\\ Post Your Car vol. Been a minute //

It's because they are.

Spotted this and took a pic just for you.

Saw these two 80s TV show icon vehicles and made my days. The A-Team van is so cool but I was GEEKING out on the Fall Guy truck. I grew up with the large metal toy truck as a kid. 😎 THAT was my childhood! I loved that show and that truck AND Heather Thomas 🔥🔥 & Markie Post 🔥🔥
Question for the family men/women with remote jobs: How many household cars do you have and the makes/models (if you care to share)? Are there any regrets or things to consider when you have 2+ vehicles but work from home?

Wife and I have fully remote jobs and decided to become a 1-car household to save money. So far it’s working out but I definitely want a second car for peace of mind if/when kids become a factor. We have a Jeep that’s almost paid off and eyeing a RAV4 Prime as the new daily/primary.

I’m not a car guy but I’m intrigued by the idea of a weekend roadster. But the truth is the car would sit for 5-6 days a week. On top of the Jeep likely sitting for days as a secondary vehicle…
Question for the family men/women with remote jobs: How many household cars do you have and the makes/models (if you care to share)? Are there any regrets or things to consider when you have 2+ vehicles but work from home?

Wife and I have fully remote jobs and decided to become a 1-car household to save money. So far it’s working out but I definitely want a second car for peace of mind if/when kids become a factor. We have a Jeep that’s almost paid off and eyeing a RAV4 Prime as the new daily/primary.

I’m not a car guy but I’m intrigued by the idea of a weekend roadster. But the truth is the car would sit for 5-6 days a week. On top of the Jeep likely sitting for days as a secondary vehicle…

I been working from home for about 4 years now. My cars were not really needed but more of a want. We do have 2 kids that were home schooled but now go to school and I drive them in the morning so the cars became necessities, granted I could do this with one car but I'm a car guy and each one serves a purpose for us.

Total of 4 cars
99 Land Cruiser - I could prolly just have this as an all around vehicle for everything, taking kids to school, dogs to appointments/transport etc but way too slow and a gas guzzler (no payment)
87 Buick Grand National - I just wanted it for a long time, grail car "Sunday Driver" (no payment, no ragrets)
14 Mercedes E63 - Our "newest" family hauler, and a*s hauler. Horrible on gas but its another grail car I wanted. Its nice when you wanna pack up the family and get somewhere quick (payment)
22 Dodge Durango - My girl is a new commuter. So this is her/our all around family car, road trips, towing etc. She now drives 100 miles round trip daily so we dont really use her car much to go around town, hence why the wagon is the around town family car (payment)

So not the most economical choices here :lol: but its our layout and works for us...I still plan on getting 1-2 more cars but I think we might move in about a year or so, so ima wait for better garage options
Question for the family men/women with remote jobs: How many household cars do you have and the makes/models (if you care to share)? Are there any regrets or things to consider when you have 2+ vehicles but work from home?

Wife and I have fully remote jobs and decided to become a 1-car household to save money. So far it’s working out but I definitely want a second car for peace of mind if/when kids become a factor. We have a Jeep that’s almost paid off and eyeing a RAV4 Prime as the new daily/primary.

I’m not a car guy but I’m intrigued by the idea of a weekend roadster. But the truth is the car would sit for 5-6 days a week. On top of the Jeep likely sitting for days as a secondary vehicle…

my wife and i have been fully remote since the pandemic started. my son is 2, so we take turns going out, unless we're out together of course. if i'm going to watch a game with some friends on a thursday, she'll go out on friday, etc. we were averaging 5k miles a year in each of our cars, so it was an easy decision to actually go down to one car. my wife drives a Tiguan, which is very different from my M4 lol, but i don't mind it in the short term. we've only been a 1 car family for a couple of weeks, and i'm getting the itch to buy something now though moreso because i just want something of my own, vs need. i'll end up getting a M3 once i can secure an allocation tbh.

i think it depends on your schedule. the way my family moves, it was easy to go down to 1. might not be the same for you based on your daily routine. my wife is up at 5 and works out at home. i'm up at 6 and drive to the gym. other than that, no one needs the car every day at a certain time for something.
Question for the family men/women with remote jobs: How many household cars do you have and the makes/models (if you care to share)? Are there any regrets or things to consider when you have 2+ vehicles but work from home?

Wife and I have fully remote jobs and decided to become a 1-car household to save money. So far it’s working out but I definitely want a second car for peace of mind if/when kids become a factor. We have a Jeep that’s almost paid off and eyeing a RAV4 Prime as the new daily/primary.

I’m not a car guy but I’m intrigued by the idea of a weekend roadster. But the truth is the car would sit for 5-6 days a week. On top of the Jeep likely sitting for days as a secondary vehicle…

my wife and i have been fully remote since the pandemic started. my son is 2, so we take turns going out, unless we're out together of course. if i'm going to watch a game with some friends on a thursday, she'll go out on friday, etc. we were averaging 5k miles a year in each of our cars, so it was an easy decision to actually go down to one car. my wife drives a Tiguan, which is very different from my M4 lol, but i don't mind it in the short term. we've only been a 1 car family for a couple of weeks, and i'm getting the itch to buy something now though moreso because i just want something of my own, vs need. i'll end up getting a M3 once i can secure an allocation tbh.

i think it depends on your schedule. the way my family moves, it was easy to go down to 1. might not be the same for you based on your daily routine. my wife is up at 5 and works out at home. i'm up at 6 and drive to the gym. other than that, no one needs the car every day at a certain time for something.
We also went fully remote during the pandemic. Lease was up on my 5 series and I was on the list for an i4. Figured we could get by with 1 car for a few months but soon realized a 2nd car wasn’t truly needed. 90% of the time we are driving together and we use a calendar to mark solo plans.

I’ve gotten used to the Jeep but miss my bimmer… Only thing that excites me about the RAV4 is the fuel economy and longevity. Very interested in a z4 as my fun car but not sure what the market will look like in a few years after they are discontinued…
Question for the family men/women with remote jobs: How many household cars do you have and the makes/models (if you care to share)? Are there any regrets or things to consider when you have 2+ vehicles but work from home?

Wife and I have fully remote jobs and decided to become a 1-car household to save money. So far it’s working out but I definitely want a second car for peace of mind if/when kids become a factor. We have a Jeep that’s almost paid off and eyeing a RAV4 Prime as the new daily/primary.

I’m not a car guy but I’m intrigued by the idea of a weekend roadster. But the truth is the car would sit for 5-6 days a week. On top of the Jeep likely sitting for days as a secondary vehicle…

if you're fully remote, id say your driving habits will be more informed by you and your wife's day to day. My wife and I are both partially remote (I work from home 2 days a week and she's responsible for NJ and PA as her territory so some days shes on the road and some days shes not.

But even on days where we are both home or on weekends, we definitely benefit from having 2 cars. Our daughter is getting old enough to start doing activities now so when one of us is out doing something with her like visiting grandparents, going to swim class, etc the other one is enjoying the free time by going to the gym, catching up with friends or whatever they want to do.

Ultimately, we could probably make due with one car if we were fully remote and not partially remote, but with a kid in the mix I don't think one car would be good for our mental health lol

For whats worth we have a 24 jeep wrangler 4xe and a 21 audi Q5
My fiance and I are both full remote.

3 cars in the house;
  • 4runner
  • Tacoma double cab
  • Porsche 911
Not the most economical, but our situation works out perfectly. The 4runner is great for driving a group of people and our dogs to places. The Tacoma is great for me since I do so many outdoor activities and need the bed to load things. When she's out with friends or family, I still have a car to get around. And of course the 911 is the weekend car when I have that itch for a fun drive. Helps tremendously in keeping the mileage low on the 911 too with our two other vehicles.

2000GT!! One of only 337 ever made. I've seen 2 different ones in my life and each time, I stop in my tracks! So gorgeous!! Shocked that no one had decided to make a replica of one. Would be amazing to have a kitcar with a 2JZ in it or a 2GR-FE from a wrecked Evora 400/GT.

And what color was that LC500? Screen looks to be copper? My buddy has one. He says it's a forever car along with this new Emira (and he goes through cars A LOT). And the LC got even better when he added the Sprint Booster to the pedal. No more lag. 👍👍
the LC500 looks like the most exotic, non exotic car I have ever seen.

Its good looking for sure, but something about it just seems odd IMO

I cant even put my finger on it, maybe its the funky proportions.

Kinda reminds me of a 370z/i8/G37 mashup
the LC500 looks like the most exotic, non exotic car I have ever seen.

Its good looking for sure, but something about it just seems odd

I cant even put my finger on it.

Completely agree

Sometimes I'll see one and think it looks great. Other times not so much :lol:

I think it's the angles that accentuate the giant hood & grill and don't give much of the rear
2000GT!! One of only 337 ever made. I've seen 2 different ones in my life and each time, I stop in my tracks! So gorgeous!! Shocked that no one had decided to make a replica of one. Would be amazing to have a kitcar with a 2JZ in it or a 2GR-FE from a wrecked Evora 400/GT.

And what color was that LC500? Screen looks to be copper? My buddy has one. He says it's a forever car along with this new Emira (and he goes through cars A LOT). And the LC got even better when he added the Sprint Booster to the pedal. No more lag. 👍👍

Yeah such a cool car. Always forget how low it is.

The LC is a newer color called copper crest. It’s. really a lovely hue. It started on the RX 500 and is moving to more models.

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