\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //


when i was like 13 and staying at my cousins house near Sac, he snuck us out of the house and we went to this giant organized street race behind some warehouses in Sac.  There was like hundreds of cars, dude standing in the road dropping his arms to start races. it was nuts.  Cops came and everyone fled and met at this giant dirt lot and then went right back to the race spot about half hour later. it was straight up a like a scene from the first Fast & Furious. 

crazy how nobody even got pulled over, the cops just sat at the end of the road where the races were taking place and waited for everyone to leave.  I feel like now a days they would be popping everybody there. impounding cars, throwing people in jail, etc
u went to racewars when u were little?

pretty much bro. it was honestly exactly like this picture but at 3am in the back of an industrial park type of area.

my cousins made me push his Integra down the street like a ****** mile so we didn't wake his parents up when we left 
well this is the story. who knows how true the part is about what actually caused it. Because from that impact it looks like they were goin pretty fast

RIP to them |I.

Bruh, this **** is straight out of final destination.

My god. Rest in peace to those girls.

Shorty shouldn't have been hanging out of the sunroof, but in this situation, death was certain in any event.

******* jimminy christmas
:x my pet peeve i HATE when people grab the window to open/close the door :x

dude just did that with a bugatti :x my skin is crawling :x
this ************ has a Veyron for when he "doesn't want to have to care about rock chips and stuff" like when he's driving his even better Veyron :x

My life sucks |I

This guy is my friends uncle. All he does is talk about him and it's super annoying. His wife fine doe.
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