Possibly the demise of the "Jumpman" logo.

If the roles were reversed and this guy had copied Nike's photo... you know full damn well they would have hit him with a lawsuit claiming it was identical so fast it would make his head spin.

Yep, no doubt about it. Nike is trying to weasel their way out of it but they are in the wrong.
There's no doubt to me that Nike stole that guy's idea. They copied him and just refined it. They should pay. People cry on here about getting images stolen for little rinky dink stuff. Well, this is major thievery in my eyes. Call a spade a spade. This guy got his idea stolen. If it was any one of you, I know darn well you'd be angry you got jacked.

He's been compensated a few times now. He just wants more money again.
You can see the resemblance but that's about it. Dude didn't even trademark it until recently.

At the end of the day, the 2 images are definitely different enough that they aren't considered identical. The biggest thing that catches your eye is that both images have jordan doing a scissors kick.

There would be so many lawsuits out there if you could sue for any variation or resemblance of a photo you took.
not saying you're wrong by any means.... but you're making it much more black and white than it is. I think its more about the idea of the shillouette than it is about a "photo". Nike worked with this dude and the photo to come up with the idea for the logo. It's gonna come down to the terms of that meeting and whose lawyers do a better job.
You can see the resemblance but that's about it. Dude didn't even trademark it until recently.

At the end of the day, the 2 images are definitely different enough that they aren't considered identical. The biggest thing that catches your eye is that both images have jordan doing a scissors kick.

There would be so many lawsuits out there if you could sue for any variation or resemblance of a photo you took.
not saying you're wrong by any means.... but you're making it much more black and white than it is. I think its more about the idea of the shillouette than it is about a "photo". Nike worked with this dude and the photo to come up with the idea for the logo. It's gonna come down to the terms of that meeting and whose lawyers do a better job.

Black and white >>>> imagination in legal terms from what I've gathered over the years (I'm no expert tho).
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