Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

thats not how it works. Just because its a rifle doesnt mean its an instant kill.
The common round for rifles such as ar15 are 223, which is the same diameter as a 22. 9mm bullets are much larger than 223
And have more stopping power because they expand in the body. Rifle rounds depending on caliber will penetrate.

surprised someone in Furgeson has a scoped rifle?
Heres mine
aware of all of that. my logic was...if theyre shooting something tht can hit accurately at 75-100 yards, it must be a good rifle, not some wanton bought it at walmart ish. the likelihood of a round carrying enough speed to hit accurate 75+ yards out IN THE FACE...but not hard enough to give a life threatening injury is pretty small. regardless of load or caliber. so...if that helmet up there is what that guy was wearing then it makes sense why its non-life threatening. but u get hit from a high-powered rifle in the face? at the very least ur gonna have a VERY bad day. 22, 223, .306, .300, 5.56 or higher...
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I have a marlin 795 that could make these shots all day with a dirty barrel. (150 dollar rifle)

100 yds is within .22 and anything larger kill radius
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aware of all of that. my logic was...if theyre shooting something tht can hit accurately at 75-100 yards, it must be a good rifle, not some wanton bought it at walmart ish. the likelihood of a round carrying enough speed to hit accurate 75+ yards out IN THE FACE...but not hard enough to give a life threatening injury is pretty small. regardless of load or caliber. so...if that helmet up there is what that guy was wearing then it makes sense why its non-life threatening. but u get hit from a high-powered rifle in the face? at the very least ur gonna have a VERY bad day. 22, 223, .306, .300, 5.56 or higher...
lol they didnt get shot in the head. It was face and shoulder. Those type of wounds are usually not life threatening. As more news is released you can see I was correct. I scoped file was used.
I figured this out as soon as I saw the vid cause im about the gun life :smokin
lol they didnt get shot in the head. It was face and shoulder. Those type of wounds are usually not life threatening. As more news is released you can see I was correct. I scoped file was used.
I figured this out as soon as I saw the vid cause im about the gun life
not the head...just the face? im not understanding the logic, does face not count as the head anymore? srs. i never saw the vid but he musta got grazed. no way he got smashed in the face and its not life-threatening. his street name can be 51 cents tho
I have a marlin 795 that could make these shots all day with a dirty barrel. (150 dollar rifle)

100 yds is within .22 and anything larger kill radius
exactly! u can be killed from a round that has enough speed to accurately travel that far. i dont see how dude gets nailed in the face and its not even life threatening????
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not the head...just the face? im not understanding the logic, does face not count as the head anymore? srs. i never saw the vid but he musta got grazed. no way he got smashed in the face and its not life-threatening. his street name can be 51 cents tho
So by all your posts on the subject, you're going with a 22 handgun.
Ill stick with my scoped rifle at 100 yards. And as you can see by the reports, its leaning more towards what im guessing.

So now what?
So supposedly it was a 40 cal handgun...

take this with a grain of salt...this guy is kind of a wing nut...

View media item 1444779
this is the map of where they found the gun casings...
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So by all your posts on the subject, you're going with a 22 handgun.
Ill stick with my scoped rifle at 100 yards. And as you can see by the reports, its leaning more towards what im guessing.

So now what?

No no. I don't want to be misunderstood. I'm saying I don't understand how someone gets hit with a rifle round in the face and it's not life threatening. And it suggests he either got grazed or it wasn't a rifle. I can't say what it was. I'm just floored at the thought of getting hit in the face with a rifle round and it not being serious
The guy probably just shot at the group of officers (a big target even from far away) and got lucky. Doubt he was aiming specifically at the two cops that got hit.
Just to prove that white lives matter more than black and brown...

Media and the general public go out of their way to empathize with murderers, and vilify black and brown folks

For example: Adam Lanza: Sandhook SHOOTER

Mike Brown: Unarmed Victim

They're countless other accounts from news outlets and social media that show how backwards this country still is but my battery is about to die and I can't find my charger.

MSNBC did it's best to show empathy, but other outlets like CNN went with the thug narrative.
Trying to find out why someone did something does not equal empathizing with them.

Of course, this story can now take one of two very different directions, depending upon the race of the shooter.

He's Jeffrey Williams, black, 20 years old. Confirmed to be a local resident and had taken part in the protests.

Waiting for conspiracy theorists to say they don't believe it in 3,2,1...
Trying to find out why someone did something does not equal empathizing with them.

By your logic: it's ok to find a reason why a white shooter killed kids or shot up a movie theater

So you agree with making black VICTIMS villain?
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By your logic: it's ok to find a reason why a white shooter killed kids or shot up a movie theater

So you agree with making black VICTIMS villain?
Of course it's okay, because we might be able to prevent at least some future mass shootings.  That would be a very good thing, don't you agree?

As far a making black victims the villain, of course not, if they are truly victims, as opposed to being shot and killed after violently assaulting a police officer and trying to take his sidearm.

Guess what?  The Michael Brown shooting was justified, AND the Ferguson Police Department is corrupt and racist.  YAY!  Everyone was right!

Now, can we all work on solving the endless chicken-and-egg problem of crime, poverty, and broken families in the black community?
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He's Jeffrey Williams, black, 20 years old. Confirmed to be a local resident and had taken part in the protests.

Waiting for conspiracy theorists to say they don't believe it in 3,2,1...
The media is crying their eyes out over the fact that the shooter is black.  Now they don't have any racism angle to hype regarding the shooting.

Newsflash, CNN, MSNBC, etc...it's not always about racism...most of the time it's just some idiot criminal breaking the law and hurting people, and skin color doesn't factor into the equation.
Of course it's okay, because we might be able to prevent at least some future mass shootings.  That would be a very good thing, don't you agree?

As far a making black victims the villain, of course not, if they are truly victims, as opposed to being shot and killed after violently assaulting a police officer and trying to take him sidearm.

Guess what?  The Michael Brown shooting was justified, AND the Ferguson Police Department is corrupt and racist.  YAY!  Everyone was right!

Now, can we all work on solving the endless chicken-and-egg problem of crime, poverty, and broken families in the black community?

Another reason why Florida needs the bugs treatment.

Blocked. Not gonna try to engage in debate with race baiters trying to mask their racism.
Seriously though if the entirety of Hillborough county (sans St Augustine) and Polk county and really everything outside of greater Jacksonville area, Orlando, PCB, Destin, and the South FL beaches could be eliminated from Florida, it would be such a better state. Nothing but a bunch of clowns there. 
Seriously though if the entirety of Hillborough county (sans St Augustine) and Polk county and really everything outside of greater Jacksonville area, Orlando, PCB, Destin, and the South FL beaches could be eliminated from Florida, it would be such a better state. Nothing but a bunch of clowns there. 

Your lack of knowledge regarding the geography of Florida is laughable.
St. AUGUSTINE? In Hillsborough County? LOLWUT???
Trying to take his firearm :rofl:

Literally all you gotta do is murk a black person then just be like "he tried to take my gun" and that's it...it's like its fact
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"The shooter is black." Doesn't mean a ******* thing. Doesn't take away from the fact that for 1 "black-on-white" hate crime there's probably like 5 "white-on-black" hate crimes. Stop trying to justify the ****** up behavior of some of these white folks just because "black people do it too."

The lack of logic and understand from some people blows my damn mind.
Your lack of knowledge regarding the geography of Florida is laughable.
St. AUGUSTINE? In Hillsborough County? LOLWUT???

It's right by Tampa. My point still stands. The entire middle of the state from the panhandle to Palm Bch country could be wiped id the map and we'd all new better for it.
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