Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Right...because all us white folks have everything just handed to us, right?  We don't really accomplish anything because "it's all on the backs of the black man", right?  No white person ever deserved anything good that he or she got, because all we do is oppress the black man to get ahead in life, right?

Man, you really need to take a look in the mirror.  You may not like what you see. :smh:

Cool video...and MLK was a great man...but this ain't the 1960s, dude.  Stop living in the past.

for what it's worth i'm white...that bootstrap excuse is from the 60s bruh...
There's nothing stopping someone of any color of making it in today's society. Asian's were placed in internment camps in WWII. They are now the highest earning race in the country.
There's nothing stopping someone of any color of making it in today's society. Asian's were placed in internment camps in WWII. They are now the highest earning race in the country.

They also aren't racially profiled, systematically held back or arrested at disproportionate rates. But yeah, great example. :lol:

Are they denied home loans at the same rate as similarly qualified black people?
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There's nothing stopping someone of any color of making it in today's society. Asian's were placed in internment camps in WWII. They are now the highest earning race in the country.
Oh, but there is.


Also, our Asian brothers and sisters were afforded certain economic opportunities that were not offered to Black people.

They also received a form of reparations for their tenure in internment camps.

Black people have yet to receive any sort of restitution...
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Keep making excuses. I just don't see this systematic racism. The company I work for employs large numbers of all races of people. We have blacks and other minorities in all levels of the business, from the entry level hourly worker to top executives. There is literally nothing stopping someone from working hard and working their way up the ladder. Nothing.

If you guys are really being held back, please PM me because I will tell you where you can apply for a job with my company. No racism here.
Keep making excuses. I just don't see this systematic racism. The company I work for employs large numbers of all races of people. We have blacks and other minorities in all levels of the business, from the entry level hourly worker to top executives. There is literally nothing stopping someone from working hard and working their way up the ladder. Nothing.

If you guys are really being held back, please PM me because I will tell you where you can apply for a job with my company. No racism here.

Are you black?

I'm sure the prized horse has plenty of good advice for the pig nearing slaughter, but can't relate since he hasn't spent a day eating slop.
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for what it's worth i'm white...that bootstrap excuse is from the 60s bruh...
Are you black?

I'm sure the prized horse has plenty of good advice for the pig nearing slaughter, but can't relate since he hasn't spent a day eating slop.


If by eating slop you mean taking a pretty low paying hourly job after graduating college with a business degree, but working hard and proving myself to move into a management position, yea I did that.

If by eating slop you mean taking a pretty low paying hourly job after graduating college with a business degree, but working hard and proving myself to move into a management position, yea I did that.

No I meant are you black?

If not and you haven't walked a mile in those shoes, save your opinion on things you can't really speak on from an informed and more importantly, accurate perspective.
No I meant are you black?

If not and you haven't walked a mile in those shoes, save your opinion on things you can't really speak on from an informed and more importantly, accurate perspective.

Since you've never been in the military, you can never give an opinion on US foreign policy. Since you've never been a professional athlete, you can never give an opinion on anything sports related. Etc.

How much sense does that make?
But I have been in the military.

And what I said makes a lot of sense, but it would take some sense for you to sense that.
And by the way, I work in management and conduct lots of interviews for new hires. I'm one of these "mean white people" that are supposedly holding blacks down from being given opportunities. I hire black people all the time. Race plays no part. It's all about how they handle the interview questions.
And by the way, I work in management and conduct lots of interviews for new hires. I'm one of these "mean white people" that are supposedly holding blacks down from being given opportunities. I hire black people all the time. Race plays no part. It's all about how they handle the interview questions.


You've solved all of our problems from your office chair. I'm sure that your mentality does plenty to counteract any good you've done by hiring black people. Is your best friend also black? Because then you can really get on your high horse and hand out advice. :x :smh:

So what you hire black people. I come from a family of business owners and executives. But guess what, there's racism at EVERY level in business and life. I can tell you stories for days, but you would say what? That my father and mother should try harder so they aren't discriminated against? Or that my biological mother's second husband who is a well known Dr. and STILL faces plenty of discrimination brings it all on himself?

People like you are more of a problem than the robe wearing, cross burning variety of white supremacist. You get a whiff off your own ******** and then you want to convince me that it's a cologne we can all wear to mask the funk of reality.

Plain and simple pleigh boi, I DON'T BELIEVE A THING YOU SAY because I've seen reality through a black man's eyes. So all that soap boxing you're doing is a waste of time. I don't care what you think because it's really not relevant. It's not reality. It's garbage. It's how you FEEL. Well, good for you for feeling. Maybe your girlfriend or your mom can pat you on the back for telling us black folks what you think. :lol:

You're a clown.

Take this red nose and wear it with pride.

View media item 1448506
You're using your own anecdotal accounts to deny something that permeates through all of society and far beyond the world that you live in.

That's like a man denying that spousal abuse is a real thing because he doesn't personally beat his wife.
Like I said, if you guys are being oppressed, hit me up. I can get you an interview or refer you to plenty of non racist businesses in my area.
"I'm not a racist, therefore systemic racism doesn't exist" is some of the worst logic I've ever heard

Also, SWS need to stop comparing Asians to black people. As someone who is half Asian I've benefitted from so many positive stereotypes throughout life; I've had teachers and employers give me so many chances and go easy on me because they think I'm smarter and more hard working than I really am :lol: black people face the exact opposite stereotype, so I'm not sure how you can sit there and say that they should just work hard, when employers, teachers, etc are constantly doubting them and not giving them the same opportunities that whites and Asians receive
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Like I said, if you guys are being oppressed, hit me up. I can get you an interview or refer you to plenty of non racist businesses in my area.

^ Are you really this "sheltered" to not see the segregation? Not only is it common sense but there are actual stats that prove this. I am sure your 'company' may hire blacks without discrimination but your company or other businesses in your area does not equal the rest of this country. There are stats, analysis and studies.. you do realize this right? Here's one..


It must be nice to live in this bubble of yours talking about all it takes is hard work to achieve success regardless of skin color. I mean what a crazy mindset you have to live in this fantasy and sprouting all this ignorance to African Americans on this board that are actually living this discrimination on a daily basis.
Why can't a people who have systematically had their cultural identity, language and customs stripped from them get it together like a people who have had their language and culture still intact?
A white guy said he's just not seeing this oppression and racism thing the black fellas are talking about. :lol: :lol:

Yeah.....I'd say this thread has run its course. Sheesh.
It must be nice to live in this bubble of yours talking about all it takes is hard work to achieve success regardless of skin color. I mean what a crazy mindset you have to live in this fantasy and sprouting all this ignorance to African Americans on this board that are actually living this discrimination on a daily basis.
Okay, okay...we get it...black people are discriminated against...fine, no argument there.

What the **** do you want us to do about it, though?  All I hear is cries of "racism" and "oppression" with no real solutions offered other than ******** like "white folks need to stop being so racist."  SMFH.
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Okay, okay...we get it...black people are discriminated against...fine, no argument there.

What the **** do you want us to do about it, though?  All I hear is cries of "racism" and "oppression" with no real solutions offered other than ******** like "white folks need to stop being so racist."  SMFH.
Some of Paul Mooney's wise words come to mind, but it may be too drastic for some of you Anglo-Saxons. 
Okay, okay...we get it...black people are discriminated against...fine, no argument there.

What the **** do you want us to do about it, though?  All I hear is cries of "racism" and "oppression" with no real solutions offered other than ******** like "white folks need to stop being so racist."  SMFH.

Wtf are you talking about?

Dudes offer solutions all the damb time on here... Lol

Speak for yourself, bruh
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