Procrastinators unite!

Originally Posted by jDOTgDOT

Originally Posted by needsomejays

Procrastinators unite!

Maybe later

I need to turn the computer off
Originally Posted by jm2000

For the past 5 years every time this thread is made someone says make a sig. 5 years later no sig

I wish somebody actually made a sig, though.
Originally Posted by jm2000

For the past 5 years every time this thread is made someone says make a sig. 5 years later no sig

I wish somebody actually made a sig, though.
No lie, I was finna comment on this earlier but I did something else. Got bored, came back and realize I didn't even read this thread.
I got Stats hw that was due two weeks ago that I'm going to start soon eventually. Econ Exam is tomorrow and I didn't study. Japanese quiz and Oceanography quiz on thursday. My life is complicated as heck right now. I recently quit my job because I have poor time management.
No lie, I was finna comment on this earlier but I did something else. Got bored, came back and realize I didn't even read this thread.
I got Stats hw that was due two weeks ago that I'm going to start soon eventually. Econ Exam is tomorrow and I didn't study. Japanese quiz and Oceanography quiz on thursday. My life is complicated as heck right now. I recently quit my job because I have poor time management.
1st Physics exam tomorrow. I've put in a total of 2 hrs studying Sunday at B&N. I was home all day today watching ESPN talk about the Knicks
. I'll end up either failing or doing bad on this exam then right the ship by going to the Student Learning Center to study daily.
1st Physics exam tomorrow. I've put in a total of 2 hrs studying Sunday at B&N. I was home all day today watching ESPN talk about the Knicks
. I'll end up either failing or doing bad on this exam then right the ship by going to the Student Learning Center to study daily.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I made this thread the other week. I have been doing really well lately. Doing all my workouts, paying my bills and everything. Olny thing I havnt really done is study, and I know that's a pretty big one, but I'm making progress.
This is what kills me.  I got the money, i can pay it online, takes seconds, but naw let me wait past the due date.  #!@% makes no sense.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I made this thread the other week. I have been doing really well lately. Doing all my workouts, paying my bills and everything. Olny thing I havnt really done is study, and I know that's a pretty big one, but I'm making progress.
This is what kills me.  I got the money, i can pay it online, takes seconds, but naw let me wait past the due date.  #!@% makes no sense.
8-9 page paper tomorrow, I'm only at 3.5, but it's only a rough draft.
8-9 page paper tomorrow, I'm only at 3.5, but it's only a rough draft.
Eight chapters of pharmacology in one week? Ultra-hyper-combo-crammed and managed an 83% 

Currently working right now on ten chapters of statistic homework due this Thursday before a test...
Eight chapters of pharmacology in one week? Ultra-hyper-combo-crammed and managed an 83% 

Currently working right now on ten chapters of statistic homework due this Thursday before a test...
About 45 Math problems due first thing in the morning, and haven't even opened the textbook up. /sigh
Procrastinator checking in

Just came off a 800 word response paper last night

Studying for midterm on Friday....well not really
About 45 Math problems due first thing in the morning, and haven't even opened the textbook up. /sigh
Procrastinator checking in

Just came off a 800 word response paper last night

Studying for midterm on Friday....well not really
4 page essay due tomorrow. haven't even started. currently watching girl/girl pron and netflix(fam guy ftw). feels batman
4 page essay due tomorrow. haven't even started. currently watching girl/girl pron and netflix(fam guy ftw). feels batman
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