\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

But mailmen are provided with mail trucks. They ain't drivin around in a brand new Jeep Wranglers 
Looks like I missed out on all the ugly car discussion yesterday.... Here's my 2 cents on the Pontiac Aztec....

When you compare it to all the Crossover FauxUVs on the market today, that car was very ahead of its time. It's try-hard styling, mismatched proportions and lack of off road capability are something we've seen more and more in recent years. In 2000 when it released, the Aztecs styling was way too extreme for most tastes and under the skin it was essentially a minivan with optional 4wd. Fast forward 15 years and there are now tons of cars fitting a similar description on the market. When they were new, the Aztec stood out like a sore thumb, but now they blend in with traffic as every other car is a a goofy looking, overly aggressively styled Crossover.
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But mailmen are provided with mail trucks. They ain't drivin around in a brand new Jeep Wranglers :lol:

In rural areas mailmen drive thier povs. So the other poster was right, it was for a postal workers.

The practice of hiring rural letter carriers begining in the city as well.
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You wish you can take my pinks, Greg.

I'll race you on my stock block, and give you a 3/4 mile head start, racing to 1 mile. Off-road.

Let's set it up. A $55,000 Subaru can be yours.
lol, off road?? c'mon son. I'll run you with my beat up 125cc Honda that hasn't been rode in years
Not counting M3/M4s, I think 3 series are great cars if you're under 30 or so, but I think it looks funny when a 50 year old guy hops out of a 3 series acting like he's doing it. Either move up to a 5 or go get an Accord.

Don't even get me started on 1 series. . .

Maybe it's just me? :tongue:
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