Post some things from your childhood VOL....MEMORIES

64 was the gamechanger .. 4 controllers :smokin

During the summer we'd play outside early then when it got hot come in duke it out on the 64, then dinner time, bout 630 head back outside

Mario Kart
Mario Party
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Star Fox
Ken Griffey Baseball


IIRC this was the first and maybe only baseball game where you could play on the same team as a friend instead of head to head

Damn blockbuster. I remember these cats from the projects i went to school with had stolen someones blockbuster card and were "renting" a grip of games and movies. I use to borrow all their playstation games and burn em on my PC then give it back to them lol. Free games
Heather hunter and kobi tai OG scene on the dial up computer sound turned off so i can hear mom dukes keys in the door was where my roots started back in the days... then she tried to be a rapper and disgusted me lol.
Lmao me too fam..hated to have the volume down from fear of being caught but it got the job done lol..

IIRC this was the first and maybe only baseball game where you could play on the same team as a friend instead of head to head

Damn blockbuster. I remember these cats from the projects i went to school with had stolen someones blockbuster card and were "renting" a grip of games and movies. I use to borrow all their playstation games and burn em on my PC then give it back to them lol. Free games
Lol sounds like you had it good fam with those free games..mine were rented and taken right back to the store lol
Lol sounds like you had it good fam with those free games..mine were rented and taken right back to the store lol

:lol: when i found out the lick these guys hit i lost my mind. My pops had got a chip in the PS so we used to rent games and burn em on the PC and we had games for $5, which was amazing itself, but once it was free it was a wrap lol. I would be at the computer for hours just burning games.
:lol: when i found out the lick these guys hit i lost my mind. My pops had got a chip in the PS so we used to rent games and burn em on the PC and we had games for $5, which was amazing itself, but once it was free it was a wrap lol. I would be at the computer for hours just burning games.

Lol man..those were the good ol days for sure..wish I could go back man..
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