info on icons ?
I just sent you a PM
I'm at the point now where I dont really care for images on my desktop anymore, like I'm starting to not care for a lot of graphic tees. They're cool for screensavers, but for my background, I'd rather have a nice, clean pattern or something really minimal. If I do have an image, it's going to be centered and excellent quality.

That's just me though. Respect for whatever you do.

This is what I have for's been changing pretty often though. OG in spoiler

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can someone post step-by-step directions for changing dock icons? I've read this through thread and many people are asking but I haven't seen a clear answer. Thanks.
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This thread inspired me to upgrade my background level........ I got that default mode on. hahahaha
I'm about to blow all of your minds who keep crying about people not posting OGs.
Step 1. Go to
Step 2. Select search images
Step 3. Drag and drop original icon from thread into the window of google search images and wala.

*mind blizzzowwn*

:smokin :smokin
I'm at the point now where I dont really care for images on my desktop anymore, like I'm starting to not care for a lot of graphic tees. They're cool for screensavers, but for my background, I'd rather have a nice, clean pattern or something really minimal. If I do have an image, it's going to be centered and excellent quality.
That's just me though. Respect for whatever you do.
ive been feelin exactly like this for some time now.
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