picked up a couple shirts from nike outlet, paid $35 total for these three. The slh shirt is a kids but its a xxl and it fits fine, love it! also made myself acustom skinit
Originally Posted by T21D

That link blew me away^^^^. Reading is fundamental, because I was about to go on kix-files and order that AF1.
Same here. I was thinking in the back of my mind....."OK, first JD gets all the dope AM 90/Air Max Light colorways....now they are getting PEAF1s?"
Jeff, those are some very nice tees! I would like to get that SLH, cause my clothes don't match purple LOL.
I have a question about the zoom powers, do they only come in kids sizes and size 9 since thats the sample size?? or are there other sizes out there such as10, 11, 12???
there might be other sizes of the zoom Powers out there but like the shoe it self...are pretty rare then...

Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

Nice Soldiers, Brandon. Whats the wh/blue/red pair of ZS1.....GR?

I'll answer on his behalf R, it was a CHAMP's exclusive olympic CW sans the american flag, which the Asia release had. Go figure. Nice Soldiers B.,will post mine up soon.
Originally Posted by ToroTrigger


I bought waaaay too many soldiers last summer...not going to be repeating that this year....for now

I really wish I would have bought a pair ofdunkman solider 2s off ndc last summer
Originally Posted by ToroTrigger


I bought waaaay too many soldiers last summer...not going to be repeating that this year....for now
Tomas very nice. Finally you're taking pics

I fell in that ZSII hole as well although I don't have as many pairs. However, with the ZSIII I will probably do the same
or maybe more
cause they are much better (for casual and basketball)
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