Originally Posted by jumpmanjunkie

Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

Originally Posted by jumpmanjunkie

Originally Posted by TeamJordan79

Originally Posted by upstateboibeats

is there a way to turn the grid black on Itunes 9 for windows? that white has to go.
peep my previous post in this thread fellas
it won't work for me man.
u sure u have the latest itunes version? it worked fine on mine- whats the exact problem youre having? PM me if you need more help
the silent night theme for itunes 9 (the latest version on windows) has a white grid
...i had the black everything on itunes 8
This is for someone that asked how to do this with the folders. This is for Vista, I can be done on a Mac too, without the use of aveapp program.


You will need:
Vista Folder Backgrounds
Shelf backgrounds and DVD templates

1. Install Vista Folder Backgrounds (follow the directions in the program)
2. Right click on the folder you want to set a background for.
Choose "Properties" then "Folder Backgrounds"
3. Click "Set Image"
4. Choose a shelf background you want to use
(In this link-Shelf backgrounds and DVDtemplates. I have place all the shelf backgrounds and DVD templates
I have in a folder.)
and there it is.

DVD Case Templates

1. To make the dvd cases, choose one of the DVD Case Templates and
find a picture you want to use for the cover.

2. You will need an editing software like Photoshop or Gimp (I use Gimp, it's free)
3. Open both the DVD template and the cover image as a layer.
4. Set the cover image behind the DVD Case and resize it so that it fits.
5. Save As a .png file
6. Go to to convert the .png file to .ico (this is needed for Windows)
7. Create a folder for your movie file and place the movie and the .ico file and the movie file in the folder
8. Right click on the folder choose, "Properties>Customize>Change Icon"
9. Choose the .ico image inside the folder.

The steps seem a bit tedious, but I tried to specific as possible. It's very quick easy to do after you get the hang of it. Any questions PM me.

Mac Users-Check Youtube for "Finder Backgrounds" there are video tutorials that cover this. Also, look for a program called Slipcovers for the DVDs.
Can anyone do me a favor and make a nice png dock icon with the Sons of Anarchy logo? I can only seem to find a good image by a black or white background andim not skilled enough to remove the background of a picture.
Originally Posted by jdizzle75

Can anyone do me a favor and make a nice png dock icon with the Sons of Anarchy logo? I can only seem to find a good image by a black or white background and im not skilled enough to remove the background of a picture.
here you go...this is one that someone made for me a few months back when i asked" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting byTinyPic"></a>"href="%3Ca%20href=%22">
Originally Posted by HP31308


Custom Canon wallpaper made by me. Just purchased the Canon Rebel EOS XS. It will be here Monday!! Can't wait for it!

What dock are you using? Looks really good.
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

This is for someone that asked how to do this with the folders. This is for Vista, I can be done on a Mac too, without the use of aveapp program.


You will need:
Vista Folder Backgrounds
Shelf backgrounds and DVD templates

1. Install Vista Folder Backgrounds (follow the directions in the program)
2. Right click on the folder you want to set a background for.
Choose "Properties" then "Folder Backgrounds"
3. Click "Set Image"
4. Choose a shelf background you want to use
(In this link-Shelf backgrounds and DVD templates. I have place all the shelf backgrounds and DVD templates
I have in a folder.)
and there it is.

DVD Case Templates

1. To make the dvd cases, choose one of the DVD Case Templates and
find a picture you want to use for the cover.

2. You will need an editing software like Photoshop or Gimp (I use Gimp, it's free)
3. Open both the DVD template and the cover image as a layer.
4. Set the cover image behind the DVD Case and resize it so that it fits.
5. Save As a .png file
6. Go to to convert the .png file to .ico (this is needed for Windows)
7. Create a folder for your movie file and place the movie and the .ico file and the movie file in the folder
8. Right click on the folder choose, "Properties>Customize>Change Icon"
9. Choose the .ico image inside the folder.

The steps seem a bit tedious, but I tried to specific as possible. It's very quick easy to do after you get the hang of it. Any questions PM me.

Mac Users-Check Youtube for "Finder Backgrounds" there are video tutorials that cover this. Also, look for a program called Slipcovers for the DVDs.

Sorry for the quote but that tutorial is appreciated. I'm seriously gonna hook this up once my new External HD comes in the mail. I plan on having a fileserver for my iPhone but the shelf look is really gonna set things off. Hopefully make some roommates jealous.
Originally Posted by HP31308

Originally Posted by aceofjays

Originally Posted by HP31308


Custom Canon wallpaper made by me. Just purchased the Canon Rebel EOS XS. It will be here Monday!! Can't wait for it!

What dock are you using? Looks really good.
I am using Nexus Dock. Here are a list of some of it's features.

Here is also a link to it...
Man sorry to bother you but can you tell me everything you got installed here? It is such a clean setup i'd like to imitate it, but other thanthe nexus dock I have no idea what is going on. Thanks in advance buddy.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

post your wall paper
post the og, to save the quotes

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]THANKS goes to all who follow the[/color] [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]simple rules[/color]
I will come with my wall paper later tonight(in progress)...I just wanted to get the thread started.
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