President Obama signs Defense Authorization Bill

posting to read for later

But it's funny everyone is saying the media hasn't touched it...but in reality, they've been debating it, and we've been hearing about this bill + police brutality from OWS + plus the Internet Censorship thing and the people still haven't done anything significant about it...

It's not the media's fault for not covering it 24 hours a day, it's our fault for letting it happen right before our eyes and not doing anything about it...

And people say they did it on NYE's to distract you...but why does getting drunk/high/smashing that night take precedent over martial law...

The damage is already done. Materialism and superficial attitudes are placed into our subconscious from birth.

TL;DR - We're $#@+!* and there's nothing you can do about it.
Meh, I can see where this is a slippery slope. It starts one at a time...however...don't be a terrorist, do shady stuff or anything, and you should be ok.
Originally Posted by secretzofwar

Meh, I can see where this is a slippery slope. It starts one at a time...however...don't be a terrorist, do shady stuff or anything, and you should be ok.

how does one define a terrorist? the racial profiling potential with this new law is ridiculous. 
Originally Posted by yngSIMBA

Originally Posted by a55a5in11

i seriously hope he is gone by 2012
Replaced by who though? Santorum? No. Bachman? No. Romney? No. Ron Paul? The love for Ron Paul really confuses me, I do agree with his drug and foreign policy, but thats about it. 
But before I start blindly praising Obama, as I'm somewhat new to following politics, what is this bill for exactly?
better than someone who is taking our freedom of speech
Originally Posted by SoulRebel

I love watching people scramble to defend Obama ... dude Essential one of the funniest dudes on NT ...
I wasn't really defending him at all...

Wasn't scrambling at all either...

But I'm a realist..  And giving the real backstory behind the story and how politics works to those who may not know that a simple veto does not change anything especially with the way the votes of both parties were..

When you are a grown up you will understand..
Essential I didn't feel like you were scrambling either.

I definitely blame him for not vetoing though. I don't believe he couldn't flip enough votes on something like this. This is Obama we're talking about. It's one of the unspoken powers of the President that he has a platform where he can rile up public support and sway Congress. And with his incredible public speaking skills he could have EASILY done so on this issue. It's one of the things that differentiates authoritarian regimes from legitimate democracies. It's that simple-any opposition would be undemocratic. He did it before when he ran.

Instead only "with reservations" in the signing of the bill does he say anything. And even then, signs the bill while Americans are busy partying for New Years (although I'm not sure how much of that is Obama's doing). It just freaks me out how easily all this happened.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by kiendienn


the ignorance and closed-mindedness of NT is blinding.  I don't understand how 98% of you can't properly read an article, and I'd be expecting nothing less than a miracle to hope that you'd do more research aside from what is presented by mainstream news media.

and you wonder why Method Man and all the mods barely ever post on NT anymore because they're on reddit 
My post spoke about this as well.
This is why we need them to vote on SINGLE ISSUES at a time...not legislation loaded with a bunch of pork and hidden clauses.

Obama has been dealt a really crappy hand...I almost feel sorry for the dude. 

Most of the stuff he's dealt with wasn't even his fault OR was anything he could outright change... 


His hands were definitely tied, and sadly, his small disclaimer at the end was the best he could do.
No line veto, no win.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Essential I didn't feel like you were scrambling either.

I definitely blame him for not vetoing though. I don't believe he couldn't flip enough votes on something like this. This is Obama we're talking about. It's one of the unspoken powers of the President that he has a platform where he can rile up public support and sway Congress. And with his incredible public speaking skills he could have EASILY done so on this issue. It's one of the things that differentiates authoritarian regimes from legitimate democracies. It's that simple-any opposition would be undemocratic. He did it before when he ran.

Instead only "with reservations" in the signing of the bill does he say anything. And even then, signs the bill while Americans are busy partying for New Years (although I'm not sure how much of that is Obama's doing). It just freaks me out how easily all this happened.
He could have went about it MUCH better I agree..

There are many different ways he could handle it..

Pocket Veto is a possibility if Congress is not in session when the Veto ability would expire.. And is not able to be override by Congress. But you have to have the luxury of perfect timing..

And maybe a Veto is enough to scare the Democrats to voting the other way... That is 100% possible as Veto's do have a great track record (I don't think it would at least in the Senate, the House possibly but it is a task and all he needed just 1 chamber to go the other way)..

But then the Defense Authorization Bill will come up again and almost certainly have the same provisions (how it always works). And then what? Veto again... Sure but in politics no matter how damaging something is to the American people when the president works against "Bipartisanship" twice on the same issue the popularity for the opposite of the president skyrockets... Always has for some reason.. No matter how unpopular, if the president stands in the way of Congress and their "effectiveness" support for the president's position becomes non-existent. And especially when it comes to a Defense Authorization Bill (and the public's sudden fascination with it) THOSE WILL PASS.. You veto and it will come back... All congress has to do against a veto is "reconsider" where "reconsider" gets tricky is Congress really just has to say the word then send the bill to Obama a second time in original form if they get the votes..

This is something Congress was going to pass no matter what Obama did.. They were going to find their way.. Hence why it was in the Defense Authorization Bill.. If veto'd it will have to come to a vote again because the Defense Authorization Bill is a necessary bill to pass... So it will just keep getting sent back in the same form with minor changes over and over again..

They all failed us... Which is the final conclusion...

Congress failed us by basically giving Obama a choice pass it now.. Or pass it later.. But you will pass it..

Obama failed by not trying hard enough against it...

The media failed us by just not giving a #%#!... They get trolled by republicans every day as to what they need to report... There never has and never will be a left wing media bias..

But with all that said... Obama could have also just ignored that Congress sent him a bill, and let it pass that way by ignoring it and not signing it into law... We'd be even less the wiser... Now that would be even more @*@%@% up...

Lose-Lose/ Win - Lose... No matter what the situation Congress was going to pass this !##%%@% provision any way they could....
Originally Posted by kiendienn

His hands were definitely tied, and sadly, his small disclaimer at the end was the best he could do.
No line veto, no win.

Would be nice if line-item vetos were legal... Then he would easily win the debate..

Vetoing the whole thing changes the whole damn story..

I understand why the line item veto has been deemed unconstitutional... But in times like wish he had it in his back pocket.

I agree with SillyPutty that there should be single issues voted on...  But it will NEVER change.. Every single one of them are guilty of lacing bills with garbage.. All 100 senators, and EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE HOUSE AS WELL... EVERY ONE.. NOT ONE OF THEM ARE IMMUNE TO IT.. NO MATTER HOW PURE PEOPLE WILL TELL YOU THEY ARE
Originally Posted by kiendienn


the ignorance and closed-mindedness of NT is blinding.  I don't understand how 98% of you can't properly read an article, and I'd be expecting nothing less than a miracle to hope that you'd do more research aside from what is presented by mainstream news media.

and you wonder why Method Man and all the mods barely ever post on NT anymore because they're on reddit 
I believe the political term for what happened here is a "RIDER." It means basically that this had to be passed for a lot of reasons (you listed ONE above), but they added this bull *#!$ about detainment, etc, on top of because they knew the bill had many important features that did need to be passed. Ridiculousness.

Plus, how are we supposed to even trust the guy? He made a lot of promises that he didn't keep. The worst part is that I'm still likely going to vote for him because this country would be SCREWED if the GOP gets a president into office.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I believe the political term for what happened here is a "RIDER." It means basically that this had to be passed for a lot of reasons (you listed ONE above), but they added this bull *#!$ about detainment, etc, on top of because they knew the bill had many important features that did need to be passed. Ridiculousness.

Plus, how are we supposed to even trust the guy? He made a lot of promises that he didn't keep. The worst part is that I'm still likely going to vote for him because this country would be SCREWED if the GOP gets a president into office.
Good old Washington...

Where liberals are conservatives and Conservatives are #$+$#*@ nuts.. And libertarians just assume that leaving everything in a certain way (aka doing nothing) leads to desired results where the whole (aka those who already had, but say the greater good) all live in a fictional utopia..

And where people identify themselves as "Center-Right" but if you ask them issue by issue what they support, it's everything that would have Fox call them liberal loons.
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