Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

First thing is pay the families of slaves adjusted for inflation damages for the work their families did for free.

Secondly, pay the families of black folks that were wrongfully executed over all of these years damages for wrongful deaths.

Thirdly, give land grants, much like those handed out to whites over all of these years to the descendants of slaves so they can "catch up" to the families that had 400 year head starts on us.

All of this talk about people freeloading off the government, but no talk of the government and corporations that freeloaded off of black folks. This is a start. Your thoughts?

How do we calculate the total damages, and how much should be given to each descendent of slaves?

What will be the criteria for proving that someone was the descendant of slaves?

What safeguards will be put in place to help prevent fraud and abuse?

How do we determine how much work was done by each slave, and how do we calculate a monetary value for that?

Where do you propose to locate these land grants?

Will the recipients of these land grants also be paid for relocation?

And, of course, how is our country, already some 18 trillion dollars in debt, going to pay for all of this?

As far as the wrongful execution thing, I agree that compensation should be paid to the families of those wrongfully imprisoned or executed, regardless of race or ethnicity.
You guys see how white supremacy is a psychological disorder that shuts down cross communications. When discussing your struggles with sws, they want you to discuss your experience on their terms. The still have to find a position of superiority even in idle chat. They are sick in the mind and that thought pattern and pathology has destroyed their critical thinking skills. They only think in terms of loss and gains. And have an unnatural obsession with what others are doing
Ah, yes...anyone who disagrees with you is a white supremacist.  Got it.

How do we calculate the total damages, and how much should be given to each descendent of slaves?

What will be the criteria for proving that someone was the descendant of slaves?

What safeguards will be put in place to help prevent fraud and abuse?

How do we determine how much work was done by each slave, and how do we calculate a monetary value for that?

Where do you propose to locate these land grants?

Will the recipients of these land grants also be paid for relocation?

And, of course, how is our country, already some 18 trillion dollars in debt, going to pay for all of this?

As far as the wrongful execution thing, I agree that compensation should be paid to the families of those wrongfully imprisoned or executed, regardless of race or ethnicity.

A committee of experts and lawyers can figure it out.
Tampa how have you responded to racism when you hear it among your peers?  

Do your po family members ever make racist jokes?  If so, how have you responded to them?  

Does the blue wall of silence extend to immediate family members of an officer?

How do we calculate the total damages, and how much should be given to each descendent of slaves?

What will be the criteria for proving that someone was the descendant of slaves?

What safeguards will be put in place to help prevent fraud and abuse?

How do we determine how much work was done by each slave, and how do we calculate a monetary value for that?

Where do you propose to locate these land grants?

Will the recipients of these land grants also be paid for relocation?

And, of course, how is our country, already some 18 trillion dollars in debt, going to pay for all of this?

As far as the wrongful execution thing, I agree that compensation should be paid to the families of those wrongfully imprisoned or executed, regardless of race or ethnicity.

That's what insurance companies are for. This is not some far off foreign concept.

They got people adjusting for losses 24/7
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The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion—$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries. Out of the top six U.S. foreign aid recipients, five of them were Muslim countries. And yet it seems the U.S. can’t buy good press in the Middle East.

And, of course, how is our country, already some 18 trillion dollars in debt, going to pay for all of this?

we have plenty of money to give to foreign countries...
Tampa how have you responded to racism when you hear it among your peers?  

Do your po family members ever make racist jokes?  If so, how have you responded to them?  

Does the blue wall of silence extend to immediate family members of an officer?
I don't hear racism among my peers.  You'd get fired for that **** where I work.  We are professionals and do not tolerate that garbage from anyone.

As far as if my family members make racist jokes, well, I wouldn't know...my parents have been dead for many years, my brother lives in CA, and the rest of my family is still back in NYC.
That's what insurance companies are for. This is not some far off foreign concept.

They got people adjusting for losses 24/7
Okay...but what legal precedent is there for a private insurer to pay out money to someone who is not a policyholder?  I don't think there is such a thing as slavery insurance, dude.
The U.S. disbursed $33.2 billion—$19 billion in economic assistance to 184 countries and $14.2 billion in military assistance to 142 countries. Out of the top six U.S. foreign aid recipients, five of them were Muslim countries. And yet it seems the U.S. can’t buy good press in the Middle East.
we have plenty of money to give to foreign countries...
Ah, now we're getting somewhere.  ITA.  We should be helping Americans first.  We also shouldn't be policing the world, either.
Okay...but what legal precedent is there for a private insurer to pay out money to someone who is not a policyholder?  I don't think there is such a thing as slavery insurance, dude. :lol:
Don't laugh. Just because you you personally don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And you have no idea.... But continue to laugh
Don't laugh. Just because you you personally don't know about something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. And you have no idea.... But continue to laugh
I know there USED to be such a thing a long time ago (although not in the same context as you're implying), but not any more.

And yes, I will continue to laugh.
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How do we calculate the total damages, and how much should be given to each descendent of slaves?

What will be the criteria for proving that someone was the descendant of slaves?

What safeguards will be put in place to help prevent fraud and abuse?

How do we determine how much work was done by each slave, and how do we calculate a monetary value for that?

Where do you propose to locate these land grants?

Will the recipients of these land grants also be paid for relocation?

And, of course, how is our country, already some 18 trillion dollars in debt, going to pay for all of this?

As far as the wrongful execution thing, I agree that compensation should be paid to the families of those wrongfully imprisoned or executed, regardless of race or ethnicity.

A committee of experts and lawyers can figure it out.


Or the US government can just throw tons money at the black community and not keep track of it

Kinda like we did with the Iraq War and the Bailout :lol:

And I love how these pseudo fiscal responsibility arguments only come up when it comes to helping minorities and the working poor.
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I know there USED to be such a thing a long time ago (although not in the same context as you're implying), but not any more.

And yes, I will continue to laugh.

Thanks for showing everyone in this thread your shtick. First there is no precedent, then there used to be something....

See what Im talking about guys?
Still not sure why people are arguing with this Tampa dude instead of tossing the ignore.. Just a cog in the wheels like the rest of us.

Only ones worth arguing with are those that hold political clout. They are the ones with the power capable of bringing about change.

Trying to convert some random dude on the internet through debate, which NEVER works btw, that apparently sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil is a complete and utter waste of time.

I know he's lying. You know he's lying. He knows he's lying. To live in this day and age and state that all is well amongst numerous discriminatory policing reports and well being censuses clearly showing otherwise is either purposefully ignorant like I said before, or the ravings of someone with an extremely sheltered upbringing.

Let it be done.
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Still not sure why people are arguing with this Tampa dude instead of tossing the ignore.. Just a cog in the wheels like the rest of us.

Only ones worth arguing with are those that hold political clout. They are the ones with the power capable of bringing about change.

Trying to convert some random dude on the internet through debate, which NEVER works btw, that apparently sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil is a complete and utter waste of time.

I know he's lying. You know he's lying. He knows he's lying. To live in this day and age and state that all is well amongst numerous discriminatory policing reports and well being censuses clearly showing otherwise is either purposefully ignorant like I said before, or the ravings of someone with an extremely sheltered upbringing.

Let it be done.

We will know that America is equal when black people can be merely competent and they can go far in their lives. When a black kid can be a horrible Middle School student but his high school teachers still see him as college material and get him college ready by 12th grade, we will be equal. When a black man can wave a loaded gun at the police and taunt the police officers and live to post about it on youtube, we will be equal. When a black person can spend his 20's and his 30's, up to his gills in whiskey and cocaine and end up President of the United States, we can declare racism to be finished.

America is better than it was in 1950 or 1850. Black people were once completely blocked from the professions. Today with extremely hard work, talent and a great deal of luck, a black person can be a brain surgeon, an economist or even a President of the United States. Unfortunately for the conservative argument, people like Ben Carson, Thomas Sowell and Barack Obama stand as testament to inequality and discrimination far more than they symbolize a post racial America. The dictum that a black person must be twice as good may represent sound personal advice but it highlights the salient fact that black people consistently have to clear a higher bar than do white people with similar talents.
Dude is getting flagrant now, he loves black men who talk down about their race

And of course, the only non cornball on the list, you have made it clear you hate him
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Dude is getting flagrant now, he loves black men who talk down about their race

And of course, the only non cornball on the list, you have made it clear you hate him

My god you're race obsessed.

I don't know anything about their views on race, I just like their economic views and the way they articulate things. I just think they are inspiring people.
He ACTUALLY said a handout though...

View media item 1450271

Don't ever forget this. Never.

New York Life

New York Life found that its predecessor (Nautilus Insurance Company) sold slaveholder policies during the mid-1800s.

Tiffany and Co.

Tiffany and Co. was originally financed with profits from a Connecticut cotton mill. The mill operated from cotton picked by slaves.


Aetna insured the lives of slaves during the 1850’s and reimbursed slave owners when their slaves died.

Brooks Brothers

The suit retailer started their company in the 1800s by selling clothes for slaves to slave traders.

Norfolk Southern

Two companies (Mobile & Girard and the Central of Georgia) became part of Norfolk Southern. Mobile & Girard paid slave owners $180 to rent their slaves to the railroad for a year. The Central of Georgia owned several slaves.

Bank of America

Bank of America found that two of its predecessor banks (Boatman Savings Institution and Southern Bank of St. Louis) had ties to slavery and another predecessor (Bank of Metropolis) accepted slaves as collateral on loans.

U.S.A. Today

U.S.A. Today reported that its parent company (E.W. Scripps and Gannett) was linked to the slave trade.


Two institutions that became part of Wachovia (Georgia Railroad and Banking Company and the Bank of Charleston) owned or accepted slaves as collateral on mortgaged property or loans.


AIG purchased American General Financial which owns U.S. Life Insurance Company. AIG found documentation that U.S. Life insured the lives of slaves.

JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan Chase reported that between 1831 and 1865, two of its predecessor banks (Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana) accepted approximately 13,000 slaves as loan collateral and seized approximately 1,250 slaves when plantation owners defaulted on their loans.

And today they operate like it's all good. Like they don't owe us.

They out here stunting on consignment and trying to play us for our cut.

MLK said it and I'm saying it, cut my check.
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