Post Pics of Your Room Vol. 2

CAN anyone post a step by step guide on how to create a rasterbator and what materials they used and computer programs

sorry bout the prev post but what i need to know is where to get styrophoam from and how to mount the project to the wall
hey guys i need some ideas for what to put on this shelf thing i have on my wall. i saw somebody with some vinyls up on one like this. good idea?

sorry about the phone pics




got way too much crap in my room
i notice y most people kicks get yellowed now. the only time my joints is out side is when i'm rockin em.
damn i swear how the hell do you guys afford all those stuff in your rooms? i mean all that new furniture, hdtv, and especially the sneakers. id go broketrying to keep up with you guys.
moving into my new place. storing shoes is a bish.

..............Say Word Kev, we just moved into our new home over the weekend, transporting 100+ shoes is a yotch, right now they're in my garage inBalikbayan and Hospital Adult Diaper boxes waitin to be stored, they're gonna have to stored in 2 closets it looks like, I'll snap some pics whenI'm done.

Dope set-up Nick......very clean.


this is my sports room my wife has her own living room as well i planned it perfectly!
I just bought this house 9 monthsago so i dont have any of my posters up still, I need to get them framed
There's alot of creativity displayed in the rooms.. Anymore want to contribute. lol an for all those asking where can i get this that an the third, lol :nerd:ut of 10 the answer is IKEA.. man i wish i owned that company....
Ibleedorange34: Did you actually buy that Jordan XXI ball from the Tempe outlet, or steal it? I'm going to say you stole that since no one in their rightmind should of bought that.
Originally Posted by rock4light

Ibleedorange34: Did you actually buy that Jordan XXI ball from the Tempe outlet, or steal it? I'm going to say you stole that since no one in their right mind should of bought that.
I might as well say i stole it then cause i did get it for free and it goes nice w/my matching color xxi
Originally Posted by ibleedorange342313

Originally Posted by vick5

Originally Posted by Kid LeBron

^ PHX rocks my socks! lol we will win this year

Word. Good to see some fellow Suns fans on NT.
Yes surrrrr!! luv ur avatar too i'll never forget that moment lol!

YUP. And if anyone happens to see it in a poster on a site (otherthan ebay), PM me because all Suns fans know the significance of that moment.
DK - That pic was taken the day after MJ got drafted once he arrived in Chi.

Cris -- Thanks!
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