[PS3] Call of Duty 4 Tourney 5 | Draft List PG6 | Teams On PG11 | Team 1 Champs PG30!

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

Originally Posted by RealityCheck22

I see this thread is still goin on. Just a few words if the tournament was strictly HCTDM/HC S&D i wouldn't have been as helpful to my team. Dont get me wrong im not the worse HC player but im not as good as i used to be or those who ''camp'' sure i could do it too but it gets old. I run n gun its jus my preferred stlye of play. After leaving cod for socom i lost it all on HC modes the maps are small in cod compared to socom so basically you die after you spawn either by a sniper or someone campin. Thats why on the HC maps my k/d was so bad. When MW2 drops ima get back into the HC mode. Question? I thought this past tournament was suppose to be HC? Wasn't the others?

This is what people say when they suck.

lol u lucky i like you, nah forreal you a cool dude. Im not even gonna go at you u cool in my book. You say i suck, then i'll agree with you. Thanks
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