Post Your Bikes...

I have no clue where to get one of those.... where did you get the bike? online?
i would like to know the companies that make these kinds of bikes because i have been doing research and i dont know which are the good the bad and the mediocre...

if anyone can help please do
^im with you, but its sad that it is associated with being "hip/scene". Riding fixed makes riding my other track bike cake.
so thats why they haven't posted any fixies.
i was expecting alot of those
^ I ride it for a couple of reasons.

It's great for your pedalling style - really smoothes it out because if you're a bit choppy the bike wobbles all over the place.

Good for basic leg strength as you can't change gear for going uphill - and also for basic fitness as it can be hard work sometimes.

Simple to maintain - a great commuter bike as there's not much to go wrong or look after. Plus it's really light - you would be surprised how much allthe gears and cables and stuff weigh.

But mostly I ride it because it's fun - it's just a nice way to ride. Really smooth and quick - the acceleration is great compared to a normal bike.It's my quickest bike for getting around (unless I go North/South here as that gets hilly).
can anyone recommend a fairly decent/cheap bike that i can use to ride around to get from say, my house to the park/the gym?

nothing too fancy. nothing too expensive. something for semi-rough terrain (suburbs in ny). no dmx bikes. so possibly a mountain bike? i'm not up to datewith my bikes. thanks.
the hills in Bronx Ny is what made me not get into fixies not being able to stop pedaling up a hill has to be rough ...... if i were to live in manhattan itwould be a different story
Damn I need to get back into bikes. All I missed with when I was younger was moutain bikes and with gas being the way it is. I'm trying mess with a bikeand enjoy my youth again
My dyno COMPE just got stolen
.... It was in perfect condition exceptfor the right brake , but still had original GT tired and everything.
I just went on a short bike ride (10 minutes) and damn i miss the freedom i used to get when i rode my bike back in middle - high school. I want to get astreet bike or a fixed gear to ride around this summer. Would i be able to get a decent one for under $500 ?

right now all I have is a 24 gt bmx crusier I used to have a haro but almost broke my leg and gave it away.
Originally Posted by kdwallace

^ I ride it for a couple of reasons.

It's great for your pedalling style - really smoothes it out because if you're a bit choppy the bike wobbles all over the place.

Good for basic leg strength as you can't change gear for going uphill - and also for basic fitness as it can be hard work sometimes.

Simple to maintain - a great commuter bike as there's not much to go wrong or look after. Plus it's really light - you would be surprised how much all the gears and cables and stuff weigh.

But mostly I ride it because it's fun - it's just a nice way to ride. Really smooth and quick - the acceleration is great compared to a normal bike. It's my quickest bike for getting around (unless I go North/South here as that gets hilly).

Could not have said it any better. I think it gets a bad rap from the bike collabs on and now that Kanye is into it. It's beyond fun(lots of people here in Nashville ride fixed), great workout, and saves you money on gas.
I love riding. I'll post pics of my bike tommorow. The only thing I hate is people keep trying to rob me for it. When I first started riding they tried torob me and my brother by the park. Another time they tried to rob me in front of the bodega while I was buying some milk. Really gets me
Lol damn Dom, got those bars titled up far as hell. And that Specialized is dope, Jay. I'm usually just into BMX bikes but that joint is tough.
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