POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

I agree with whoever said that Ghost and Stern's wife are gonna plan something. She looks like one of thoes scorned types, waiting to get back at her husband. Stern needs to watch.
Greg wasn't stalking her he was bringing her wine to celebrate her breakthrough in the case today.

Yal whylin saying season 1 was wack. That being said this was the best episode so much action so many things going on. Can't wait for next week.

I think that Ghost is just going to talk Stern's wife into crossing him, she clearly hates him.
Season 1 was def good because we wouldn't be where we're at today without it. All this **** has flowed smoothly and not rushed like some shows

Greg maybe was gonna celebrate but he made it known to her he still has feelings. The hurt in his eyes when he saw her and ghost >
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Yeah it's obvious he still like her but to say stalking is overboard he would he known about ghost long ago if that was the case. Lol ghost stalked Angela the day he saw her running with Greg.
anyone peep that opening scene with Holly and that blank stare at the lights? maybe a reach but seems like some foreshadowing that she wont make out of this season
I bet when Angela tell ghost about holly will be the same time ghost starts entertaining the idea of killing Angela. :lol:

Season is 8 episodes like season 1?
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what an episode
,  angela broke down like her pops passed away or somethin
I have a feeling that Angela might not even tell Ghost anything. Shorty is gonna be shook.

Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there
I have a feeling that Angela might not even tell Ghost anything. Shorty is gonna be shook.

Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there

:lol: nah dude is a good actor but thats funny
I have a feeling that Angela might not even tell Ghost anything. Shorty is gonna be shook.

Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there

:lol: thought I was the only one
I have a feeling that Angela might not even tell Ghost anything. Shorty is gonna be shook.

Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there

He's a rapper also lol in real life.
He look like an empire actor

At least he chose the real side [emoji]128175[/emoji][emoji]128175[/emoji]
Just saw the episode and wow I don't think i've hated a fictional character as much as I hate Holly. Like damn i wish that bullet hit her cooked *** face instead!!! 
Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there

He look like a fruit. Can see him on some dance show on TV. I don't buy anything he says, I think he overacts but that's just me.
I have a feeling that Angela might not even tell Ghost anything. Shorty is gonna be shook.

Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there

Dude is wildly loyal to any cause though. Either that's good, or he's brewing up something.
Anyone else think kanaans man looks a lil too soft to be a drug dealer? (Dre). He looks like he's gonna bust out a dance in the middle of a shoot out or somethin :lol:. Not gonna lie, he's a good actor though. Nice mix of folks on there

He look like a fruit. Can see him on some dance show on TV. I don't buy anything he says, I think he overacts but that's just me.

Funny thing is he was supposed to be one of the sons on Empire but they gave the role to somebody else at the last minute.
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