one of the two 7" display i just received. other one should be here later this week.
Originally Posted by CWrite78


my desktops o_O

Very nice stuff write. I like the cluttered but clean look you got going on. That's how I roll too.
Stormtroopers ftwwww
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Very nice stuff write. I like the cluttered but clean look you got going on. That's how I roll too.
Stormtroopers ftwwww

man, i used to be all about wireless this and wireless that. then i kept getting disconnected.. signals crossed then i said eff it. nothing like having wires.also gave up on organizing them because with the amount of !+* in my desk it's IMPOSSIBLE. but i like my set up. im just waiting for my other screen andthen my gaming pc and i should be good. and for wireless i have a samsung NC-10
hmm. whats the purpose tho.? anything special about it? it looks like the right size for youtube vids lol
Originally Posted by Jesseg8

Originally Posted by djslaparip

Originally Posted by Rafool

Originally Posted by 18key

Is there any way to make the Recycle Bin icon go away from my desktop on XP? I've been playing around with my family's computer, making my profile look better, and I really dont want that RB icon sitting in the corner throwing everything off.
I've been trying to do the same and nothing works for me......
Right click on the desktop Arrange Icons By>click Show Desktop Icons and it should UNcheck and they should go away.

I tried that and it took out my desktop background too..
Try changing the background to the pic you want. If no just click Show Desktop Icons again and UNcheck it again, it tweaks sometime.
Originally Posted by only 2three

hmm. whats the purpose tho.? anything special about it? it looks like the right size for youtube vids lol

ichat itunes videos photoshop tools having multi screens is the best thing ever.
Cwrite, I'm about to get a 20" monitor for mine as well to get a two screen setup. I'm a GD, I assume you are too. How is it working out for you?Worth the investment?
Originally Posted by ronnskizzle

Originally Posted by CWrite78


netbook desktop. still rocking stormtroopers on my mac

How did you do the clock in the middle and the calendar on the side?

it's 2 different things. so i can move them around without bothering the other.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Cwrite, I'm about to get a 20" monitor for mine as well to get a two screen setup. I'm a GD, I assume you are too. How is it working out for you? Worth the investment?

im not a GD, i just love technology. and yeah man, the more real estate the better. makes working/surfing on the net way easier
Originally Posted by Jesseg8

Originally Posted by hella handsome

working on it.

Which dock program you using there
X windows dock ver. 5.6

heres my OG

its a wallpaper pack.

and as faar as my icons... i have a ton of icons from a ton of places. i dont have one link to give out for specific ones because i dont remember them all. ima member at galaxygui though.
Dont ask for the OG cause im in need of it also.. I dont even wanna change my desktop because of this issue. SMH. is there anyway to get the OG pic ?
Yo C is your Mac screen just running as a monitor connected to your Macbook? I need to do that sometime for real.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Yo C is your Mac screen just running as a monitor connected to your Macbook? I need to do that sometime for real.

not anymore, it's running as my main screen, my MacBook pro is running as my secondary display and the 7" monitor as the third. I had my cinemadisplay as my second monitor but needed to switch it to fit in 2 7" displays on each side.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Yo C is your Mac screen just running as a monitor connected to your Macbook? I need to do that sometime for real.

not anymore, it's running as my main screen, my MacBook pro is running as my secondary display and the 7" monitor as the third. I had my cinema display as my second monitor but needed to switch it to fit in 2 7" displays on each side.
What's the deal with the 7 inchers? Where'd you get the idea and how much are they? It's really interesting to me.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Yo C is your Mac screen just running as a monitor connected to your Macbook? I need to do that sometime for real.

not anymore, it's running as my main screen, my MacBook pro is running as my secondary display and the 7" monitor as the third. I had my cinema display as my second monitor but needed to switch it to fit in 2 7" displays on each side.
What's the deal with the 7 inchers? Where'd you get the idea and how much are they? It's really interesting to me.

saw them on gizmodo/engadget. figured they'd be really helpful to put itunes/ichat/movies there so they wont take up space on my desktop. i only wanted onebut i ended up ordering two from 2 different companies and was too lazy to cancel it so i figured what the hell.. cant have too many screens. i got one .. that's the official company. and they are 130 + free shipping. and yeah, i know.. u can get something bigger for about the sameprice.. but i can't add a screen with a dvi/vga connection without having to spend $$$ on a connector. and this runs off 2 USB connections
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Has it been very useful for your needs? Like everything resizes good for it and all?

well, right now im running ichat/itunes on it and yeah it resizes. when i have a movie playing i just hit "resize to screen".. but im running it inportrait mode instead of widescreen. i havent tried widescreen though, but im guessing programs would fit better in widescreen. the other screen im most likelygoing to run in widescreen since it will probably be used more since it'll be near my main screen. or i'll use it with my netbook.. not sure what imgoing to do with it yet. but i think carrying an extra screen kills the point of having a netbook
Can you post pics of iTunes running on it when/if you get a chance? I've been trying to come up with stuff for the b-day andthese seem like a grrrreat idea.


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