PS3 - Call of Duty: Black Ops - Official Thread - Season 1 Belongs to Team 8. CHAMPIONS!

Saw this on the MW2 forums,
Today I played online, on the Favela map some hacker boxed me in a building with two other people on my team, it was crates stacked up covering the doors and windows, I left after I worked out what had happened. It was amusing in a way but utterly shameful knowing how low these hackers will go to keep normal players from enjoying some leisurely gaming time.

Originally Posted by ChicagoKid23

PO, my bad brah everytime you try to join the party we already got 6

Straight punting my #%+ out! Giving me a ride on the Reebok Express!

It's all good...

LR, 52-0? Damn. Did you play some noobs? Camped? Helicopter Kills? Just wondering. Nice feat nonetheless.

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Saw this on the MW2 forums,
Today I played online, on the Favela map some hacker boxed me in a building with two other people on my team, it was crates stacked up covering the doors and windows, I left after I worked out what had happened. It was amusing in a way but utterly shameful knowing how low these hackers will go to keep normal players from enjoying some leisurely gaming time.


I was playing yesterday in terminal and everyone was running extra fast like they were Sonic. I shot at someone and jumped from level 20 suttin to 70. I really hate the people who don't die no matter how many times you shoot them. They blend in with everyone until you realize you just wasted and entire clip. 
Originally Posted by henz0

@ the 7-10am run this morning.. " I dont think supreme ever sleeps " 

7-10 for you
!@#$ing 4-7 for me and im still playing this mess
i really dont think Supreme sleeps tho
@ the servers right now, I played 1/2 a game in 20minutes and had to cut that @$+* off for now
Originally Posted by henz0

@ the servers right now, I played 1/2 a game in 20minutes and had to cut that @$+* off for now

QFTMFT. Servers acting like they in second chance.[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] 
If MW3 has dedicated servers, I'll order my sister to perform oral on every IW employee.
Ahh...The question to Prestige!
What's everyone's thoughts on it? I hate the fact that all XP will go to waste unless I Prestige...Decisions...

Originally Posted by PO2345

Ahh...The question to Prestige!
What's everyone's thoughts on it? I hate the fact that all XP will go to waste unless I Prestige...Decisions...


dont do it dbl exp weekend is nearly over
What does that have to do with Prestiging Donut? Why shouldn't I do it? You guys know more than me....

^ You earn double the XP this weekend. If it ends, it'll take forever to rank back up after prestiging. And there's really no reason to do it if you're not gonna have the time/2XP weekend to build your rank back up. I prestiged today and am already back to like level 15 after a couple hours of play. I should be playing right now... but whatever. I'll suck it up and rank up the ol' fashioned way and miss out on the 2XP for the next handful of hours it's still running.
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