Post Your New Eras*59-Fiftys*etc... VOL. INFINITY NOW W/ Henz0/Thunderchunk/Icy's FAQ ON PG.1

Originally Posted by punisha15

Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

If you have a new era flagship in you're city, they can stretch hats up to two sizes bigger. My raps ones were both 7 1/4 and I stretched them to 7 3/8.

Have you tried stretching them two sizes bigger?
They can only stretch one size up. I've had it done and it doesn't seem like a full size either.
to my understand it can be done 2 fulls sizes but its at your risk....remeber its strecthin a piece of pre cut fabric, i wouldnt do it, then them dudes at theNE store doesnt seem to be the brightest bulbs in the factory
^ smh
, use correct spelling if you're gonna make statements like that
lmao @ english teachers in here

I think the machine only goes one size up. so 7 1/4 to 7 3/8 is one size if Im not mistaken. usually wut they do is they stretch it a little and let you try iton if doesnt fit they put it back on the machine and make it bigger. Pretty much if it doesnt fit after the first 2 stretches I think its a risk. Plus if youstetch a brand new fitted the crown folds awkwardly so you gotta leave it out.

cosign on them not being the brightest bulbs I had to tell the chick twice not to fold the crowns cuz they were no longer folding correctly. And then anotherchick walked up next to her and did the same thing smh.
Originally Posted by Orfiyus

I think they changed to polyester onfields in 07

yo icy you seem to kno a whole bunch of spots any idea where to get a mighty ducks new era or a new york giants new era?



Giants would be
thanks but Im not really feeling those. the hockey mask in the shape of the duck face is the only cool logo to me.

anyway off strictly fitteds. THese arent that bad imo.






Marvel/DC fitteds suck. I think they are OD.

That old school MD logo is the way to go.... ecapcity, rocknjocks, strictlyfitteds??
As said it's your at your own risk when you stretch it out. I know a dude who got it done and the top button popped off.

And with new era's great quality control these days - I dunno...

I'm not sold on stretching out fitteds
Anybody know where I can still get a couple of WOOL Yankees game hats in size 7 (NOT the "performance" joints) online that ships to EU?
Where can someone stretch out the cap? I'm nowhere near the flagship stores.
I have an older 7 3/8 Dolphins NE but its too tight on my head, I don't need a full size up, just a bit of a stretch out.
I'm in the DC area, if that matters.
^this is what new era europe says...

What happens is the sweatband does its job and collects any moisture when you are wearing the cap. Without a head to hold its shape and size, it will shrink asit dries. For starters, grab your cap from the rear of the cap, place it over your knee and give a good hard yank. You will hear some popping noises.That's O.K. Stop pulling after you hear a couple of these noises. If you pull too hard and too long, you could rip a seam. We DON'T want that!! Whatyou are actually doing is breaking the sizing, which is a stiff plastic strap that we sew into the cap for shape and size maintenance."
^I've had to do that with a few hats that shrunk cause of rain, heat etc. and it works. Just make sure you don't pull to hard...
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