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Never cared much for the SS package on the el Camino, loved it on the Monte though.
came so close to buying a blue one before i ended up getting another c63. the one i was looking at had a full vorsteiner cf kit on it. made it look sooo much better.
I really wanted the San Marino blue but there was only like 2 in the whole nation for sale when I was looking. The parts I ordered were vorsteiner so it should make the rear super aggressive :D

:smokin :smokin
Oh for sure my car was not blocking the garage doors in anyway and cars can get in and out easily, but sftma says the driveway starts where the curb starts to slope downwards. I guess I can only park in like 10% of the spaces in my neighborhood. As if parking wasn't already an issue for me. :lol:
I know two dudes that had a chevy cruz who BOTH work at a chevy dealership.

They both drive Toyotas now after saying "never again".

Maibu and Cruz are crap cars.
Anecdotal. I know people with Cruzes that have had no issues. I had the last gen Malibu myself but only for a couple years.

Never wanted a truck but have had this for 2 years come next week. Loving it


Looks good. I'll trade ya.
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Oh for sure my car was not blocking the garage doors in anyway and cars can get in and out easily, but sftma says the driveway starts where the curb starts to slope downwards. I guess I can only park in like 10% of the spaces in my neighborhood. As if parking wasn't already an issue for me. :lol:

That first one looks like the curb is non-existent so you would be "blocking" the driveway per the excerpt you posted. Sucks though.
I can't believe that's considered a driveway or a garage...thank goodnesss for living in the Midwest. I'm not sure all of my kids powerwheels would even fit there.
Just left the BMW dealer. Saw the new gen 5 series.

I want it :smh:

But it's not so much of a drastic change. I really just want that touch screen :lol:
Here we go...y'all love to hate it lol...

Do you work for Bart? We can agree to disagree, but Bart is terrible. My wife and I both commute on Bart daily from WC station. She rides it 5 days a week and 3 days a week for me. It's a joke.

Seen the new 7 series today. Man that car is beautiful.
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Here we go...y'all love to hate it lol...

Do you work for Bart? We can agree to disagree, but Bart is terrible. My wife and I both commute on Bart daily from WC station. She rides it 5 days a week and 3 days a week for me. It's a joke.

Seen the new 7 series today. Man that car is beautiful.
I do work for Bart. And I was jus giving you a hard time. I know it's a headache for everyone a lot of the time. Packed in like sardInes during commute, delays every day. But without it you know commute would be extra brutal...
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