easily not the best photo i have taken, ( see top right corner )
but here are a few other photos i have never posted............
i don't think i have atleast....
nothing new though.
So much nice stuff being posted

ive got my eye on something good at the moment
, hopefully i'll win
Jay, nice Roy's. You are KILLING me with the new avy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Steve, Pro Cities are always nice.

Greg, the picture quality and shoes are WAY nice.

Alberto, always coming with the HEAT!


^^^Very nice stuff Dunkman IV's and the Fairfax VI's...

I have my eye on a few things right now hopefully pics to come soon.
xblker47 wrote:

ive got my eye on something good at the moment
, hopefully i'll win


here is a little something i hadnt posted...thanks to you know who


i could actually go for another set of theses....probably my favorite Lebron's ever. ever.

also im getting rid of my Soldier 2 exclusives and some other Brons, kobes and Jordans. sz 10-13 mainly. PM me if you want a list.

thanks and apologies to the mods, i'll have a dedicated post for it as soon as i get to my storage unit to take current tagged pics.
also...does anyone have the PE versions of the CavFanatic or blue HWC ZL6?

i wanted to see the difference...Zach - looking in your direction?
Very nice everyone!

Well, lets keep it going,..............

Ohhh, and a little something else of LeBron........
Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

also...does anyone have the PE versions of the CavFanatic or blue HWC ZL6?

i wanted to see the difference...Zach - looking in your direction?
heres a few pics of some of my old collection..i had to sell most of it/them before i got stationed over here in japan those...smh miss alot of these
enjoy ur collection pic all the time
ROY AZG...extremely nice!
show us more ur LeBron collection pls!

K1J. nice svsm collection

Steve, NY GIANTS 11. Dunkman 2-4 always r the best @ dunkman series.

Kdog, even gsm 2 low is nice, i still like ur zl2 CLEVELANDS GOT SOLEversion!

Greg, really enjoy ur recent photos
119, nice sample collection.

Originally Posted by ToroTrigger

also...does anyone have the PE versions of the CavFanatic or blue HWC ZL6?

i wanted to see the difference...Zach - looking in your direction?

very nice superman set
i m still searching sz9 on those!

some old pic

some old shoes and retake pic on Nov 09
Originally Posted by loonyrobert

those are soldiers that he had in HWC that he used in a warm up in Portland correct?

yea thats what im thinking they are...but Matt would you care to drop some knowledge...

Originally Posted by UGK4Life

Originally Posted by loonyrobert

those are soldiers that he had in HWC that he used in a warm up in Portland correct?

yea thats what im thinking they are...but Matt would you care to drop some knowledge...

That's correct. The shoes are hot. I am glad LeBron decided to wear those, although we wouldn't know about that if it weren't for NT

Hopefully, Matt will take tons of nice pics soon.
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