Post Your New Eras*59-Fiftys*etc... VOL. INFINITY NOW W/ Henz0/Thunderchunk/Icy's FAQ ON PG.1

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick


What team is this?
Missoula Osprey.
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Originally Posted by henz0

Prymone, Yeah I still got it..

MYSHIRTS has the fastest shipping in history
, ordered yesterday.. Got it this morning
... I shoulda ordered the fitteds, but I didnt think they were gonna get here in tim... This was sunday night also

OK do they ship fast yes but comon if he lives in NYC its not that "fast"

*edit this came in today
Startin all over again sucks!!!!
CC is soldout of all the hot iish of course and all the old exclusives I had are long gone.
I hope I can recover soon.
Only fitteds Im left with is my Frank 151 blade, and blk/red Bully.

Anybody wanna donate any 73/8-1/2 dont hesitate to holla.....
lb how much was you plaid huf hat?

is there anything to match

without being too flashy?
if not flashy will do
Originally Posted by dakid23

Too me leaving the new era sticker is like leaving a price tag on a piece of clothing. Just doesn't flow with me.
Me to the sticker makes it look cheap.....

for me its the opposite, for me the siticker makes the fitted complete...its a signature look that can only be done by new era.

Originally Posted by LB510

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

Originally Posted by henz0

Prymone, Yeah I still got it..

MYSHIRTS has the fastest shipping in history
, ordered yesterday.. Got it this morning
... I shoulda ordered the fitteds, but I didnt think they were gonna get here in tim... This was sunday night also

OK do they ship fast yes but comon if he lives in NYC its not that "fast"

Yea i live in the city also, but dude from myfitteds said he wasnt sure of cause of holiday rush... Guess ill pick it up with the sale...

I need some info on that black Hornets a few pages back.

And it's funny, the people who I know are the one's saying they keep their stickers on... because I do, too.

I like that Boston Braves... got my Milwaukee Braves on the way already.

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