POST SICK PICS OF KICKS VOL. letskeepthisonegoing

Small world. I follow @DubnBud on instagram, and we both seemed to have joined NT around the same time. Dude has great shots, and a formidable collection of kicks. Good to see you here Dub, I knew those AF 72 shots looked mad familiar.
Sick shots everyone!

BHM 1s vol. 3M EDITION.


Small world. I follow @DubnBud on instagram, and we both seemed to have joined NT around the same time. Dude has great shots, and a formidable collection of kicks. Good to see you here Dub, I knew those AF 72 shots looked mad familiar.
thanks a friend referred me here nice to see other sneaker shots. 
man some of you guys are so talented wit a camera! Not just the actual pics, but the imagination you guys put into the layout of your pics. I CANT EVEN TAKE A CLEAR CELL PHONE PIC! Those BHM 1s look crazy with the flash! Keep up the good work fellas. The shots in this thread are
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