Post your L's OR W's of 2009 vol. its been a bad year

Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

-Didn't have the balls to ask girls out (and they liked me)
I think this was the biggest one for me.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Where do I begin?

-Horrible spring semester. Basically did bad enough to take myself out of the running for grad school. Applying anyway to shut my parents up.
-Unemployed throughout the summer. Didn't have any money when I came back to school.
-Got really sick when my summer started. Had a severe allergic reaction that put me out of commission for a little over two weeks.
-Most of my friends graduated in May. I don't have anyone to kick it with or talk to here anymore. My social skills have greatly diminished because of it. My life consists of work, school, NT/Twitter and coming home.

There's plenty more but to sum it up this was pretty much the worst year of my life thus far. Will 2010 get any better? Doubt it.

You woke up this morning.....Thats a "W"....if you make it through 2009, thats 365 "W's"
There's times where I think I'd be better off dead.

Nah fam...Dont think Like that.....Seriously. There are people in this world without food, clothes and other things that we have access to that are just"everyday normal" essentials to us...

Lifes a long, hard test....Just do your best.....God Grades with a curve....
2009 has been alright for me. Just a big one im goin through right now.
Stress Fracture in my foot. Holdin me out of bball right now.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by Lazy B

There's times where I think I'd be better off dead.

Nah fam...Dont think Like that.....Seriously. There are people in this world without food, clothes and other things that we have access to that are just "everyday normal" essentials to us...

Lifes a long, hard test....Just do your best.....God Grades with a curve....
That's what I tell myself all the time, things can be way worst for me, most of the people in the world wish they could live like me. Whythink selfishly, just address the problems you can. And for the ones you can't fix, why complain and worry about something you have no control over, youjust have to learn to deal with it. Everything happens for a reason, whether you think it's beneficial for you or not.
- unemployed the whole yr

- lost my brother

- passed up on some box (heard it was good too)
- New coach ruined my senior year. I went from starting games my junior year in to playing about 5 minutes a game this year in a less competitive league.
- I haven't made any friends at school.
- I didn't get tickets to tonight's Oregon vs. Oregon State game so I'm watching it with random girls in my hall who know nothing about footballand won't shut the hell up.

More to come possibly....
- Lost my cousin to cancer this summer

- Got almost 0 play from the ladies

- Got jumped in Minneapolis and my buddy got stomped hard

- Came out of the summer $700 deep in credit card debt with no cash flow in sight

- Tried to switch my major to English, failed miserably

- Grades are likely straight C's or worse this semester

- Got caught talking behind one of my close friend's back, lost her friendship forever

- Wasted an incredible amount of $$$ on weed, again

... and the POSITIVES?

Had the best time of my life this summer, living in Minneapolis and meeting sports superstars through my internship with Also, as bad as myacademic situation is, I'll be graduating in 3 semesters and I'll have a nice body of work to impress any employer
things aren't that bad.
Originally Posted by CDub Yo

- New coach ruined my senior year. I went from starting games my junior year in to playing about 5 minutes a game this year in a less competitive league.
- I haven't made any friends at school.
- I didn't get tickets to tonight's Oregon vs. Oregon State game so I'm watching it with random girls in my hall who know nothing about football and won't shut the hell up.

More to come possibly....

Turn that last one into a W my man, if you know what I mean
-unemployed the entire year
-summer classes could potentially make me lose my scholarship (pending grades this fall)
-lost out on the one and pretty much gave up on females
-cousin got convicted of killing her kids

-family is starting to drift apart
Besides the loss of Friends and family members....Every "L" can be looked at as a Potential "W" in the future....

-Lost your Job? Bounce back and find a better one "W"
-Lost your Girl? Find a better one (There are Billions) "W"
-Wasted a lot of money on Weed? Realize you have to quit Smoking...its better for your health "W"
-Dont know how to spell "Touche"?...Pick up A Websters "W"

For those of you with Academic Problems....Look at it as a set back...Not a "L".
- Got laid off from my good paying/good hours job
- Got into a wreck right before i got laid off
- Friend shot himself in the head with a shotgun over a girl
- Friend got life in prison for capitol murder
- Grandma died
- Lost my full coverage insurance when i got laid off
- I joined Twitter. As if NT didn't consume enough of my time, Twitter consumed whatever other time I had remaining.
Originally Posted by blaxoid

Originally Posted by CDub Yo

- New coach ruined my senior year. I went from starting games my junior year in to playing about 5 minutes a game this year in a less competitive league.
- I haven't made any friends at school.
- I didn't get tickets to tonight's Oregon vs. Oregon State game so I'm watching it with random girls in my hall who know nothing about football and won't shut the hell up.

More to come possibly....

Turn that last one into a W my man, if you know what I mean
I wouldn't consider any of them attractive. They did buy a pizza though so it's getting better.
-Ex got me fired from my job
-Had to move from atl back home cuz i lost my job
-Ex threw out $800+ worth of clothes in the dumpster
-Hours got cut on my new job while I'm trying to save $ and move back to atl
-Got banned from NT as Jayhood23 for a year

Thats all i can think of right now

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

-got put on probation in feb
-lost my license for the whole summer
-received a HUGE amount of tickets
-car broke down twice this year (once on the highway, and in a mickey d's drive through just this past monday)
-got locked up again, in court for that
-PO violated me like 2 weeks later, still in court for that
-license is getting suspended again starting sunday
-broke up with my girl
-cant go see my family in IL for the holidays due to previously mentioned L's
-broke as a joke since last time i got locked up

those are only the big ones.. i catch little ones at least once or twice a week.. overall this has been one of the worst years of my life.. really looking forward to spring 2010 and starting over.. one thing i have going well for me is school so i'm pretty focused on that..
man im like you i can not stop speeding
luckily there is a speeding ticket lawyer who only charges 35/ticket and gets them dismissed
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Besides the loss of Friends and family members....Every "L" can be looked at as a Potential "W" in the future....

-Lost your Job? Bounce back and find a better one "W"
-Lost your Girl? Find a better one (There are Billions) "W"
-Wasted a lot of money on Weed? Realize you have to quit Smoking...its better for your health "W"
-Dont know how to spell "Touche"?...Pick up A Websters "W"

For those of you with Academic Problems....Look at it as a set back...Not a "L".

To you my dude.
i am sure a lot of things have happened to me but you know what? i don't remember them.

"The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us." Voltaire
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