PS1 Classic Announced - RD 12/3/18 - List Of Games On Page 1

Which sucks.

Twisted Metal and Vigilante 8 were :pimp:

Carmageddon had some of those exploration elements too. I suppose the open world games like GTA accomplish what those games set out to do better minus the vehicular combat (which would not be hard at all to implement).
Man game list is dissapointing. Had the OG playstation with the chip mod and had so many bootleg games. Think it might be at my pops house somewhere in a box. Got my PS2 at my mom's and got inspired to go over and play it. Popped in Twisted Metal 2 and damn did I get a headache with the graphics. Definitley made me not miss my old Playstation gaming days.
seeing the youtubers already say this is trash, that means everyone will think it sucks before giving it a shot...ill scoop one one clearance

also heard it lags n stuff
No analog stick......

WHers the monkey game?

Where you’re on an island or something and collect boxes.

That was the best.

Found it: ape escape

No Jet Moto?????

What about 2Xtrme? I use to punch people off their bikes..
I feel like dual shock controllers are gonna start going for a premium.

COPPED. Hitting best buy on my lunch

Oh how the heels will begin to turn now. I expect a ton of YT videos praising this joint once someone figures out how to load games

This looks like it could be the backdoor to adding games :nerd:

Screen Shot 2018-12-04 at 11.23.40 AM.png

"Change CD Image"

Edit -

Looks like it only works with specific keyboards

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