Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Okay, okay...we get it...black people are discriminated against...fine, no argument there.

What the **** do you want us to do about it, though?  All I hear is cries of "racism" and "oppression" with no real solutions offered other than ******** like "white folks need to stop being so racist."   SMFH.

what do black people need to do to make white people not hate them? 
It must be nice to live in this bubble of yours talking about all it takes is hard work to achieve success regardless of skin color. I mean what a crazy mindset you have to live in this fantasy and sprouting all this ignorance to African Americans on this board that are actually living this discrimination on a daily basis.

Okay, okay...we get it...black people are discriminated against...fine, no argument there.

What the **** do you want us to do about it, though?  All I hear is cries of "racism" and "oppression" with no real solutions offered other than ******** like "white folks need to stop being so racist."  SMFH.

You are soooooooooooooooooo full of it. Other NTers have suggested many solutions in multiple threads.

But lets just look in this one. Remeber you first our run in, when you were pushing the "babies outta wedlock" being the causes of the problems in the black community............

It's a little more complicated than that, my man. That 70% statistics is what it is NOW, it wasnt a static number, it fluctuated to that.

So you agree on the current number, then. How do we solve this issue?

How about we find out which issues are cause by outside factors and not "just being black"

Do poor people have more babies out of wedlock? Aren't African American experiencing poverty at higher rates? Then maybe then we should stop disenfranchising the black community and help them build wealth.

What removes fathers from the household? Maybe going to jail is one thing? So maybe cops could stopping killing black suspects, targeting them for arrest, and unfairly sentencing them.

Another thing could be if the fathers and mothers had more economic opportunities then maybe that might help? So how about we stop kicking black folks outta there communities when rich people decide they like the real estate, and stop letting companies strip away job from black communities without any consequences.

You know what brings down the birthrate too? Education. So how about the nation make an effort to fix black schools, stop funneling resources to the white schools, then give the black schools better teachers, stop attracting aid/spending to standardized test, funneling black kids into special ed. and increase the financial aid for African American or maybe just low income college students. INSTEAD OF CUTTING PELL GRANTS LIKE THE RIGHT WING CONSTANTLY DEMANDS. Or we could offer free community college to everyone to help put pull themselves up like the president proposed.

But lets be serious here, you don't want to talk about any of that. You just want to be on some "why can't black people get it together "steez without ever talking about how past and current policies have hindered their progress

Which you responded with.....

Good post.  Agreed.

I actually do want to talk about it, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here.

Please forgive me if I came across as racist.  I was just trying to have a rational discussion without animus.

This happen only a couple pages back

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You are soooooooooooooooooo full of it. Other NTers have suggested many solutions in multiple threads.

But lets just look in this one. Remeber you first our run in, when you were pushing the "babies outta wedlock" being the causes of the problems in the black community............
Which you responded with.....
No ****, **** Tracy...I know there are solutions that can be implemented by those in power...what did you want ME (the so-called SWS/racist/whatever) as an individual to do about discrimination against blacks?  I am not in a position of political power, so I don't have much influence other than casting a vote and hoping against hope that the guy I voted for will actually keep his word and not turn out to be yet another lying *******.
:wow: :smh:

what do black people need to do to make white people not hate them? :nerd:

Actually BE inferior. That's all a racist wants at the end of the day is for you to BELIEVE you are and to BECOME inferior.

They want you to quit. Think about it. They don't put all of those obstacles in your way because you're so dumb and incompetent that without them you would never make it. We make it DESPITE all of the obstacles.

If white folks had to endure a day in our shoes there would be riots, mass killings and all kinds of complaining going on. Waaaaaaay more than we complain. **** how they feel, it's true. The **** they defend on the news that their own people do or try to downplay with the old "well that person had sever family/mental/social issues and was a victim of blah, blah, blah..." Let a black man or woman do it and we're just hard wired to **** up.

Racists FEAR us. They hate us. But secretly they want to be us. They want to sling that big **** and walk with a bop. They want to run faster, jump higher, flip styles like it ain't **** and have the nerve to speak how they want without a care in the world of who may judge.

That's what they want fam. They want us to be what they know we aren't. Even with a slanted playing field and the odds stacked against us, we just won't give up. And they ******* hate that about us.
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Well, I'm all for that, but be warned...not all racists are white.
Most everyone has prejudice, but racism in it's purest form is something different. Can't think of another race that used that prejudice along with their power status to systematically oppress other entire race(s) of people. 
Actually BE inferior. That's all a racist wants at the end of the day is for you to BELIEVE you are and to BECOME inferior.

They want you to quit. Think about it. They don't put all of those obstacles in your way because you're so dumb and incompetent that without them you would never make it. We make it DESPITE all of the obstacles.

If white folks had to endure a day in our shoes there would be riots, mass killings and all kinds of complaining going on. Waaaaaaay more than we complain. **** how they feel, it's true. The **** they defend on the news that their own people do or try to downplay with the old "well that person had sever family/mental/social issues and was a victim of blah, blah, blah..." Let a black man or woman do it and we're just hard wired to **** up.

Racists FEAR us. They hate us. But secretly they want to be us. They want to sling that big **** and walk with a bop. They want to run faster, jump higher, flip styles like it ain't **** and have the nerve to speak how they want without a care in the world of who may judge.

That's what they want fam. They want us to be what they know we aren't. Even with a slanted playing field and the odds stacked against us, we just won't give up. And they ******* hate that about us.
You claim to know "white people" but like some of you have said, how could you really know how we think or what we feel?  YOU'RE NOT WHITE.  Hey, just using your "logic".

BTW...as far as wanting to be black...why would I want to be, as so many of you have cried, a second-class citizen, subject to constant and widespread discrimination?  I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.
Actually BE inferior. That's all a racist wants at the end of the day is for you to BELIEVE you are and to BECOME inferior.

They want you to quit. Think about it. They don't put all of those obstacles in your way because you're so dumb and incompetent that without them you would never make it. We make it DESPITE all of the obstacles.

If white folks had to endure a day in our shoes there would be riots, mass killings and all kinds of complaining going on. Waaaaaaay more than we complain. **** how they feel, it's true. The **** they defend on the news that their own people do or try to downplay with the old "well that person had sever family/mental/social issues and was a victim of blah, blah, blah..." Let a black man or woman do it and we're just hard wired to **** up.

Racists FEAR us. They hate us. But secretly they want to be us. They want to sling that big **** and walk with a bop. They want to run faster, jump higher, flip styles like it ain't **** and have the nerve to speak how they want without a care in the world of who may judge.

That's what they want fam. They want us to be what they know we aren't. Even with a slanted playing field and the odds stacked against us, we just won't give up. And they ******* hate that about us.
What's even worse is that they came from US. Fools don't even know enough of the history and ancestry to counteract the differences in complexion. It'll never end and when you still have people refusing to acknowledge there is a problem and hide behind the "I have black friends" "I help black youth" "I hire black people" as if they should get some type of award for being a human being and treating others fair regardless, then it'll only get worse. I'm not giving you a damn cookie for being a decent and upstanding person, it's what your supposed to do. 
Most everyone has prejudice, but racism in it's purest form is something different. Can't think of another race that used that prejudice along with their power status to systematically oppress other entire race(s) of people. 
Ah, yes...the old standby...only white people can be racist.  Damn, I really thought you were more educated than that...sadly, I was mistaken.
Ah, yes...the old standby...only white people can be racist.  Damn, I really thought you were more educated than that...sadly, I was mistaken.
black people can be racist at the barber shop and the basketball court...

And on rap videos.
You claim to know "white people" but like some of you have said, how could you really know how we think or what we feel?  YOU'RE NOT WHITE.  Hey, just using your "logic". :lol:

BTW...as far as wanting to be black...why would I want to be, as so many of you have cried, a second-class citizen, subject to constant and widespread discrimination?  I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.

Thank you for just coming out of the closet.

You couldn't help but step in a rat trap huh? Notice I said RACISTS want to be us? ...and then you rushed in and started defending something that wasn't aimed at non-racists? So you just put yourself in that category.

How do I know? Because they are obsessed with us. They even came up with a pseudo science to analyze our brains. People obsessed with something or someone usually want to be that thing or person.

I don't have to be white to understand that. It's like racists walk around with their insecurities on full display. I don't have to walk in their shoes because they volunteer the information.
Ah, yes...the old standby...only white people can be racist.  Damn, I really thought you were more educated than that...sadly, I was mistaken.
What's wrong about the statement? Look up the definition of racism and tell me I'm wrong. Bias, prejudice, preferences are universal human traits. Racism is not. 
It really doesn't matter what other groups are racist if they have no power. White folk run this country politically and financially, so a racist mindset within the white community can directly affect miniorities. On the other hand, a whole state full of black people could hate whites, but is that collectively going to change the financial and political status of most whites in this country? Nope.

You ask for solutions, here's one: treat people fairly. Here's another one: stop marginalizing the real experiences of miniorities just because YOU'RE not a racist. It's amazing how many WHITE people love to tell other miniorities the racism they've experienced "isn't really racism" or "you're pulling the race card". How are you going to tell someone else what they feel and you've NEVER experienced it?

Perfect example of an idiotic racist who doesn't think he's racist. My former coworker used to go on a rant about how everybody in DC on public housing just burn up govt money smoking weed all day and they can afford cell phones they shouldn't be allowed to have public housing. Now if you know the demographics of those in poverty in DC, you know most of em are black. So obviously he's referring to black people. So here he goes ******** on black people he doesn't know, doesn't live around, never had an actual conversation with but wants to be my best friend and hang out sometime. Bro....NO. I'm not your good black, token brotha you can show off to your friends to prove you're not an ignorant inbreed from Oklahoma. THIS is the type of b.s. people talk about when they speak on racism and just plain ignorance. You don't have to call me n-word, j****boo, or **** to offend me. This is the type of b.s. we have to deal with every DAMN day and the dominate culture can't understand why it's offensive.
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What's even worse is that they came from US. Fools don't even know enough of the history and ancestry to counteract the differences in complexion. It'll never end and when you still have people refusing to acknowledge there is a problem and hide behind the "I have black friends" "I help black youth" "I hire black people" as if they should get some type of award for being a human being and treating others fair regardless, then it'll only get worse. I'm not giving you a damn cookie for being a decent and upstanding person, it's what your supposed to do. 
That's just it...I am a decent and upstanding person, and I do treat everyone fairly, regardless of skin color, sexual preference, etc.  I'm no bigot...my parents didn't raise me that way.  I'm also quite familiar with anthropology, and the origin of different skin colors.

It seems like you guys want me to say things like "I don't have any black friends" and "**** black youth" and "I would never hire black people" so you can feel vindicated in your false belief that I am some kind of evil racist Nazi or something.  Whatever, man...

Tell you what...I'm gonna live my life, and you go live yours.  We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Peace be upon you.
Thank you for just coming out of the closet.

You couldn't help but step in a rat trap huh? Notice I said RACISTS want to be us? ...and then you rushed in and started defending something that wasn't aimed at non-racists? So you just put yourself in that category.

How do I know? Because they are obsessed with us. They even came up with a pseudo science to analyze our brains. People obsessed with something or someone usually want to be that thing or person.

I don't have to be white to understand that. It's like racists walk around with their insecurities on full display. I don't have to walk in their shoes because they volunteer the information.
You said that racists want to be you.  I do not want to be you.  Therefore, I am not racist.  QED.
It really doesn't matter what other groups are racist if they have no power. White folk run this country politically and financially, so a racist mindset within the white community can directly affect miniorities. On the other hand, a whole state full of black people could hate whites, but is that collectively going to change the financial and political status of most whites in this country? Nope.

You ask for solutions, here's one: treat people fairly. Here's another one: stop marginalizing the real experiences of miniorities just because YOU'RE not a racist. It's amazing how many WHITE people love to tell other miniorities the racism they've experienced "isn't really racism" or "you're pulling the race card". How are you going to tell someone else what they feel and you've NEVER experienced it?
I've never denied that racism exists, and I've never denied that different people have different life experiences.  As for treating people fairly, see my other post.
Ah, yes...the old standby...only white people can be racist.  Damn, I really thought you were more educated than that...sadly, I was mistaken.

Ok think about it this way in terms of why black peoples can't be racist to an effective extent. If every black person in the united states decided that they hate every white person, your life and the large majority of white people's lives wouldn't change at all. But if every white person decided to start hating black people, every black persons life would be affected. Simple as that.
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Perfect example of an idiotic racist who doesn't think he's racist. My former coworker used to go on a rant about how everybody in DC on public housing just burn up govt money smoking weed all day and they can afford cell phones they shouldn't be allowed to have public housing. Now if you know the demographics of those in poverty in DC, you know most of em are black. So obviously he's referring to black people. So here he goes ******** on black people he doesn't know, doesn't live around, never had an actual conversation with but wants to be my best friend and hang out sometime. Bro....NO. I'm not your good black, token brotha you can show off to your friends to prove you're not an ignorant inbreed from Oklahoma. THIS is the type of b.s. people talk about when they speak on racism and just plain ignorance. You don't have to call me n-word, j****boo, or **** to offend me. This is the type of b.s. we have to deal with every DAMN day and the dominate culture can't understand why it's offensive.
Wow...your former coworker sounds like a real *******.

FWIW, I used to live in one of those "Section 8" neighborhoods in the DC area back in the 1990s, and yes, whites were a small minority there, and none of the folks, white or black, I knew there were smoking weed (well, maybe one guy)...a lot of them were busting their butts working two jobs just to make ends meet.  I'll never look down on anyone who lives that kind of life, because I lived it myself.  It sucks.
Ok think about it this way in terms of why black peoples can't be racist to an effective extent. If every black person in the united states decided that they hate every white person, your life and the large majority of white people's lives wouldn't change at all. But if every white person decided to start hating black people, every black persons life would be affected. Simple as that.
I hear what you're saying, but just because white people are the majority in the United States doesn't mean that all racists are white.

From Merriam-Webster:

racism (n): a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You're not seriously telling me that the only people who think that way are white people, are you?  That's just silly.
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