Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

It's a little more complicated than that, my man. That 70% statistics is what it is NOW, it wasnt a static number, it fluctuated to that.

So you agree on the current number, then. How do we solve this issue?

How about we find out which issues are cause by outside factors and not "just being black"

Do poor people have more babies out of wedlock? Aren't African American experiencing poverty at higher rates? Then maybe then we should stop disenfranchising the black community and help them build wealth.

What removes fathers from the household? Maybe going to jail is one thing? So maybe cops could stopping killing black suspects, targeting them for arrest, and unfairly sentencing them.

Another thing could be if the fathers and mothers had more economic opportunities then maybe that might help? So how about we stop kicking black folks outta there communities when rich people decide they like the real estate, and stop letting companies strip away job from black communities without any consequences.

You know what brings down the birthrate too? Education. So how about the nation make an effort to fix black schools, stop funneling resources to the white schools, then give the black schools better teachers, stop attracting aid/spending to standardized test, funneling black kids into special ed. and increase the financial aid for African American or maybe just low income college students. INSTEAD OF CUTTING PELL GRANTS LIKE THE RIGHT WING CONSTANTLY DEMANDS. Or we could offer free community college to everyone to help put pull themselves up like the president proposed.

But lets be serious here, you don't want to talk about any of that. You just want to be on some "why can't black people get it together "steez without ever talking about how past and current policies have hindered their progress
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i dont even understand why you keep providing entertainmen tofr the racist and trolls here.. Some of these racist or trolls or whatver is only 14,15 or 16 years old who dont know any better. Some of them never even been out of a suburb

You never know who your trying to argue with

the best way i can say to racist and trolls is if the cops killed ypour kid in a specific situiaon that you blame a black man fault for , who would you feel and be serious? Would you be mad and angry if your white kid being a kid took a pack of gum from the store and while walking home he gets angry trying to get away from cop and the cop shot him dead then leave your white kid body on the street under the hot sun for hours

me and you both know you guys would be heated calling for officials jobs
The key thing in all of this is that things did begin to change, legal segregation was ended, the CRA of 1964 got signed, unions started to open up to black people, red lining became less potent. The problems was that as the Great Post War Compact opened to black people, the more that white people started to dismantle that compact.

From 1960 through 1990 or so, a familiar pattern emerges. Black folks get good union jobs, we must destroy unions. Black folks are starting to get social security, we must start to weaken social security. Black families are moving into white neighborhoods, we must move further away from the city. Black people are starting to go to college, we must start raising tuition. Black people get into the middle class by getting government jobs, government is now the problem.

Essentially, folks like Reagan and Thatcher and Ayn Rand should love black people. Every where that black people go, it is political poison pill. White people, especially white ethnics and southerners would rather be poor than see to black people get to fully enjoy the benefits that America once conferred on white WWII vets and their children.

Second paragraph makes too much sense
That seems to be the general consensus. Solve the issue? Stop putting young Black men in jail drug/non-violent offenses.
Agreed.  The "War on Drugs" is not only a colossal failure and a waste of taxpayer dollars, it is institutionally racist.  But the PTB don't want legalization at the federal level, because there's too much easy $$$ being made prosecuting poor and nonviolent offenders, a disproportionate majority of which are black.  Low-hanging fruit tastes sweeter to the cops and the DA.

A telling statistic is that out of everyone who is stopped and searched by police, white people are caught with contraband at a higher rate per capita than black people.  The most likely cause of this phenomenon is that far more innocent black people are stopped and searched, skewing the numbers.

Unfortunately, once a young black man is in the "justice system" (an oxymoron if I ever heard one), it severely diminishes that man's ability to find steady and good-paying employment, and hinders his upward mobility, as well as makes him a less attractive prospect for marriage.  Blocked at every turn from lawful employment, many are forced to turn to drug dealing and other crimes, and the vicious cycle continues.
How about we find out which issues are cause by outside factors and not "just being black"

Do poor people have more babies out of wedlock? Aren't African American experiencing poverty at higher rates? Then maybe then we should stop disenfranchising the black community and help them build wealth.

What removes fathers from the household? Maybe going to jail is one thing? So maybe cops could stopping killing black suspects, targeting them for arrest, and unfairly sentencing them.

Another thing could be if the fathers and mothers had more economic opportunities then maybe that might help? So how about we stop kicking black folks outta there communities when rich people decide they like the real estate, and stop letting companies strip away job from black communities without any consequences.

You know what brings down the birthrate too? Education. So how about the nation make an effort to fix black schools, stop funneling resources to the white schools, then give the black schools better teachers, stop attracting aid/spending to standardized test, funneling black kids into special ed. and increase the financial aid for African American or maybe just low income college students. INSTEAD OF CUTTING PELL GRANTS LIKE THE RIGHT WING CONSTANTLY DEMANDS. Or we could offer free community college to everyone to help put pull themselves up like the president proposed.

But lets be serious here, you don't want to talk about any of that. You just want to be on some "why can't black people get it together "steez without ever talking about how past and current policies have hindered their progress
Good post.  Agreed.

I actually do want to talk about it, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here.

Please forgive me if I came across as racist.  I was just trying to have a rational discussion without animus.
Just to prove that white lives matter more than black and brown...

Media and the general public go out of their way to empathize with murderers, and vilify black and brown folks

For example: Adam Lanza: Sandhook SHOOTER
The report's authors say they "looked for any warning signs, red flags, or other lessons that could be learned from a review of AL's life," referring to Lanza. "This report cannot and does not answer the question of 'why' AL committed murder," the authors wrote.

Here are some of the disturbing things we learned about Lanza.

1.[table][tr][td]Lanza had a falling out with his "one and only friend" months before.[/td][/tr][/table]

Among the factors that may have caused Lanza "anxiety" before the shooting were the possibility of moving with his mother and a "falling out" with an unnamed friend.

"AL was acquainted with another adolescent that he played [video game Dance Dance Revolution] with on a regular basis," the report said. "They would meet a few times per month to either play the video game or go to the movies. AL and his friend talked about multiple topics, including computers, chimp society, human nature, morality, prejudice, and sometimes about his family. AL told his friend that he had a strained relationship with his mother."

Timeline of Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

"AL would sometimes talk with this friend about the topic of mental health or depression, though he never indicated that he was diagnosed with anything. He did tell his friend that mental health issues were not a reflection of the character of a person, but were symptoms of something else going on inside a person," the report said.

"AL and the friend also talked about their interest in mass murderers or serial killers, but this was just considered to be a mutual morbid interest," the report said. "Both he and his acquaintance liked horror movies."

But in June 2012, Lanza "and his primary acquaintance had a falling out and stopped spending time together," the report said, "after a dispute over a movie."


Barcroft Media via Getty Images

2.[table][tr][td]His "social-emotional" challenges increased after fourth grade.[/td][/tr][/table]

Lanza was referred for special education preschool services at age 2.

"[Lanza] was presented with significant developmental challenges from earliest childhood, including communication and sensory difficulties, socialization delays, and repetitive behaviors," the report states. "He was seen by the New Hampshire 'Birth to Three' intervention program when he was almost three years old and referred for special education preschool services."

Watch: Sandy Hook Shooter's Father Describes How Adam Lanza Changed

Early in the fourth grade, Lanza left the special education program because he had "met all speech goals," the report states.

During Lanza's early elementary school years, his parents still lived together in the family home in Sandy Hook, but they separated in 2002 when Lanza was in the fifth grade.

"[Lanza] was described by some as seeming happy, smiling, and participating in community and school activities," the report states. "At the same time, however, more red flags for developmental and mental health concerns remained or emerged. AL began perseverative hand washing, avoiding contact with other people, and becoming increasingly fearful. By fifth grade, AL had written and submitted 'The Big Book of Granny' — a significant and violent text — and following that school year, his struggles began to escalate."


Peter Foley/EPA

3.[table][tr][td]His preoccupation with violence may have been "largely unaddressed."[/td][/tr][/table]

The report raises questions about how there may have been missed opportunities with Lanza, including whether his family's wealth and race were factors.

"Would [Lanza's] caregivers’ reluctance to maintain him in school or a treatment program have gone under the radar if he were a child of color?" the report asks.

Lanza's mother transferred him to a Catholic school for the fourth quarter of seventh grade.

"A teacher at the school later reported that he presented very differently from the other children," the report states.

Schools Helped Newton Shooter's Mom 'Appease' Him

Newtown Shooter Lanza Had Sensory Processing Disorder

According to the teacher's account in the report, he had "very distinct anti-social issues."

"AL would write ten pages obsessing about battles, destruction and war. I have known 7th grade boys to talk about things like this, but AL’s level of violence was disturbing. I remember showing the writings to the principal at the time, AL’s creative writing was so graphic that it could not be shared," the teacher's account in the report states.

"It was not the primary purpose of this investigation to explicitly examine the role of guns in the Sandy Hook shootings," the report said. "However, the conclusion cannot be avoided that access to guns is relevant to an examination of ways to improve the public health. Access to assault weapons with high capacity magazines did play a major role in this and other mass shootings in recent history."

The report states, "[Lanza] and his parents did not appear to seek or participate in any mental health treatment after 2008."


Julio Cortez/AP Photo

4.[table][tr][td]While he may have been described as "gifted," his cognitive abilities may have been just "average."[/td][/tr][/table]

On Oct. 24, 2006, almost a year after a community psychiatrist first evaluated Lanza, he was seen at the Yale Child Study Center by a clinical psychiatrist, the report states. "The evaluation was purportedly to determine if AL had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in the context of a putative diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome."

The report details how his parents said that their son was "angry" about having to go to Yale and he refused treatment.

"The Yale APRN [Advanced Practice Registered Nurse], in a present day interview, offered her view that AL may not, in fact, have had an Autism Spectrum Disorder, but rather that he suffered from disabling anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder," the report states.

More Highlights From Report on Sandy Hook Shooter

Meanwhile, the report indicates his parents may have had difficulty accepting his disabilities.

"While it is not uncommon for parents to struggle to identify and accept their child as suffering a disabling impairment, the Yale Child Study Center clinicians who evaluated and treated AL felt that his parents, and certainly his mother, may have had greater than average difficulty with accepting the extent of AL’s disabilities," the report states. "Yale did not think that AL was gifted and unique, pointing to the average cognitive abilities captured by the school’s psychological testing."

"Adam Lanza's parents (and the school) appeared to conceptualize him as intellectually gifted, and much of [his] high school experience catered to his curricular needs," the report said. "In actuality, psychological testing performed by the school district in high school indicated AL’s cognitive abilities were average."


Western Connecticut State University/AP Photo

5.[table][tr][td]Why Lanza and his father had a "falling out."[/td][/tr][/table]

Lanza stopped responding to his father's emails around 2010, the report states.

"After AL began declining to spend time with Mr. Lanza, Mr. Lanza would regularly send emails to him asking him how he was doing," the report states. "He asked AL to join him at events or other activities they had previously enjoyed, including arcades, shooting ranges, or coin shows."

Sandy Hook Gunman's Father Wishes Son Was Never Born

The "falling out" may have had to do with Lanza's desire to take college courses at Norwalk Community College, the report states.

"AL wanted to carry a full course load but Mr. Lanza said he couldn’t handle that and wasn’t being realistic," the report states. "This may have been the last time that AL and Mr. Lanza actually spoke or emailed reciprocally. Mr. Lanza continued to let AL know that he wanted to see him."
Mike Brown: Unarmed Victim
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Michael Brown, the teenager who was shot and killed by a Missouri police officer in August, could have avoided his fate “if he behaved like something other than a thug
Brown was shot for being a thief and a thug. Give the officer a medal,' Katie Hopkins tweeted Tuesday. Despite her comments earning a slew of anger and criticism, Hopkins has not backed down but has instead potentially added more fuel to the flames by tweeting about Brown again on Wednesday.
They're countless other accounts from news outlets and social media that show how backwards this country still is but my battery is about to die and I can't find my charger.

MSNBC did it's best to show empathy, but other outlets like CNN went with the thug narrative.
The media apparently cares more about 20 white kids in Connecticut who were murdered all at once than 200 black kids in Chicago who were murdered one at a time. One is a tragedy, and the other is a faceless statistic.
Aaron B Brown ‏ 

So #Ferguson protesters took down a judge, the city manager, the police chief and doubtless the mayor will be next.
Not bad kids not bad :smile:
This is where the media, protests and vigilance make changes happen.
People may hate the media, but without it, Ferguson would of been another black body swept under the rug
I'm tryna find more I do but not too much has been released
It happened during a protest outside the police station
According to people who were out there, the shots didn't come from the direction of where the protesters were. Not that the media would care about that. They're going to run with this story for the next month.
Damb, hope those cops make it

This isn't in anyway ok
I'm not Sayin its ok
did they show sympathy when they were firing into peaceful protest crowds
When this whole mess started
Did they show sympathy when they were writing racist emails
Or pulling over folks for being black
I repeat its not ok
But I feel indifferent about it
That situation could've got real ugly. :smh:

According to people who were out there, the shots didn't come from the direction of where the protesters were. Not that the media would care about that. They're going to run with this story for the next month.

CNN is reporting it via witnesses over the phone.
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