Post pics of random hot chicks on Facebook that you dont even know...

Maybe I should turn this into a "Post facebook URLs of random hot girls" thread.

What do y'all think?

And JFDoom...give us a link son to that chick son.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Maybe I should turn this into a "Post facebook URLs of random hot girls" thread.

What do y'all think?

And JFDoom...give us a link son to that chick son.
Click on the photo genius
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by NYC Safe Bet

Who are you, Lazy B?

I am not sure if you roll with them girls but I know the last two girls you posted. How you know them?

I went to Syracuse, too.

Don't worry about who I am. We have friends in the same circles. The second was a RA in my building last year (boy do I have dirt on her, she's cool though). The third was introduced to me by a friend late in the spring semester.
If you know em then why don't you friend em instead of peeping their pics on the sneak tip?

BTW good to see Cuse representin in here.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by NYC Safe Bet

Who are you, Lazy B?

I am not sure if you roll with them girls but I know the last two girls you posted. How you know them?

I went to Syracuse, too.

Don't worry about who I am. We have friends in the same circles. The second was a RA in my building last year (boy do I have dirt on her, she's cool though). The third was introduced to me by a friend late in the spring semester.
If you know em then why don't you friend em instead of peeping their pics on the sneak tip?

BTW good to see Cuse representin in here.
You went to Syracuse, too? What year?
Had to go and fix some MORE stuff with my settings.

It's gonna be a bunch of people who are late with all of this and for the photo albums you kinda have to dig deep to edit it. The default for it is"everyone"

FB knew what they were doing
Originally Posted by NYC Safe Bet

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by NYC Safe Bet

Who are you, Lazy B?

I am not sure if you roll with them girls but I know the last two girls you posted. How you know them?

I went to Syracuse, too.

Don't worry about who I am. We have friends in the same circles. The second was a RA in my building last year (boy do I have dirt on her, she's cool though). The third was introduced to me by a friend late in the spring semester.
If you know em then why don't you friend em instead of peeping their pics on the sneak tip?

BTW good to see Cuse representin in here.
You went to Syracuse, too? What year?
I'm from Syracuse, but I graduated from SUNY Binghamton and go to Rutgers now. I know soooo many people from of the reasons Idecided not to go there outta HS. I wanted to change it up. I love the school though.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by NYC Safe Bet

Who are you, Lazy B?

I am not sure if you roll with them girls but I know the last two girls you posted. How you know them?

I went to Syracuse, too.

Don't worry about who I am. We have friends in the same circles. The second was a RA in my building last year (boy do I have dirt on her, she's cool though). The third was introduced to me by a friend late in the spring semester.
If you know em then why don't you friend em instead of peeping their pics on the sneak tip?

BTW good to see Cuse representin in here.
We all know each other but we aren't friends. Everyone on my Facebook is an actual person that I talk to. If I say hi to you sparingly orrarely talk to you chances are I don't take the time to add you. I rarely use it now that I'm on Twitter.

Whoever posted the HazelEyed Honey picture.
Originally Posted by JFDOOM

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Maybe I should turn this into a "Post facebook URLs of random hot girls" thread.

What do y'all think?

And JFDoom...give us a link son to that chick son.
Click on the photo genius
Nice to see that you edited your post AFTER I asked you for her link.

Anyways, genius, I get this...

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