Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I'm not sure how many people have been killed by the proven racist ferguson police department but I find it pretty hard to believe that the one officer to make national news for killing an unarmed black man (justified or not) is the only cop that was not being racist or participating in racist behavior. So all this praise is def from a white supremacist group.

One thing that always bothered about the whole accepted version events is the fact that MB charged after Wilson AFTER being shot? A wounded bleeding man charging after the man that had already shot him? But still dying 140+ feet away from the first initial shot? That never added up to me.

Stop making sense Mike was the incredible Hulk that poor lil man had no choice
as far as i'm concerned he just put all those people lives in jeopardy...they receive death threats on the regular from trolls all day on twitter...dangerous stuff...
Christopher Dorner was praised for going on a rampage and killing cops, there's sickness from every side.

He had a good reason and whites and blacks agreed. I mean they shot.up.the mexican truck with 2 women it,made it slice cheese because they thought it was his truck and barley bought them a new one and they want people to feel sorry for them?

I bet if that was your parents in that truck you would feel differently or would you say it was just a accident all cops are good
He had a good reason and whites and blacks agreed. I mean they shot.up.the mexican truck with 2 women it,made it slice cheese because they thought it was his truck and barley bought them a new one and they want people to feel sorry for them?

I bet if that was your parents in that truck you would feel differently or would you say it was just a accident all cops are good

Good reason? So he could kill cops? Kill another human being? I'm sure there was another way to express anger over the cops but not by killing. You think the cops wouldn't have mistakenly shot a truck if the Christopher Dorner situation never happened? Not all cops are the same man, I wouldn't want to wish death upon anybody. I bet if Christopher Dorner killed someone you know you wouldn't be saying "Good reason". Come on man, like I said in my original comment, there's sickness from every side, which was my whole main point. Racism will never die, bias will never die.
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I'm not sure how many people have been killed by the proven racist ferguson police department but I find it pretty hard to believe that the one officer to make national news for killing an unarmed black man (justified or not) is the only cop that was not being racist or participating in racist behavior. So all this praise is def from a white supremacist group.

One thing that always bothered about the whole accepted version events is the fact that MB charged after Wilson AFTER being shot? A wounded bleeding man charging after the man that had already shot him? But still dying 140+ feet away from the first initial shot? That never added up to me.

It doesn't make sense to anyone with a semblance of intelligence but Obama's DOJ didn't file charges so its all good.
It doesn't make sense to anyone with a semblance of intelligence but Obama's DOJ didn't file charges so its all good.

Obamas DOJ came to the conclusions they did by using the "evidence" the ferguson police department gathered, by questioning the witnesses the ferguson police department deemed "credible and reliable", with statements from cops of the proven racist police department. The way I see it in not sure what othe conclusion they could have come to with what they were given. Protocol was thrown out of the window from day 1.
It's sad that someone can kill another person and then become an inspiration to others.  Prior to his run-in with Mike Brown, he was just another douchebag, Ferguson cop.  And now he's inspirational.  

"Cops give a damn about a negro
Pull the trigger, kill a *****, he's a hero"
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It doesn't make sense to anyone with a semblance of intelligence but Obama's DOJ didn't file charges so its all good.

Obamas DOJ came to the conclusions they did by using the "evidence" the ferguson police department gathered, by questioning the witnesses the ferguson police department deemed "credible and reliable", with statements from cops of the proven racist police department. The way I see it in not sure what othe conclusion they could have come to with what they were given. Protocol was thrown out of the window from day 1.

Doesn't matter. Barack is Black, its all good.
Any update on that arrest on campus that left that kid all bloodied?
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[h1]  UVA Student Martese Johnson Was Using Actual ID, Roommate Says[/h1]

The roommate of Martese Johnson, the black University of Virginia  student whose head was bloodied during an arrest near the campus, said he believes the use of force was likely race-related, and that his friend was using his actual ID while trying to enter a bar on the night of the incident.

“There is nothing he could’ve said or done that could provoke an officer of the law to assault him in such a manner,” Joshua Kinlaw told ABC News.

The roommate also said it’s common for the university’s underage students to try to enter bars.

“I am aware that Martese does not own a fake ID,” Kinlaw said. “So the ID that he actually showed to both the bouncer and to the ABC [Alcoholic  Beverage Control] officers was his real ID. Now because the age on that ID shows him to be 20 years old, I think that’s when dispute and discrepancies came in,” Kinlaw said.

As for Johnson, he said Thursday he was "shocked that my face was slammed into the brickpavement  three blocks from where I attend school," as his attorney vowed to fight the charges. He was arrested early Wednesday morning outside the Charlottesville bar by state Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) agents who are charged with enforcing alcohol laws in Virginia.

"I trust that the scars on my face and head will heal but the trauma from what the ABC officers did will stay with me forever," Johnson, a third-year student, said through his attorney, Daniel Watkins.

Watkins also rebutted reports that Johnson may have shown false identification at the bar.

"At no point during the encounter ... did Martese present a fake ID," Watkins noted.

Johnson did not speak at the news conference, with Watkins reading a statement on his behalf.

"I still believe in our community. I know this community will support me during this time," he said in the statement.

Earlier in the day, students protested in the University of Virginia library to demonstrate Johnson's arrest.

Chants of "black lives matter" and "no justice, no peace" were heard inside the library after protesters moved their outdoor march inside around 12:30 p.m.


Some were chanting "white supremacy, shut it down" while marching through campus, with others opting for a more hopeful tone.

"It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other," protesters were heard shouting.

Cellphone video shows Johnson lying face down on the sidewalk with two agents detaining him as bystanders yell, “His head is bleeding!” From another angle, Johnson, who is black, is shown with his face bloodied, shouting, “I go to UVA!” and then “You f****** racists!”

He was charged with public intoxication and obstruction of justice, said officials of Alcoholic Beverage Control, which is headed by board members appointed by the governor, who has called for an investigation.

The Virginia State Police have launched an investigation into the Wednesday morning arrest, which will be run in addition to the criminal review that is already underway at the request of the Charlottesville Commonwealth's Attorney.

"We owe it to both Mr. Johnson and the Virginia ABC to be painstakingly thorough in determining the facts of the situation through interviews, evidence collection and analysis, and investigative procedure," Virginia State Police spokesman Col. W. Steven Flaherty said.

University students are scheduled to meet with representatives from the state’s Alcohol and Beverage Control and other law enforcement agencies today.

There probably won't be any media coverage or riots or any protests for this one. There probably won't even be a thread of this.

Give us a minute to do a background check on him to taint his character. He probably told his dog to bite the kids and they were protecting themselves. If he were any blue blooded American, he wouldn't have been acting like a thug w/ his vicious dog. All the kids wanted to do was play basketball, not be attacked by this older man who was also trying to molest them.

There probably won't be any media coverage or riots or any protests for this one. There probably won't even be a thread of this.
Probably a gang initiation killing.  Find some random innocent person and murk him.

Too bad the victim didn't have a gun to defend himself against those predators.  I hope they charge them all as adults and put them away forever.

Nothing to see here...move along...
I don't think anyone said it was treacherous work.  

But by brushing these guys off as folks that couldn't hack it as "real" cops kind of shirks them of responsibility in this situation, IMO.  

"These guys couldn't make it as real cops, so what did you expect from them?"  

They are sworn in police officers in the state of Virginia.  They're law enforcement.  Regardless of how treacherous or not their jobs are.  

So yet again, we have cops overstepping their bounds and abusing their power.  Seems to be a common theme.  
It's sad that someone can kill another person and then become an inspiration to others.  Prior to his run-in with Mike Brown, he was just another douchebag, Ferguson cop.  And now he's inspirational.  

"Cops give a damn about a negro
Pull the trigger, kill a *****, he's a hero"

Pac was a preacher, bro! :smh: Speaking truth that some people didn't want to hear.
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