$$$ Post Your TAX REFUND 2012 $$$

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Has those that filed on the 3rd recieved yet?

It said it won't come until the end of the month!

Originally Posted by finnns2003

Wow, some people weren't even working and got back more than me. @!$! the feds.

you got any kids?  a house? went to school? worked from home and claimed your computer and supplies as tax deductables?

we had all 4
Did my taxes on the 9th. E-Filed with Direct Deposit and got State on the 15th and Federal on the 16th.
Man, i used taxslayer.com.........did my taxes on January 27th and got mine back on the 2nd.

Im so glad my last two jobs put my W2 online instead of mailing them........had everything i needed around the 21st of Jan. (cept for unemployement, and that was online also)
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