***Post Your Desktop / Guide To A Great Desktop***

appreciate all the info in the first post.

now i just need to find a good amount of time to do all this.
Alright so my final product...Still might add in the weather thing though, but as of right now..
This is my setup right now...i need a new theme fore the task tray and new icons...
this is my setup right now.....my background changes every 5 mins but this is what i got the screep cap. on

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also can anyone make this pic into a dock icon for objectdock please
Why is it when I download something on deviantart.com and extract it from Winrar, the theme doesn't work? Just a read-me file.

had to take this from someone else. the pic is just too hot.

but yeah what skins are some must have skins for rainmeter. as you can see already got weather and clock
oh and also, is there a way to permanently hide the windows 7 task-bar? i moved it up top but it keeps coming back whenever i scroll over it
Originally Posted by omgitswes


had to take this from someone else. the pic is just too hot.

but yeah what skins are some must have skins for rainmeter. as you can see already got weather and clock
How did you get the picture off of deviantart without the watermark?
Originally Posted by ConductZero

Originally Posted by omgitswes

had to take this from someone else. the pic is just too hot.

but yeah what skins are some must have skins for rainmeter. as you can see already got weather and clock
How did you get the picture off of deviantart without the watermark?
didn't, I found it on there.
desktopnexus has a lot of good wallpapers.
-Geektool clock
-Deviantart icons
-Superdocker dock
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Originally Posted by SouthsideChi773

Took me two days to do this

Can someone please tell me why the Thursday in the Calendar starts with an "R"?
Since Tues and Thurs both start with the letter T it is common for Thurs to be represented by the letter R to avoid confusion between the days
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