Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I would love to have Ted Cruz as our next president. What a great man and patriot that guy is. Let me guess, you're standing in line to vote for Elizabeth "fake Native American" Warren or Bernie Sanders the socialist as we speak.

I don't expect you guys to have any idea what I'm talking about, just google it. Please educate yourselves before you vote another radical left wing candidate into office again.

View media item 1411832
-And you're a birther :rofl:
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No I'm not. Just playing around. Trying to lighten some of the tension in here.

Brah everybody in here as marked you as a white supremacist.

Only way to lighten the tension is to stop posting. But keep on cooking it you want, that's your right.

But Ted Cruz as president was lulz though, thanks for that thought brah. :lol:

Hilldawg gonna wash anyone you'll throw up there. Only a scandal can save your side
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Cruz wasn't born in the US.
That didn't stop Obama
cruz's party claims it should have though
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Brah everybody in here as marked you as a white supremacist.

Only way to lighten the tension is to stop posting.

But Ted Cruz as president was lulz though, thanks for that thought brah. :lol:

It's clear you want me to stop posting. Guess what. Not gonna happen. Just like a good little liberal nazi, you want all speech non comforming to your views banned.
Brah everybody in here as marked you as a white supremacist.

Only way to lighten the tension is to stop posting.

But Ted Cruz as president was lulz though, thanks for that thought brah. :lol:

It's clear you want me to stop posting. Guess what. Not gonna happen. Just like a good little liberal nazi, you want all speech non comforming to your views banned.

As you can see before you wrote this I edited my post to say you have the right to keep posting.

But this was real cute though :lol:

And you acting tough now, whenever Meth enters a thread to run off like a coward. On some "I be quiet, but when he leave, I be talking again"
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As you can see before you wrote this I edited my post to say you have the right to keep posting.

But this was real cute though :lol:

My post was at 1:17. Your edit was at 1:18. That must be that new math.

Glad you liked it 8)

I edited it twice papi. The time stamp is after the second one

Step your rustle game up if you wanna come at me B.

Your low level trollin ain't gonna work
I would love to have Ted Cruz as our next president. What a great man and patriot that guy is. Let me guess, you're standing in line to vote for Elizabeth "fake Native American" Warren or Bernie Sanders the socialist as we speak.

I don't expect you guys to have any idea what I'm talking about, just google it. Please educate yourselves before you vote another radical left wing candidate into office again.

Bernie Sanders is awesome...
And you acting tough now, whenever Meth enters a thread to run off like a coward. On some "I be quiet, but when he leave, I be talking again"

Nope. Clearly you didn't read my post from earlier today. Like I already said, the only reason I came back was to post the info that came out of the Ferguson press conference today. I had a feeling no one would post the findings of the investigation of the cop shooter. Bc it didn't fit in with the left's propaganda.

I'm not scared of Meth! Or anyone. I love having debates which is something you try to stifle when you tell me to stop posting.
I would love to have Ted Cruz as our next president. What a great man and patriot that guy is. Let me guess, you're standing in line to vote for Elizabeth "fake Native American" Warren or Bernie Sanders the socialist as we speak.

I don't expect you guys to have any idea what I'm talking about, just google it. Please educate yourselves before you vote another radical left wing candidate into office again.

Bernie Sanders is awesome...

View media item 888455
Even the savages love the gawd!
You kind of kill any chance of anyone ever wanting to have a rational discussion with you when stupid **** like this is said.

But the good ol' liberal NT'ers can try to humiliate and ridicule me, call me a racist, sws, etc. all day long and I just should take it? And then tell me to stop posting when I defend myself :lol:

That IS nazi like behavior.
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You kind of kill any chance of anyone ever wanting to have a rational discussion with you when stupid **** like this is said.

But the good ol' liberal NT'ers can try to humiliate and ridicule me, call me a racist, sws, etc. all day long and I just should take it? And then tell me to stop posting when I defend myself :lol:

That IS nazi like behavior.

The most conservative states in country are the poorest, least educated and closed minded.

Why you want to he associated with that is beyond me.

Whenever someone proclaims themselves a liberal or a conservative tells me they don't like thinking for themselves
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The most conservative states in country are the poorest, least educated and closed minded.

Why you want to he associated with that is beyond me.

Whenever someone proclaims themselves a liberal or a conservative tells me they don't like thinking for themselves

Incorrect. Conservatism, fiscal responsibility, and free market capitalism is what built this country into what it is today. Liberal areas are performing terribly economically (Detroit, New Orleans, etc).

"No matter how you slice the numbers, the outcome is always the same: states that embrace conservative policies – low taxes, restrained regulation, free labor markets, a friendly business environment – consistently outperform states where big government carries the day."

But let's get back to the topic of this post. Let's stop bashing me and if anyone wants to PM me feel free to.
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The most conservative states in country are the poorest, least educated and closed minded.

Why you want to he associated with that is beyond me.

Whenever someone proclaims themselves a liberal or a conservative tells me they don't like thinking for themselves

Incorrect. Conservatism, fiscal responsibility, and free market capitalism is what built this country into what it is today. Liberal areas are performing terribly economically (Detroit, New Orleans, etc).

"No matter how you slice the numbers, the outcome is always the same: states that embrace conservative policies – low taxes, restrained regulation, free labor markets, a friendly business environment – consistently outperform states where big government carries the day."

But let's get back to the topic of this post. Let's stop bashing me and if anyone wants to PM me feel free to.

Austin, Texas, San Francisco, Seattle Washington, Portland, Oregon. Liberal bastions but yeah lets bring up Detroit and New Orleans on an article from a conservative website.

Just look up the poorest states per capita and tell me if they are red or blue. You can find that information in the census and not a partisan media source.
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Ferguson an Apartheid Police State; 21,000 residents w/ a staggering 16,000 open arrest warrants


Sometimes in reporting a story, it's easy to use an exaggerated adjective to compare injustice today to an injustice experienced at some other difficult period of human history. Now that the full DOJ report on Ferguson, Missouri has been released, though, it's increasingly clear that the sick conflation of racism, the American profit-motive, and an abusive use of the criminal justice system were used to create a police state of historic proportions in this small Missouri town.
With just 21,000 residents, Ferguson issued a staggering 32,975 arrest warrants for at least 16,000 different people. Not just parking tickets, Ferguson averaged 567 non-traffic related court cases per 1,000 residents - far and away the highest of any town in the state and more than twice as much as the town with the second highest average. To put that into perspective - the city of St. Louis had 80 non traffic court cases per 1,000 residents and that's actually above the state average for Missouri.

Devised and constantly accelerated by Ferguson CEO John Shaw, who recently resigned in disgrace but somehow negotiated an outrageous severance package, this system of profiteering off of a complete police state is not only despicable -it's hard to find anything quite comparable not only in America, but in any city in the world.

Being black in Ferguson meant being a part of an artificially criminalized underclass - damn near impossible to escape. While Ferguson CEO John Shaw earned an increasing income in the six figures off of the backs of the people, his Municipal Judge, Ronald Brockmeyer bought three homes around St. Louis and racked up debts to the IRS of over $170,000 - all while being completely relentless and unforgiving with black residents.

Call it American Apartheid, the New Jim Crow, or just call it Ferguson - whatever we decide to name it, it's abundantly clear that the system of discrimination and criminalization of African Americans devised and pushed to the brink in Ferguson must be stopped.

If you find a city, past or present, with:

1. 50% more arrest warrants than people,

2. Active warrants for 75% of its population,

3. Non traffic citations higher than 567 per 1,000 people,
Ferguson an Apartheid Police State; 21,000 residents w/ a staggering 16,000 open arrest warrants


Sometimes in reporting a story, it's easy to use an exaggerated adjective to compare injustice today to an injustice experienced at some other difficult period of human history. Now that the full DOJ report on Ferguson, Missouri has been released, though, it's increasingly clear that the sick conflation of racism, the American profit-motive, and an abusive use of the criminal justice system were used to create a police state of historic proportions in this small Missouri town.
With just 21,000 residents, Ferguson issued a staggering 32,975 arrest warrants for at least 16,000 different people. Not just parking tickets, Ferguson averaged 567 non-traffic related court cases per 1,000 residents - far and away the highest of any town in the state and more than twice as much as the town with the second highest average. To put that into perspective - the city of St. Louis had 80 non traffic court cases per 1,000 residents and that's actually above the state average for Missouri.

Devised and constantly accelerated by Ferguson CEO John Shaw, who recently resigned in disgrace but somehow negotiated an outrageous severance package, this system of profiteering off of a complete police state is not only despicable -it's hard to find anything quite comparable not only in America, but in any city in the world.

Being black in Ferguson meant being a part of an artificially criminalized underclass - damn near impossible to escape. While Ferguson CEO John Shaw earned an increasing income in the six figures off of the backs of the people, his Municipal Judge, Ronald Brockmeyer bought three homes around St. Louis and racked up debts to the IRS of over $170,000 - all while being completely relentless and unforgiving with black residents.

Call it American Apartheid, the New Jim Crow, or just call it Ferguson - whatever we decide to name it, it's abundantly clear that the system of discrimination and criminalization of African Americans devised and pushed to the brink in Ferguson must be stopped.

If you find a city, past or present, with:

1. 50% more arrest warrants than people,

2. Active warrants for 75% of its population,

3. Non traffic citations higher than 567 per 1,000 people,

So...MIke Brown's death, while a result of his own violent and criminal actions, apparently was not entirely in vain, because it helped expose the larger picture of the Ferguson Police Department for all the world to see.
Yea who'd have thought a police force that murdered a kid in the streets and left him to rot might have some issues
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