****** pop star

Jun 6, 2006
[h1]From Tim to Kim: German pop star, 16, becomes world's youngest transsexual after sex change op
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 7:34 AM on 05th February 2009

German teenager Kim Petras who became the world's youngest transsexual after undergoing an operation at the age of just 16 says she can't wait forthe summer so she can try out a whole new wardrobe of tight fitting clothes.

The pop singer - born Tim - is well known in Germany for having started hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender transition by the age of 12.

Now 16, she completed Gender Reassignment Surgery in November, according to a posting on her blog.

Girl in a boy's body: Pop singer Kim Petras, 16, may have become the world's youngest transsexual after completing genderreassignment surgery last November

Dr Bernd Meyenburg who heads the Psychiatric Special Outpatient Clinic for Children and Adolescents with Identity Disorders at the University of FrankfurtHospital said: 'Very few youth psychiatrists have any experience with transsexual developments. The families wander from one psychiatrist to the next.

'I was always against such operations on children so young but after seeing how happy one of my patients was and how well adjusted after returning fromhaving the operation abroad while still a teenager - I realised that in some cases it is the right decision.

'Kim is such a case - she always knew what she wanted.'

Kim herself said: 'Everything has changed because of this operation. I just can't wait to put on my favourite bathing suit and go swimming likeI've never done before.

'I had to wait until my 16th birthday but once that was past I was able legally to have the operation.


Kim Petras pictured as a young boy

'I know that because of my past people will always bring up the subject, I can't get away from it. But I hope that one day I might be better knownfor something else like my music.'

In Germany, such operations are not usually allowed until the patient is 18.

However Kim managed to convince doctors when she was just 12 that she should have the surgery.

By 14 she was officially registered as a girl - and was already famous for her choice.

The costs of her procedure were covered by health insurance as her condition was officially diagnosed as an illness.

Dr Achim Wuesthof, an endocrinologist specialising in children and adolescents, who was treating Kim at a clinic in Hamburg, said that he and his colleaguesfelt that in this case it had been best to start earlier.

He said: 'To the best of my knowledge, Kim is the youngest sex change patient in the world.

'According to German law, two independent psychiatrists must confirm that the child is indeed transsexual and approve the sex change. Once that has beendone, it is best to start as early as possible.

'Transsexuals experience the onset of puberty, and the physical changes it brings, as a serious trauma.

'But there is a general lack of empathy with cases like Kim's, mostly because people know little about the condition. Imagine a man that suddenlystarts growing breasts or a woman that starts growing a beard against their will - that is how Kim and people like her experience puberty.

'They are not freaks, nor do they suffer mental illness. They are simply trapped in the wrong bodies. That is why it is best to help them as early aspossible and reduce the trauma for them and their families.'

Last year Kim was signed to Joyce Records and released online her first single 'Last Forever'.

It became a YouTube and MySpace hit.

In September - just weeks before the cosmetic surgery finalising her transition from a male to a female -she released her first commercially availablesingle 'Fade Away' into the German market.

Kim said: 'I was asked if I feel like a woman now - but the truth is I have always felt like a woman - I just ended up in the wrong body.

'I had a problem because I couldn't wear skinny stuff, but now I can wear whatever I want to. I really am looking forward to going swimming likeeveryone else and to wearing tight jeans that show off my figure. They are so tight, I always felt quite uncomfortable in them until now.

'Now I can go as tight as I want to. I used to wear mini skirts too, but yes, now even the tight ones can be part of my wardrobe.

'I can enjoy swimming, and bikinis, go in the changing rooms without a problem, everything has changed because of this operation. I just can't waitto put on my favourite bathing suit and go swimming like I've never done before.'

Kim, who is now studying fashion design, began calling herself a girl when she was just two years old.

Her father Lutz said: 'I suppose it took me longer than my wife to accept it, but Kim is a very persuasive girl, she knows what she wants and how to getit.

'I am very proud of what she has achieved, how she has managed to get there and how she sticks to her dreams no matter how hard and painful they are tofollow.'

This must be huge in germany, changing your sex and becoming a singer. I went to school with the other one who did it. I forget what his girl name is, but hewon American Idol Germany and when I knew him, he was Lorenzo. You could always tell he had a little sugar in his proverbial tank, but when I heard dude wentthe whole 9 yards and got the operation too I was shocked.
Only when Transsexuals Look like this is it acceptable(and if tell dudes BEFORE they get asked out) for dudes to dress like women imo
+**$ technology. Ending up in a situation like this is one of my biggest fears, and this is just an example of how its harder and harder to tell nowadays.
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

I remember this "chick" in another thread. A lot of NT said that they would smash :
I remember that thread and when they found out it was a boy they continued to beast
Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

I remember this "chick" in another thread. A lot of NT said that they would smash :
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

I remember this "chick" in another thread. A lot of NT said that they would smash :
I remember that thread and when they found out it was a boy they continued to beast
'Cause it was false.
The worst part about this situation though is that young children will start to look up to this and see the behavior as acceptable, lets just hope theydon't become super fans and ask for sex changes instead of toys for Christmas
Originally Posted by JND1

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

I remember this "chick" in another thread. A lot of NT said that they would smash :
I remember that thread and when they found out it was a boy they continued to beast
'Cause it was false.

Says the man with Lady Gaga as his avatar
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by JND1

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Otis Dont Play That

I remember this "chick" in another thread. A lot of NT said that they would smash :
I remember that thread and when they found out it was a boy they continued to beast
'Cause it was false.

Says the man with Lady Gaga as his avatar

He's an ugly chic anyways, and yea that thread was hilarious. Here's my x homie, dude's name is Lorielle London aka Lory Glory and it was "SoYou Wanna Be A Superstar," Germany edition he won and not American Idol. Apparently he's big time now, movies, tv shows, and magazines. He's like6'2




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