[PS3] Call of Duty 4 Tourney 5 | Draft List PG6 | Teams On PG11 | Team 1 Champs PG30!

My dude said a K/D ratio of 5...
I'm callin duck tales too...

But my boy actually has a ratio of 5 too...his account just automatically boosted up to that ratio some how...mine dropped a whole point

anyway, Boost-NT members only? or are lurkers welcome? I got some friends that lurk that play COD just as much as any of us that would probably wanna play...
Originally Posted by BeatJunkie5

I got some friends that lurk that play COD just as much as any of us that would probably wanna play...
I think it would be fine... but they gotta have a way to communicate with the team..

Last few tournaments had lurkers but they tended to no-show a lot.
Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Nino was good...... like a year ago.

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Dude hasn't even played COD in like 4 months.

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Nino is like U-God. Good in the right group... no one is checking for him otherwise.


I see you haven't lost your step Chris. I assumed we would be doing our promos/trash talking in the official thread, seems as though I miscalculated yourbehavior.
Now I'm not saying you're not the best sniper on COD4 that's on NT or /\/TKL, you're certainly one of the best, but you sir an imbalancedplayer.

Your pansy *** gets too shook in face to face/close quarter situations
to get any shot off in time. If you're not yards away froma target, you're useless.
Don't even deny it. If you're not hiding in the bushes looking through a scope, you wouldn't be able to do ****.
So take a deep breath and hold it in with your "Iron Lungs", while you see your wack *** team decimated.
By the end, I'll have you looking like a groveling Canadian...
I think it should be NTers only Boost. One entry per person, sorry Prima, I'm just saying. Communication hard enough with NTers, lurkers will beimpossible.

I'm not feeling the sub pool deal.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

I think it should be NTers only Boost. One entry per person, sorry Prima, I'm just saying. Communication hard enough with NTers, lurkers will be impossible.

I'm not feeling the sub pool deal.

NTers only sign-up, we can't rely on dudes who are a friend of a friend of a friend of an NTer. Also, if you don't make the cut, all is not lost, Iwill have a no-show bench.
Ah %*!$ I hope I'm not late.

PSN: Noskey
Prestige: 1st
K/D: Dont know, I'll edit with it in here.

or I can use my old PSN.
Would it help if my roommate lives with me, and he's a banned NTer...so if I would read about it, he would know? If you agree, just don't put us on thesame team, 'cause we use the same PS3.......so in the end, it probably wouldn't work out huh?
Damn, I'm leaving for Cancun for the next 2 weeks tomorrow afernoon. Wish I could of joined.
PSN: Kicktionare

Prestige: 1st (Golden Everything except Dragunov)

KD: 1.10 #%#

I like to mention that me and my suad won the first ever COD4 tourney..... or was it the second???

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