i regret passing on soldier 1s. the $#%@ was i thinking

time to compensate w/ the 3s i guess
Originally Posted by NY GIANTS 11

^ I think I'm done till the the Zoom 7.... Unless someone has Dunkman 2, All Star 4, or Fruity Pebbles 4!

Im impressed!!! Nice Collection Sir!
Great collection NY Giants!

Dunkman 3's and 4's

...been in search for those for the longest time
Originally Posted by NY GIANTS 11

^ I think I'm done till the the Zoom 7.... Unless someone has Dunkman 2, All Star 4, or Fruity Pebbles 4!

Very nice collection!!!
NY GIANTS 11- very impressive sir
. I've always liked that displaywith both pairs. It reminds me of stormtroppers lined up at attention ready for batttle
Giants 11....very very nice collection....and gimmie those Blue supers....LOL

also a very nice collection of wooden boxes - are some of those custom jobs?
Where do you get the placards or nameplates that alot of people have for individual shoes to tell info IE name/nickname and model similar to those in NYGIANTSpictures that are sitting on top of the boxes?

NYGIANTS great collection...
Originally Posted by cellcentral

After years of holding out I pulled the trigger and bought the dunkman ii for 1K. It was destiny
pics please....were they the grey one-handers sz 12?
Originally Posted by bc60997

Where do you get the placards or nameplates that alot of people have for individual shoes to tell info IE name/nickname and model similar to those in NYGIANTS pictures that are sitting on top of the boxes?

NYGIANTS great collection...


bc Hit me up - I have a guy here locally who sells them for $10 a piece.
i picked up the triple black vis today but they didnt come with the tissue for the toe or the cardboard for the ankle. that footaction was garbage, however itwas the only place in the mall that had em.
Nice pickup on those fairfax Vs
Ive had the chance at getting themtwice, once for 225$ and another time for 210$ and I passed both times
Originally Posted by xbiker47

Nice pickup on those fairfax Vs
Ive had the chance at getting them twice, once for 225$ and another time for 210$ and I passed both times
$180 shipped
180$ shipped sounds like a

T21D you need to make a lebron collection post
Ive seen youpost so much heat
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