Post-racial society: will there b a time when it's acceptable 4 non-blacks to use the N* word??

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

It's not. It just isn't. Even if we're getting to a point where it doesn't sting any more, it still shouldn't be something white people should say. There's too much history involved. Sure, right or wrong none of that matters to us in a room full of black people. But that's our prerogative as the ones that endured the oppression. We didn't exactly get 40 acres and a mule, but at least comp us some affirmative action and the right to a double standard on the N-word. I mean, you can't help but feel some kind of way when a white guy is there and you hear somebody, black or otherwise, say the N-word. That small little cringe.. that's why white people should never say it. Respect the cringe man. Some of s still cringe. But hell, in private company make your own calls. But just out of respect for the thousands that died, the ancestors of the people that forged that word as a weapon should have enough reverence to retire it. Now whether or not we have that same perspective is our own issue as a people; as Black people. But I don't see how certain white people don't see why certain black people are not okay with them using the N word in mixed company.
This post makes a lot of sense to me. I'm white. Previously, I haven't used the word except around my best white friends who love hip-hop. I'm rethinking that though. Don't want to let it slip in the wrong place and be hurtful.
Originally Posted by WILLd540

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

It's not. It just isn't. Even if we're getting to a point where it doesn't sting any more, it still shouldn't be something white people should say. There's too much history involved. Sure, right or wrong none of that matters to us in a room full of black people. But that's our prerogative as the ones that endured the oppression. We didn't exactly get 40 acres and a mule, but at least comp us some affirmative action and the right to a double standard on the N-word. I mean, you can't help but feel some kind of way when a white guy is there and you hear somebody, black or otherwise, say the N-word. That small little cringe.. that's why white people should never say it. Respect the cringe man. Some of s still cringe. But hell, in private company make your own calls. But just out of respect for the thousands that died, the ancestors of the people that forged that word as a weapon should have enough reverence to retire it. Now whether or not we have that same perspective is our own issue as a people; as Black people. But I don't see how certain white people don't see why certain black people are not okay with them using the N word in mixed company.
This post makes a lot of sense to me. I'm white. Previously, I haven't used the word except around my best white friends who love hip-hop. I'm rethinking that though. Don't want to let it slip in the wrong place and be hurtful.

Props WILL 

I mean, I been around your type and it doesn't really bother me (Can I say "your type"?
) Hell to be honest, white people who "identify" with the N-word actually buy rap music. So you're cool with me, @#@$
. But my dad hates that @#@$. Why? Well his dad was from Alabama. And so he grew up calling 7 year old white kids mister and @#@$. So.... yeah... You kinda just gotta roll with that one... History is a +*$!$... yahmean?
I don't even see how calling your friend/cousin/brother a racial term is acceptable at all. NOBODY should get a pass.
AntonLaVey wrote:
I know non-black hispanics that use that word literally every other sentence. 

I think Hispanics love using the "N-word" more so then black people. 

In NY they say i totally out of context and at unnecessary times... 

Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

I don't even see how calling your friend/cousin/brother a racial term is acceptable at all. NOBODY should get a pass.

There's a really thin, and sometimes highly implausible line between pet names/nicknames/terms of endearment and insults. But at the end of the day, if women can sit amongst their flock and call each other B-this and B-that and still snap on us men for doing the same, it's gotta be this :
Sure, right or wrong none of that matters to us in a room full of black LIKE people. But that's our prerogative as the ones that endured the oppression.

Which goes right along with :
We didn't exactly get 40 acres and a mule, but at least comp us some affirmative action and the right to a double standard on the N-word.
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger


Out here in the bay area tho... it seems like Asians use the n-word more than black people do.
 Thats all I hear out here. I was heated at first but then this Asian cat I worked with hip me to how they use the word. It dont make it any better, but it took some of the sting out of it.

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Living in NYC I hear it from everybody and I don't even flinch when I hear, that is unless I hear asians use it. Don't ask me why, but I laugh to myself every time I hear it from them.

I feel like it's only in NYC that Asians use it. I
 everytime I here them say it because it just sounds rediculous.
Yea because we soft right?
I don't even understand why black people use it. Its a derogatory word used throughout history by whites yet nowadays decide to call each other it. I'm not even black but i can't stand when i hear hispanics or asians say it. When i hear some of my hispanic friends use it i just smh and tell them not to use the word.
Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

I don't even see how calling your friend/cousin/brother a racial term is acceptable at all. NOBODY should get a pass.

There's a really thin, and sometimes highly implausible line between pet names/nicknames/terms of endearment and insults. But at the end of the day, if women can sit amongst their flock and call each other B-this and B-that and still snap on us men for doing the same, it's gotta be this :
Sure, right or wrong none of that matters to us in a room full of black LIKE people. But that's our prerogative as the ones that endured the oppression.
Which goes right along with :
We didn't exactly get 40 acres and a mule, but at least comp us some affirmative action and the right to a double standard on the N-word.

I see your point, but then there shouldn't be a double standard if people who want to be "allowed" to use a certain word want the same rights as everyone else. If one group can say it, then everyone should be able to use it as well. Equal rights to all.
Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

Originally Posted by Willy Hitchero

Originally Posted by SdotCAR619

I don't even see how calling your friend/cousin/brother a racial term is acceptable at all. NOBODY should get a pass.

There's a really thin, and sometimes highly implausible line between pet names/nicknames/terms of endearment and insults. But at the end of the day, if women can sit amongst their flock and call each other B-this and B-that and still snap on us men for doing the same, it's gotta be this :
Sure, right or wrong none of that matters to us in a room full of black LIKE people. But that's our prerogative as the ones that endured the oppression.
Which goes right along with :
We didn't exactly get 40 acres and a mule, but at least comp us some affirmative action and the right to a double standard on the N-word.

I see your point, but then there shouldn't be a double standard if people who want to be "allowed" to use a certain word want the same rights as everyone else. If one group can say it, then everyone should be able to use it as well. Equal rights to all.

Alright... here's the deal. Double standards exist everywhere all the time. There's always a group of people for, and a group of people in opposition to the standard. We have that clearly defined and understood. Well this is one of them. So I'm not saying you're wrong for disagreeing wit the need for the standard, I'm just saying that if we argue with one another about it, we're just being typical of opposing parties to a double standard.. And this is a typical example of a double standard. That's all this is. So I'm not gonna get all in a fuss about it and no one else should either. Just acknowledge-but-respect the double standard and the whole thing becomes a dead issue. That whole equal rights thing doesn't work because all one person has to do is say, "Well white people had equal rights longer", or "Well, things aren't even all that equal to begin with...", and you got a thread riot on your hands... just respect the double standard... make it easy on everybody..
I see more non blacks using the N-word than blacks. I've even seen white people debate about why they should be able to say it and that there is no harm.

Basically white people ain't prepared to handle what they dish out. Just because a black man catches an attitude behind the word used to scorn him, now whit people wanna go and call it reverse racism. I just don't get the logic
i say it around my close friends, they dont care as long as im not being racist or something
I never understood it, everyone walks around saying the N-word but no one walks around calling people other racial slurs

Did black people bring this upon themselves by adding it to music?

"Yo what up my cracka"
Wr wrote:
Basically white people ain't prepared to handle what they dish out. Just because a black man catches an attitude behind the word used to scorn him, now whit people wanna go and call it reverse racism. I just don't get the logic
This reminds me of that dave chappelle stand up (i think). Where white dude told the cops that he didn't know he couldn't do that and cop didn't care. I'm not saying all white people are like this, but white people do act like they have the most freedom to do whatever they want and once you call them out, they get offended
when hispanics and asian say it, its in a friendly manner and dont mean anything negative by it. with an "a" not "er".
From my experience in college

The Hispanics, Asians (Indians included), and white kids say more than the black kids do

And it %*@#%!# weird.
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