Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

You wanting to ignore race is the problem. You clearly don't know how the executive branch works, you have to have approval by Congress for most if not all of those things you suggested due to funding alone. He's spoken out in support of officers county wife having mandatory body cameras but when it comes down to it, these are state and municipal entities, the feds can only do so much. It has to start organically in the individual communities.
If someone is bleeding, you stop it and then figure it out. Body cams will provide citizens protection from bad cops while re training and more stringent psychological evals are implemented. All you've discussed will be benefits in the long run.

No, I get it. It's needed (police cams) but I boil with hate at the thought that as a society, we aren't addressing the root causes of these issues we constantly face. I mean this has been going on for decades & it's getting worse & worse as the years go by.
I don't think its worse than in the past tbh. The difference everyone has a camera and its recorded more often. I also think body cams need to be maintained and monitored by third parties...
You wanting to ignore race is the problem. You clearly don't know how the executive branch works, you have to have approval by Congress for most if not all of those things you suggested due to funding alone. He's spoken out in support of officers county wife having mandatory body cameras but when it comes down to it, these are state and municipal entities, the feds can only do so much. It has to start organically in the individual communities.

I'm sorry but you just don't seem to understand what I'm saying at all man. It's like speaking to a hamster while it keeps running on his wheel and it ain't going anywhere. Race does not matter to much to me, we're all the same. You look at our blood, it's the same color. That's where your problem lies, you complain about racism, yet it's you that bring up race all the time (hypothetically speaking). It's slightly hypocrite. If you put race into the equation when it comes to Obama, the country will divide. This was always a Police Abuse to me. He doesn't have to acknowledge white vs black crimes. As long as it's fair new law, Congress can approve. Let me guess, you think Congress is all white and don't want to protect the black victims? That's your racist mentality if so. Yet Obama "Can legalize 5 million illegal immigrants?" which makes more of an impact in society. He wants to use our American tax dollars to aid them. I would rather use my tax dollars to aid the hood, and other damages in our community and give jobs to our American people.
Continue to ignore the component if you want to man that's on you. Clearly there are others that don't and are in positions of authority and influence. I know that Congress has opposed same near everything that Obama has proposed, that's a fact. The prison industrial complex is big business in this country, you're pretty naive to believe that they don't have lobbyists like every other major group in this country.

You don't see color? Congratulations, you're an proper human being but don't sit here and tell me or anyone else what they should be feeling out doing. Because you don't even grasp what's at the root of this systemic problem, but continue to cook.
President has had 8 years, 2 elected terms. From Zimmerman, to Darren Wilson, to now Michael Slager to many more cops abusing their power. He doesn't have to address the race issue. He can enforce more regulations and make law enforcement applications and processes of hiring more strict with more tests and standards. He is the commander in chief of our military and our law enforcement. The President is the "Most Powerful Person In the World" right? You have to read more on politics and any sort relevant of our government. I didn't say it was going to be easy but he should start or else there will be more people like you who complain about police abuse and brutality. This ain't no funny smart "oh blame the president" remark neither. Stop always thinking about race.

Obama has done that.

Everything from the My Brother's Keeper foundation, to requesting over 260 million to fund police body cameras, to signing the Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013, establishing the President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, and requested a review of the fed program to supply military equipment to local police departments. Hell he even reduced incarceration rates of minorities by eliminating the crack/cocaine sentencing gap.

But you know what Obama can't do? He can't eliminate the distrust between minorities and the police, he can't parent inner city kids, and he definitely can't turn racist whites.

Amazing how everybody expects Obama to solve everything. Look at yourself if you want to help fix the problem. Participate in police ride along programs so you know exactly the crap they have to deal with on a daily or volunteer and be a mentor at inner city youth organizations, or run for public office and get into the political process. Just last week a black 40 year old attorney just became one of Ferguson's city council members which is quite remarkable IMO.
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You wanting to ignore race is the problem. You clearly don't know how the executive branch works, you have to have approval by Congress for most if not all of those things you suggested due to funding alone. He's spoken out in support of officers county wife having mandatory body cameras but when it comes down to it, these are state and municipal entities, the feds can only do so much. It has to start organically in the individual communities.

I'm sorry but you just don't seem to understand what I'm saying at all man. It's like speaking to a hamster while it keeps running on his wheel and it ain't going anywhere. Race does not matter to much to me, we're all the same. You look at our blood, it's the same color. That's where your problem lies, you complain about racism, yet it's you that bring up race all the time (hypothetically speaking). It's slightly hypocrite. If you put race into the equation when it comes to Obama, the country will divide. This was always a Police Abuse to me. He doesn't have to acknowledge white vs black crimes. As long as it's fair new law, Congress can approve. Let me guess, you think Congress is all white and don't want to protect the black victims? That's your racist mentality if so. Yet Obama "Can legalize 5 million illegal immigrants?" which makes more of an impact in society. He wants to use our American tax dollars to aid them. I would rather use my tax dollars to aid the hood, and other damages in our community and give jobs to our American people.

Congress won't even approve a law that allows women that have been raped and impregated to abort the fetus.

Stop talking outta your *** dude.
View media item 1484109


On Saturday April 4th, Feidin Santana was on the phone, walking to work in North Charleston, South Carolina when an event that would soon grip the nation happened just a few feet away from his path. Knowing what we know now - that Officer Michael Slager murdered Walter Scott in cold blood and attempted to frame him by planting a stun gun on him, it's increasingly clear that Feidin Santana acted with extreme bravery when he filmed what turned out to be the worst thing he's ever witnessed.

Now, Feidin has real concerns for his own safety,

"I won't deny that I knew the magnitude of this, and I even thought about erasing the video," Santana said in an interview on MSNBC's "All In With Chris Hayes" Wednesday.

"I felt that my life, with this information, might be in danger. I thought about erasing the video and just getting out of the community, you know Charleston, and living some place else," the 23-year-old said. "I knew the cop didn't do the right thing."

In an interview with TODAY's Matt Lauer on Thursday, Santana said: "I'm still scared."

"I say life changed in a matter of seconds. I never thought this would happen, that I would be a witness," he told TODAY's Matt Lauer in an exclusive interview Thursday. "I'm still scared."

Before the public ever saw the video, Felix went to the police station to turn it in, but was ignored. After seeing that the police were telling lies in the media about the shooting, he found the family and gave the video over to them.

"He wanted to see what reports were coming from the North Charleston Police Department because of the fact that they may have told the truth,” Walter Scott's brother told TIME on Wednesday. “And when they continued with the lies, he said, ‘I have to come forward.'”

Santana told MSNBC's Melvin that he read the police report and took issue with its account of what happened. Santana said that he went to the police station following the shooting to inform them that he had witnessed and recorded it. After being told to wait, Santana left without handing any information to the police after reconsidering the situation. Santana told Melvin that he didn't believe police would properly handle the video which prompted him to give it to Scott's family.

u wanna know whats bad about this from a psychological perspective? this is a civilian who saw a crime and reported it. he knows he did the right thing. its not even up for debate. BUT.... because the crime was committed by an officer, hes scared for his life from fear of retaliation. And what this means is... there is an intrinsic fear of the very people who are supposed to help you IN these exact situations. from a social standpoint, its so bad its satirical. Call the police when u see a crime...unless the police are committing the crime. Then just stay quiet, or else. So who will protect him from the police? The police? He has no official governing body to turn to for help right now. Cant even be placed in witness protection because hes a witness against the people handling witness protection. Thats terrifying.

But if we put our faith in the legal system it'll all be okay!

Really hate when white people tell miniorities how they should feel. You literally have NO clue. Its as ignorant as man telling a mother that childbirth isn't that painful...


Son said "complaining about racism" :lol: it's like it's an annoyance to some people to have to remember racism is a thing.
I don't think its worse than in the past tbh. The difference everyone has a camera and its recorded more often. I also think body cams need to be maintained and monitored by third parties...

In my experience, the police brutality is a lot worse & more common place. I have 14 years of hardcore experience volunteering in Baltimore City (in the cut). I've done everything from child/adult literacy, after school programs, running AA/NA meetings, drug treatment programs, soup kitchens, food banks, etc. Up to 30 hours a week on top of my full time job at the time.

I got to know all the local 5-0 for the areas I worked in. When I first started, there were only a handful of cops that were known to be bad apple, the kind that handed out beat downs, etc.

By the time I stopped volunteering hardcore, there were a ton more. Police brutality became a lot more common place & even bigger now.

My in-law is a former City police officer that retired years ago. He held positions like commandant of the police academy, ran vice, district commander. He said he wouldn't trust most cops today, especially the higher up you go. Back then he was asked to lower standards when hiring or passing candidates through the academy.

He says it's only gotten once since he left... He's not surprised at all with everything that's happening (the poor policing). He used to have to deal with a lot of ish being black & rising through the ranks.

A majority of these cops aren't invested in the communities they serve. They look at the people in these communities as animals & treat them as such.
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Whenever the @tampadudes and @ricohoods get to talking about black on black crime...

Point them to Chyemil Pierce...

You can google... But basically it was a gang shootout... She got clipped and died.

The community went to the authorities and got 5 dudes arrested in a matter of days...

Sad for the girl that got shot but props to the people for that, because I'm sure they're trying to weed them ****** out...

And it probably won't get national coverage because...


The dudes were IMMEDIATELY apprehended and will be given stiff penalty.

And because these dudes aren't sworn to protect citizens
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In my experience, the police brutality is a lot worse & more common place. I have 14 years of hardcore experience volunteering in Baltimore City (in the cut). I've done everything from child/adult literacy, after school programs, running AA/NA meetings, drug treatment programs, soup kitchens, food banks, etc. Up to 30 hours a week on top of my full time job at the time.

I got to know all the local 5-0 for the areas I worked in. When I first started, there were only a handful of cops that were known to be bad apple, the kind that handed out beat downs, etc.

By the time I stopped volunteering hardcore, there were a ton more. Police brutality became a lot more common place & even bigger now.

My in-law is a former City police officer that retired years ago. He held positions like commandant of the police academy, ran vice, district commander. He said he wouldn't trust most cops today, especially the higher up you go. Back then he was asked to lower standards when hiring or passing candidates through the academy.

He says it's only gotten once since he left... He's not surprised at all with everything that's happening (the poor policing). He used to have to deal with a lot of ish being black & rising through the ranks.

A majority of these cops aren't invested in the communities they serve. They look at the people in these communities as animals & treat them as such.

Our experiences differ greatly I'm afraid. Only difference between then, the 80's, to now IMO is the frequency in which the brutality is caught on tape. Not that it means anything because officers are still overwhelmingly exonerated in these cases.
You asked why are we caught up on race, but in your own post you said:
Why isn't Obama doing or saying anything when it comes to these shootings? Instead he's focusing on helping illegal immigrants as opposed to our own people already struggling.
Local police departments are more of a state legislation, but like has been said, he can enact things to stop with some of the funding and resources that the military was giving them at surplus.
 If you put race into the equation when it comes to Obama, the country will divide.
You don't think the US is like that already? We haven't had parties refuse to sign things in order, and cause millions of federal workers to get furloughed because they didn't want to work with him?

About the SC incident....

When you hear/read people saying that he shouldn't have ran

Makes me sick to think about how people can even try to rationalize what this man did to this guy.

I do agree with some saying that he is going to made an example of. Then they are going to try and act like they did us a favor and the past abuse and corruption should be forgiven because of him.
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Serious question folks...

Has anybody ever considered copping a bulletproof vest?

I know the chance of being shot is somewhat low, but obviously this kind of stuff is occurring.

People buy guns every day to be prepared for situations they'll probably never end up in. Doesn't seem too ridiculous to do the opposite.
Serious question folks...

Has anybody ever considered copping a bulletproof vest?

I know the chance of being shot is somewhat low, but obviously this kind of stuff is occurring.

People buy guns every day to be prepared for situations they'll probably never end up in. Doesn't seem too ridiculous to do the opposite.
no lie..my boy wrapped his newborn in one on NYE cause they were shooting.

I went to get dinner yesterday and there was a table, about 7 deep, of cops eating, and I got real uncomfortable. One of the pitfalls of living near a university is the influx of police that be chilling in your everyday spots. 
Continue to ignore the component if you want to man that's on you. Clearly there are others that don't and are in positions of authority and influence. I know that Congress has opposed same near everything that Obama has proposed, that's a fact. The prison industrial complex is big business in this country, you're pretty naive to believe that they don't have lobbyists like every other major group in this country.

You don't see color? Congratulations, you're an proper human being but don't sit here and tell me or anyone else what they should be feeling out doing. Because you don't even grasp what's at the root of this systemic problem, but continue to cook.

Bro, you do know there are Black people in Congress right?

Congress won't even approve a law that allows women that have been raped and impregated to abort the fetus.

Stop talking outta your *** dude.

Bro you joined in 2012, you're probably 16 without a high school diploma. Once you finish, then you can talk to me. Until then, pass your government class and learn to stop insulting people online. I know your fingers are hardcore warriors and all but what you say never helps.

You don't think the US is like that already? We haven't had parties refuse to sign things in order, and cause millions of federal workers to get furloughed because they didn't want to work with him?

Honestly, yea it has been like this already. Nation wide protesting has established this. If you guys never heard of any protesting, there wouldn't be 435 pages in this thread.

*there are black ppl that will hinder and do things to the detriment of other black ppl*

Cue the term "sell out"
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Where @blco02 and @TampaDude with their trollin now

Or has Fox News and Stromfront not come up with their talking points yet? :nerd:

Went on storm front and all they're saying is he shouldn't have ran...

I did see one dude try to say it was his radio and he was just throwing it down to free his hands up and check the body...

Also seen that the man took the taser, tried to shoot the cop, missed and started running...

I don't think blc is that stupid. :lol:
^^^^ Dem Stromfront boys brainstorming like crazy :lol:

-BTW, Stromfront has some of the best lulz on the internet once you realize that these clowns take everything they say seriously.

A couple times huge arguments have broken out about having a Asian wife being the pinnacle of white manliness. It like makes you a DBZ character

And then dudes proceeded to post pics of their Asian wives and girlfriends and assign themselves power levels based on how hot they themselves think she is

They were dead *** serious with this too :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
VA cops taze 17 yo suspected of smoking marijuana, after 17 yo request to have his mother present before giving consent to search his possession.

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