Post your L's OR W's of 2009 vol. its been a bad year

Too many L's being posted here.
Many of these can be turned into W's too.

Some random W's of mine:

-I'm less than a year from my 21st b-day
-had my first REAL relationship ever this year
-Went to my second Jay-Z concert
-drug-free, I don't even take $%$* when I got a cold

-made the switch to a University
-tons more soul searching/ gained better intuition/ better outlook on life
-honestly, the !!#$ be jockin me (converted this from a L, it took me 20 years to FULLY realize it)
-became more progressive/ determined to succeed
-realized even more how much I love my family
had more wins than losses...can't wait for next year as it looks most promising.
may 2010 i get to leave Indiana FOREVER....
Got shot in a robbery back in October, had a collapsed lung.
Got released from the hospital with no antibiotics, caught a staph infection which put me back in the hospital.
Got denied short term disability because the hospital had me under a fake name for security reasons.
Got my car out the police impound, my deck was missing.

Out of all those L's, the bullet missed my spine by 1/8 of an inch. That W overrides all the L's I took. God is good.
- got burnt.........took 2 pills...........cleared that up...........glad i got traded from TEAM RAW
, aint no winners over there, still under 500
- got in a car accident
- after the cop ran my info, told me i had a suspended license (i already knew that) in VA and warrent for my arrest in MD (but i didnt know that!
- got locked up for some months
- couldnt pay my car note or rent at my apartment while i was i lost both of them

- and my job of course
- had to move back in with my mother and her husband after being on my own since 04 back when i was 18

- lost my freedom and confidence....because i had nothing now!
- coudlnt get a decent job because i had a pending case, so i had to go back to what got me in trouble in the first place just to have some $.....
- finally went to court like 3 months after i came home..........beat my case! Mr Arnold is a beast! gotta get homie somethin nice for Christmas, even though ialready gave him about 5k earlier this year
laugh.gif F's on myreport card!!!!!!!! somewhat of a W right there
- i didnt get as much ({'}) this year cuz i felt like a bum compared to my old self

+#@$ 2009!!!!!!!
good thing im about 75% back to how things used to be....
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

Originally Posted by sneakerfan93

-Didn't have the balls to ask girls out (and they liked me)
I think this was the biggest one for me.
this and
-breaking my arm and caused me to lose my confidence.
-arm still not healed yet and its been half a year already and have to consider about doing a bone graft.
- passed the cpa exam
- moved out and got a place with my boys in nyc

- failed resolutions
- numerous female fails
- havent cut off communication with the ex completely, something that NEEDS to be done, something that should have been done a year or two ago
- switched to the iphone only to come to the conclusion that ATT really does suck compared to VZW
- didn't save as much as i'd planned
- lazy with updating the resume and looking for a new job...i've gotten too comfortable at my current job
my only big L: girl i really liked quit talking to me after 2 dates cuz her girls told her that i was saying we were official
(even though i didn't)
Oh we're doing W's now? good idea.

- Had an amazing summer in Minneapolis
- Got my name out in the sports journalism community with Rivals
- Met several great athletes like Larry Fitzgerald, Cris Carter, Steve Breaston, Marion Barber III, Seantrel Henderson (#1 rated h.s. player in 2010) alongwith the Gophers football coach.
- My internship supervisor turned out to be a great old man that I now look to almost like a father figure. One of the wisest and most generous guys I'veever met.
- Started announcing all of the home basketball games for my school
- Coached a great group of 7th and 8th graders in football this fall
- Had my laptop stolen but used the insurance money to buy one that is a lot better
(remember to insure your laptops, best decision I ever made)
Took a few L's Got arrested 2 times 4 driving without a liscence. Gotta see the judge next year though. Tried 2 get back wit my Daughters mother shot medown 4 now. On the whole though I came up a tiny bit.
pulled over for going 5 mph over (L)
beat the ticket, cop didnt show to court (W)
found a tight chick (W)
pooched and now shes slipping away (L)
broke leg (L)
got a handicapped spot for a whillllle (W)
Originally Posted by foe the love of money

started college at a crappy CSU.

damn the real thing aint like the brochures, thats for sure

i was hoping college would be like in the movies but man was i wrong

-had a few suicidal moments
-didnt apply to my dream school

-never told the girl i loved how i felt about her and now i will regret that for the rest of my life
-found out that girls can be decieving
-didnt find true swag till after i graduated high school
-never asked out all the girls that would've let me "smash"
-my prom date left me to eat with her friends while i was taking the placement test and my mom and dad took me to prom
started smoking cigs and blacks

Lost first love

didnt travel as much as i wanted to
Got in a car accident

Made mad money

Living independently
Ls i took this year:
got dumped by my ex
got kicked out of my schools honor's program(only a 3.3 instead of a 3.5
wasnt too bad of a year for me L wise, im sure im forgetting a bunch tho

Ws i had this year:
upgraded my wardrobe somewhat
stopped spending money on shoes
got a pretty decent jobon campus
been doing pretty well in my classes this semester
smashed a couple new broads

all in all a good year overall, still has room to get worse/better tho
I'm alive
Found a job
smokin good
school is going OK...academcially
flowin creatively, but I need to make it come to life

INS...and Im not even tryna get off the bench..IDK

Don't have friends
Spending a lot of money
Being really irresponsible with everything
Approaching self destruction

Almost done with my pharmacy tech. courses owwww


RIP isiah
RIP dobbie
RIP bryant
RIP keke
RIP pistol pete

Free Mon-d
Free velle
Free Mar
Free Domo
Free Dutch
Free Larry
Free Tidbit
Free Sparrow

Havent worked all year.
My soon-to-be fiance left me with no warning.
Wasted alot of money.
Havent seen a lick since april.
Cant go to school cause financial aid %*!*$# me over.
Burned alot of bridges of people that were close to me.

2010 better look up
Got married

Got a dog

Got a 2nd car

moved back to the city

Don't get me wrong, plenty of Ls were taken in 2009 but no point in dwelling on them now. Yesterday's better when left to sleep.
Got a Bmw

Life is great

Still have a job

Paid off lots of debt

man I couldnt complain if I wanted to
i smoke L's i dont take them

everything happens for a reason (my next tat)

what seems to be a L is always a minor set-back

2010 will be better than 2009 but i have no complaints
Can't really think of too much

my government job became permanent
copped any and every item I desired (1/2 cents, iphone, flat screen, notebook)
healthy relatives (too much death in my family last year)
went to my first NFL game to watch the Eagles whoop the Skins

nearly tore my front bumper off my car just backing out of a tight parking spot
(I'm EXTRA careful now)
still paying back college loans (FML)
couple tickets from running red lights
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