Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Why? You don't want to address the underlying issues that led to the mistrust of the police in the first place?

Don't put words in my mouth.

A few months ago in this thread I posted some stats that showed that blacks are not being hunted down and killed by cops like the perception is. Black killings by cops are down 70% in the last 50 years. In 2012, 123 blacks were killed by cops with a gun and 326 whites were killed by cops with a gun.

I was told I should start my own thread if I wanted to discuss anything other than the Michael brown shooting. And that this thread was only for the MB discussion. I guess we can discuss things other than the MB discussion only if they're convenient to the NT liberal mob.
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Asking a question is the same as putting words in your mouth now?

As for your stat, you obviously missed the fact that black people make up about 13% of the population and white people make up about 67% if memory serves correctly. Now don't those numbers seem odd considering? So a part of the population that makes up about a fifth of the other's size accounts for a third of the number of deaths that the larger group experiences?

Those numbers don't help your argument one bit. They just highlight what most of us are saying.
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But guys, no system is in place because old dude doesn't go to "hold darkie down"meetings and doesn't have a white hooded uniform in his closet.

We just pull this history that the country was built on, out of our *****.
Man...you sound like an angry young man.  I feel sorry for you, dude.

No, wait...actually I don't.
Asking a question is the same as putting words in your mouth now?

As for your stat, you obviously missed the fact that black people make up about 13% of the population and white people make up about 67% if memory serves correctly. Now don't those numbers seem odd considering? So a part of the population that makes up about a fifth of the other's size accounts for a third of the number of deaths that the larger group experiences?

Those numbers don't help your argument one bit. They just highlight what most of us are saying.
You apparently missed the part where he said, "Black killings by cops are down 70% in the last 50 years".
Your sympathy isn't welcomed or needed.

Young man? I'm 37.

Angry? Because I'm speaking facts? Not angry at all.
do yall know what the world was like for a black person 50 years ago? 
And we're conveniently almost 50 years into civil rights which lends itself to why the number isn't higher.

Cops still murder, on camera, and nothing happens to them. If civil rights didn't become law, they'd just shoot to kill
You apparently missed the part where he said, "Black killings by cops are down 70% in the last 50 years".

Yet, they're still high when compared to white killings. You must have missed that.

So 50 years... you mean since the 60s when it was still ok to hang black men from trees in most of the country and spray them down with fire hoses in the streets? Oh... Wow! What a stat.
Asking a question is the same as putting words in your mouth now?

As for your stat, you obviously missed the fact that black people make up about 13% of the population and white people make up about 67% if memory serves correctly. Now don't those numbers seem odd considering? So a part of the population that makes up about a fifth of the other's size accounts for a third of the number of deaths that the larger group experiences?

Those numbers don't help your argument one bit. They just highlight what most of us are saying.

Here's another stat. In 2013 per the fbi, blacks committed 5,375 murders and whites committed 4,395 murders. And yea you're almost right on, whites are 63% of the population and blacks are 13%.

As you can see the murder rates for blacks are way out of proportion. This is why cops focus more heavily on black communities and that probably accounts for the slightly higher death rate for cops on blacks.
Before you start patting yourself on the back, look at the conditions that 13% of the population live in with regard to housing standards, education standards and poverty and then ask yourself how crime is impacted by poverty. Just pulling random numbers out without thinking of what they mean is about as dumb as saying that black killings by cops have gone down since the Civil Rights Act.... oh, wait.

You can start with the unfair practices in lending for black borrowers trying to purchase homes in better neighborhoods.


But wait, that's not systematic, right?

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As you can see the murder rates for blacks are way out of proportion. This is why cops focus more heavily on black communities and that probably accounts for the slightly higher death rate for cops on blacks.

oh...thats why...gotcha... >D
Cops focus heavily on blacks because there are higher poverty rates among various urban black communities. You do realize this right? People in poverty tend to commit more crime/murder. And so the question is after 50 years... why is there still high poverty rates in African American communities? Job discrimination is one. What's another...
The breakdown of the family is the root cause of all this IMO. Babies born out of wedlock. Single parent families, etc.
The breakdown of the family is the root cause of all this IMO. Babies born out of wedlock. Single parent families, etc.

Your opinion is dumb. Present facts.

For the record, your opinion, not you.
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Here's another stat. In 2013 per the fbi, blacks committed 5,375 murders and whites committed 4,395 murders. And yea you're almost right on, whites are 63% of the population and blacks are 13%.

As you can see the murder rates for blacks are way out of proportion. This is why cops focus more heavily on black communities and that probably accounts for the slightly higher death rate for cops on blacks.

There's no way you hold a position in management.
Do you agree with that blog post? That this is a problem of classism and not racism?

Not a mixture of the two? Like it can only be one or the other?

Did you even read what you linked? My guess is no.
Did you even read it?  Tim Wise is nothing but a limousine liberal who's in it for the money.

I never said racism wasn't a problem in America.  I was just pointing out that Tim Wise is not really the best guy to link to, dude.
Yeah, I read it. Did you?

He wants the white working class to indulge in mea culpas for a culture created by the ruling class and fails to see that "white supremacy" is actually "upper class supremacy."

So Tim Wise makes money off of his lectures... does that mean his data, research and conclusions are incorrect? What's wrong with getting paid to do the work that others aren't willing to?

Why are you so obsessed with liberals btw? And why is everyone not agreeing with you a liberal in your opinion? Not speaking for Tim Wise, but I wouldn't call myself a liberal, a conservative, a libertarian, a neo conservative or any of that. I think for myself. That group think **** is for the birds.
Did you even read it?  Tim Wise is nothing but a limousine liberal who's in it for the money.

I never said racism wasn't a problem in America.  I was just pointing out that Tim Wise is not really the best guy to link to, dude.

We know blco doesn't believe in systemic/institutional racism. What view are trying to express? With the back and forth that's been going on I lost track.
There's no way you hold a position in management.

You're a useless troll who swoops in every time someone posts something against your brainwashed way of thinking. Like the rest of the NT mob, you never dispute the facts posted, you just attack the messenger which highlights how mindless and useless your posts really are.
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