POLL: Did the PM list thread for the Concord XI's work??

Dec 14, 1999
I wanted to get some feedback on the Official Air Jordan XI Retro Concord PM/HELP list: READ!!!!!

This was the first time we created a thread like that and I wanted to see if it was even worth continuing making separate threads like that for future releases...

There's pros and cons to both sides but I'd like to hear back from the community itself.

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Pros:[/color]
-Allowed people to post what sizes they were looking for without having to post in the buy/sell forums.
-Reduced much of the unwanted clutter from the Official Post.
-Allowed members who were selling pairs or looking to help out, PM those in need.
-Kept potential information off the board so "lurkers" wouldn't see it.

[color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]Cons:[/color]
-Was kinda like a hopeful wish list for those that couldn't secure their pairs.
-Many people didn't get a single message or if they did, it was from re-sellers trying to sell for crazy prices.
-People still didn't read the rules and got themselves suspended anyways.
-Too much hassle for people to search for that one random person they were trying to "hook up"
Originally Posted by calikush

This was a fail.

Ok, but can you explain why it was a fail?

I mean, I'm siding with the fact that it probably didn't help out as many people had hoped but it did in fact keep much of the unwanted clutter out of the other thread. The previous Concord XI thread was already becoming a joke due to the "PM wish list" that was floating around. Unless someone actually organized and sent out a ton of PM's to people who weren't willing to put in some work for themselves, it was destined to be a fail from the start. I took this into consideration when I started the PM list post. However, I did enjoy the fact that we didn't have to see a ton of "PM me" posts in every other reply in the 2nd Concord thread. It made it much easier to swift thru the useful information and conversation.
i tried to get on the pm list but no one hit me up.  i have been looking for years and only active recently so no one really wanted to help me out.  however when i showed my pic of all 5 pairs that i got people really wanted to be my friend.  not sure how to get tighter with these groups.  maybe next time.
I think it was a good idea. Pro: I mean I tried it out and had a couple of guys come out of the woodwork to try and help me out. Con: Sad part about it was the prices dudes were throwing out made you forget that they were trying to help. Pro: Another good thing about it was everyone that offered didnt necessarily meet the requirements to post in the buy/sell forum so it opened them up to a whole new market.
I helped alot of dudes out in the Florida area

I think it was a good thing

Only bad part some people trying to get ridiculous prices
Originally Posted by NelsonJ35

I think it was a good idea. Pro: I mean I tried it out and had a couple of guys come out of the woodwork to try and help me out. Con: Sad part about it was the prices dudes were throwing out made you forget that they were trying to help. Pro: Another good thing about it was everyone that offered didnt necessarily meet the requirements to post in the buy/sell forum so it opened them up to a whole new market.
I knew people were going to throw out some crazy reseller prices. But it was also meant for all those people that claim "they're only trying to help out". Too many times someone gets banned because they were only "trying to help" by advertising they had a pair for sale at retail + shipping costs. Selling is selling and has never been allowed outside the buy/sell forums. It also allowed people who wanted to spread news without having to blow spots up. Whether this was thru information about stores/sites with available sizes or actually selling at retail pricing. For awhile people complained that there wasn't an avenue on Niketalk to immediately "help" people out with certain demands. They would always have to post something up in the buy/sell forums with tagged pictures and then wait before it for approved. With this list, it allowed for members to privately message someone who had posted what size they were looking for.
Why were there people in there with less than 300+ posts?

If I remember correctly members had to have 300+ to buy and sell on NT.
Why were there people in there with less than 300+ posts?
If I remember correctly members had to have 300+ to buy and sell on NT.
That's only if they used the buy/sell forums. In no way was I trying to circumvent the buy/sell rules. The post was only to be used as a PM list. Obviously we can't monitor PM's like we can buy/sell posts so what went on thru PM's was their own decision and at their own risk. People who advertised that they were selling or trading in the post still got suspended.

The scammers came out of the woodwork.
This was also unfortunate and true. That is why I mentioned the decision was at your own risk.
I thought it was a good idea.

Instead of ppl cluttering the official thread, which inevitably happened, ppl would respond and help out who they felt like helping instead of just posting links for all to see.

After I benefited from it, I was able to help out a few heads with some retail spots. So I'd say it was a success.
In my personal opinion Id have to say that it was not a good idea at all.  Im suprised it was even allowed.

Realistically speaking, if I have an extra size do you really think im going to read through 30 pages of posts to "find" someone who wants them?  I though thats what the buy/sell section was for?  If someone has the privilege of posting in the buy/sell forum then that's their opportunity for help with a WTB Concord posting.

Niketalk was just increasing the odds of people getting scammed, and wasting bandwidth. 

When it first came about, I posted my "10.5/11" in there, but did I ever visit that thread again?  Hell no.

That thread is like a scammers buffet - and if I was a scammer Id be thanking Tebow for the opportunity given to me. 
Originally Posted by ijapino

Why were there people in there with less than 300+ posts?
If I remember correctly members had to have 300+ to buy and sell on NT.
That's only if they used the buy/sell forums. In no way was I trying to circumvent the buy/sell rules. The post was only to be used as a PM list. Obviously we can't monitor PM's like we can buy/sell posts so what went on thru PM's was their own decision and at their own risk. People who advertised that they were selling or trading in the post still got suspended.

I just dont see how someone posting for a certain size in the thread is any different than someone posting WTB in the buy/sell thread. 
I know plenty of times your "big wall of yellow text" stated that any exchanges should be done via the buy/sell threads. 

That thread thread did circumvent the buy/sell thread and allowed people needing pairs to advertise this need. 

I think it pulled in some unsavory traffic. 

It had good intentions. 

It was just contradictory to what your "big wall of yellow text" states. 
^i was thinking the same.. at least buy/sell forums are a more valid way of doing business. just seems sketchy when a bunch of people randomly hit you up trying to make a deal on shoes that are going for a pretty hefty price.
I didn't get a pm, however when I posted in there I anticipated that.

I think it's a good thing, mainly for the reason you pointed out about clearing out some clutter-Appreciated.
THANKS!!! You guys bring up some very valid points...

The idea had spawned from the original list in the 1st Concord thread. People were hoping that they could be added to a special list which provided them with information on where they could get their pairs. Others had hoped it would prevent lurkers from obtaining information on some secret stock on certain websites. In no way was I trying to circumvent my own "yellow wall of texts" warnings...Thus the reason why it was intended to be a "PM list" only. What goes on thru PM's should stay thru PM's. Whether that was the trading of information of sites/stores or an actual transaction taking place...It was off the board and out of sight.  Like I said before, people still got suspended for failing to abide by the rules. Those who advertised selling or trading still got a 1-2 week break from Niketalk.

The buy/sell forums are still our best way to safely buy/sell your shoes. It's moderated and kept organized. However, PMing transactions still happen with almost every major releases. We can't monitor that and is always told to proceed with caution. This was just a way to try and keep it from cluttering up the Official post. Imagine if those 600+ "PM me" replies ended up in the official post? It was already an ugly scene trying to moderate that.

Again, It was an "idea" that I thought would work. For some it did, and for others it was just a waste of time. This release was one of the biggest/craziest releases of all time. Something different needed to be done in order to keep it under control....even on a message board!

Thanks again for your feedback.
I don't think it worked very well (although it has potential for other releases that don't jump up as high in price... of course, those releases aren't usually as hard to obtain either, though). Honestly, there are/were VERY few people who had the means to and/or were going to truly "hook people up" at a decent price for this release.

I think that your (ijapino/moderators/administrators) posted warnings throughout the actual/"official" thread(s) serve as more of a deterrent to people making these type of posts. I also think that the precedent of these warnings has helped cut down on it (of course, the new/newer members will always ignore the rules... but that happened in this case at times, even).
I think posting your size and location and having someone contact you does not work. you have to be proactive and be aggressive with your search. PM others and contact others is a better approach.
I think posting your size and location and having someone contact you does not work. you have to be proactive and be aggressive with your search. PM others and contact others is a better approach.
I agree. Many of these members weren't willing to put in that "proactive and aggressive" work. Some people expected a pair at minimum price to just fall into their laps. Alot of it was just being online at the right time. However, this wasn't the only reason for the list. Remember how many people wanted the list so "lurkers" wouldn't jump on the information first hand? To me, this reason never made sense either. News and information will spread no matter what. In an age of social networking, news spreads faster than Tebow followers. Just because you're on a special PM/text list doesn't mean you'll get your pairs first. And to see this offer being posted throughout the threads only meant that "lurkers" had the same access to being invited to the "list". Atleast with the PM post, those who had information or pairs to sell could select who they wanted to "help".

how did people get scammed on the PM thread ?

Not saying it happened, but the increase for potential fraud was certainly there. Because everything was supposed to be handled thru PM's only, we couldn't monitor deals. This is the reason why we still insist that you make a transaction thru the buy/sell forums.
looks like the majority of people didnt cop through the pm list thread. alot of people are just directly pming each other, i think only ONE person contacted me who I didn't pm. Instead of the pm thread which I dont think people want to read through all the pages, its probably better for people to post the size/price/trades in their sigs.

another choice is probably to allow resellers/connects to create separate threads in the regional forums who can hook up others with sneakers/valuable info or list all the stuff they have in their inventory. tell all nters to contact whoever the person that has the certain size/info/whatever they are looking for through pm, instead of posting replies. then they update what they have left in stock and if resellers have sold all their pairs or they don't have any more info to give, then you can lock up and delete the post.
I didn't get a PM.

Great idea but once the release date hit it was every man for himself and if you didn't already have a connect on NT or off of NT you weren't getting the shoes.
Originally Posted by AEA18

I didn't get a PM.

Great idea but once the release date hit it was every man for himself and if you didn't already have a connect on NT or off of NT you weren't getting the shoes.

Pretty much....
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