****** pop star



Good for her, though.
First chick has nice eyes..

I know Germany can't be happy w/all these gender-bending individuals

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

@ that Mutumbo finger

yea dude used to could hoop. this was like 5th- 7th grade but assuming he kept up with it, I bet she could dunk on a $%!@#+@%#%#%. Dude was as supergay though,only dude in the Sopranos section of the choir and !*@!
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

He's an ugly chic anyways, and yea that thread was hilarious. Here's my x homie, dude's name is Lorielle London aka Lory Glory and it was "So You Wanna Be A Superstar," Germany edition he won and not American Idol. Apparently he's big time now, movies, tv shows, and magazines. He's like 6'2





wow those hands
Looks like a Tall and skinny girl with a 3/10 face. The Chest is a horrible boob job
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

@ that Mutumbo finger

yea dude used to could hoop. this was like 5th- 7th grade but assuming he kept up with it, I bet she could dunk on a $%!@#+@%#%#%. Dude was as supergay though, only dude in the Sopranos section of the choir and !*@!

Who learned you how to typed
I hope some of you gain some respect for people with this disorder. Gender Identity Disorder amongst teenagers has the highest suicide ratings. They didn'task to have that disorder, but if they have the means and the courage to go ahead and go thru with the operation MORE POWER TO THEM!!!

SMH at some of your responses. It makes me look down on your parents and you because if it were you, you'd be singing a whole different tune, but becauseit's someone else who has to suffer most of y'all just go ahead and laugh or crack jokes. Try to be more mature when responding to posts, it's yourown fault when you get banned from NiketAlk, not mine, not the OP's, YOUR OWN FAULT. You have the ability to ignore the topic or control your actions, butwhen you go and rip on someone who's different, that makes YOU look like the reject not them!
I just dont get it. That girl from the real world said she put on a skirt and right then and there she knew that she had to be a female.
I don't have jack squat to do with ANYONE getting banned. Ask the Mods....... CALLING ALL MODS...... CALLING ALL MODS..... Ask them, Pm them they'lltell you it has nothing to do with me. Each and everyonE of us is RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS.

I am not talking down to anyone, I am just saying how ignorant and pathetic it makes someone look when they talk trash about someone simply because they aredifferent. Nobody's going to be perfect not even your "dream girl/guy/car/house/etc" there's always going to be a defect. Just appreciate thefact that they are still willing to hold their head up high instead of slicing their wrists or od'ing on pills.
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

I don't have jack squat to do with ANYONE getting banned. Ask the Mods....... CALLING ALL MODS...... CALLING ALL MODS..... Ask them, Pm them they'll tell you it has nothing to do with me. Each and everyonE of us is RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS.

I am not talking down to anyone, I am just saying how ignorant and pathetic it makes someone look when they talk trash about someone simply because they are different. Nobody's going to be perfect not even your "dream girl/guy/car/house/etc" there's always going to be a defect. Just appreciate the fact that they are still willing to hold their head up high instead of slicing their wrists or od'ing on pills.

quiet down
Originally Posted by JayHood23

The worst part about this situation though is that young children will start to look up to this and see the behavior as acceptable, lets just hope they don't become super fans and ask for sex changes instead of toys for Christmas

people still think like this in 2009.
Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

waits for badinfluenz........

i love being right

I am not speaking on a Pro GLBT agenda. I am speaking on a level of someone who knows what it's like to be jocked because they are different. It ain'teasy, but let them do what they want it's their life and nobody has a right to judge anyone.
Originally Posted by Bad N fluenz

I hope some of you gain some respect for people with this disorder. Gender Identity Disorder amongst teenagers has the highest suicide ratings. They didn't ask to have that disorder, but if they have the means and the courage to go ahead and go thru with the operation MORE POWER TO THEM!!!
This is NOT a disorder its a choice, it's just an excuse for boys to dress like girls and be accepted by society
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