone else. That's pretty hypocrite to label someone as an "SWS" yet you don't even realize that you're just as the same level as a "SWS". And when they give out some statistics and some facts that you don't agree with, you just attack them or claim they're trolling. I was at a convenience store the other day, a black employee was sweeping, but when a couple black dudes came, the black employee would always stare at the black customers. I guess that black employee is racist too? I'm pretty sure there's some black folks out there who are quick to perceive someone as a thug.

People are still forgetting, we're still in a "White country" and sadly Whites will always get priority, the benefits, etc and there's not much we can do about it. The more minorities grow, the more racist these Whiteys will potentially become (though not all).

BREH...YESSS now youre getting it. Thats how bad it is, you have your OWN BLACK FOLK that will racially profile you as well. There are MANY black police just like this. you dont have to perpetuate white supremacy.
That video of the murder in Miami was just sad and disgusting...

The way the mayor turned his back on that morning mother without even answering her, without even acknowledging her is ice cold... dude turned around like she was being annoying.. Like she wasn't asking about her sons life..

They just take someone's life and feel they don't gotta answer to anybody.. Like they're Above the rest of us...
Every day I dislike pigs more and more man... Never trusted em but I'm starting to feel the same way about them as they do about me.. F em
Just watched the video a second time man and it's disgusting. There's already outrage worldwide, protesting, etc yet these Cops will still pull that trigger even after all that protesting and worldwide news of Darren Wilson, and among other Cop murderers? This man should get the death penalty, no trial necessary, period.

Here's what I wish could happen:

-Nation wide teaching and education that the Thug life ain't the right life. Similar to how women who had kids at early ages would educate young females not to pursue the same path. No running away from cops, and being obedient and understand that you have the right to not speak and have a free lawyer. Fighting the police will likely get you harmed.

-Nation wide education for police to use another method WITHOUT the use of a lethal force (gun). As well as cameras on cops that will only turn on if they are pursuing or encountering a potential dangerous situation that will turn on from the police headquarters, not by cops themselves.

-More strict gun laws and penalty.
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