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Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Portal 2 will be copped, dunno if it'll be for PS3 or PC though.

You ain't heard?

Buy Portal 2 PS3, get PC/Mac version free & Steam support
1:00 AM on 01.18.2011 | Hamza CTZ Aziz130 comments

#Apple #First-person shooter #PC #Portal #PS3 #Steam #top stories #Valve

Valve has announced that the PlayStation 3 version of Portal 2 will feature Steam functionality. This is the first time Steam has ever appeared on a console, and this will also be the first time that PlayStation 3 gamers will be able to play with PC or Mac gamers. Along with cross-platform multiplayer, we can expect persistent cloud-based storage for PS3 save games and cross-platform chat. (To clarify, "cross-platform" in this context means PS3-PC/Mac, not PS3-360.)

On top of that, anyone who buys Portal 2 for the PlayStation 3 will be able to unlock a Steam Play copy of Portal 2 for the PC and Mac for free by linking their PSN and Steam accounts. Portal 2 project lead Josh Weier explains that Valve has designed the cross-platform experience to be hassle-free: "PS3 gamers will be able to simply drop the Blu-ray disc in the PS3, link to their Steam account from inside the game, and all their Steam friends (on PC and Mac) will be visible and accessible for chat and game invites."

Back at E3 2010, Gabe Newell promised that the PlayStation 3 version would be the best console version, and now we know what exactly he meant. Newell went on to say, along with today's announcement, that Valve hopes "to expand upon the foundation being laid in Portal 2 with more Steam features and functionality in DLC and future content releases."

Portal 2, one of our most anticipated PS3 games of 2011, will be out for PS3, 360, PC, and Mac in April.


I hadn't heard!


Poor Dropship.

There are currently NO American games being developed by Square-Enix. Everything is coming straight out of Japan now. The U.S. "studio" has closed up shop. 
Good looks on the Mafia II info process and Mr. J.

Is the director's cut version out yet?

I think that's the one I'll get.
Speedy0990 wrote:
[h1]Cage: New Quantic Dream tech ahead of LA Noire’s[/h1]
HeavyRain creator David Cage has said Team Bondi’s specially-developedMotion Scan technology is a “dead endâ€
So the area in my city finally got a couple Red Box's that now rent out PS3 games and I decided to rent and check out WWE All Stars.

The game is pretty fun and the controls are not the best but after a few hours in you'll be able to get them down where you will be owning the CPU.

The game though right now is just worth a rental and definitely not worth copping at full price. I might cop this when it drops to the $19 to $29 range.
WWE is a disc game? I thought it was download only. It's at redbox? I'm gonna have to get that.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

WWE is a disc game? I thought it was download only. It's at redbox? I'm gonna have to get that.

Just some advice & heads up.

Check red Box's website first if the game you want is in stock at one of your local red box's. It saves you time & gas.

Red Box to me is ehh
because it's $2+ tax per day and has a very limited selection of games right now. But compared to Blockbuster it beats being forced to rent a game for 5 days and spending $10 bucks. Either way even if you were to rent a game from Red Box for 5 days you would end up spending about the same amount you would renting from Blockbuster. So yeah whenever I rent a game from Red Box I'll make sure to only rent a game for 2 or 3 days at the most.
Traded my copy in for $25, same with Crysis 2. 

However, EB added 50% on if I traded for used games, so I got $75 credit. Picked up Heavy Rain (for trophies) and Red Dead Redemption.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Traded my copy in for $25, same with Crysis 2. 

However, EB added 50% on if I traded for used games, so I got $75 credit. Picked up Heavy Rain (for trophies) and Red Dead Redemption.

would of took crysis 2 off u
Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Traded my copy in for $25, same with Crysis 2. 

However, EB added 50% on if I traded for used games, so I got $75 credit. Picked up Heavy Rain (for trophies) and Red Dead Redemption.

would of took crysis 2 off u

My bad. We could have even used Canada Post. 

Concussions in football games are taken more seriously than ever before. And going forward, that will hold true in the next edition of the "Madden" football video game franchise when concussed players won't be allowed to return to the field in the game they are injured.

"Concussions are such a big thing, it has to be a big thing in the video game," Madden told The New York Times in a telephone interview. "It starts with young kids -- they start in video games. I think the osmosis is if you get a concussion, that's a serious thing and you shouldn't play. Or leading with the head that you want to eliminate. We want that message to be strong."

EA Sports president Peter Moore said last week at the World Congress of Sports in Miami that it was "wrong" when the company's "Madden" game would allow concussed players to return to the field in the following quarter. That is no longer the case, Moore said Wednesday at the two-day summit in Miami.

Moore says "we have an obligation in our industry" to recognize that brain injuries are one of the biggest on-field issues facing football at all levels right now.

The game's executive producer, Phil Frazier, told The Times that "Madden NFL 12", with its new concussion rules and the exclusion of helmet-to-helmet hits and headfirst tackling can be a "teaching tool" to players of the game, particularly kids.

Gus Johnson and Cris Collinsworth, the announcers featured in the game, also will explain the dangerous nature of concussions when they announce that a player can't return to the game.

"I wouldn't say this is a full public-service announcement, but it's a means to educate," he told the newspaper.

Madden agrees with the game's new emphasis on proper tackling techniques and the seriousness of concussions, telling The Times "if we show players playing through [concussions], then kids won't understand."

"There was a time when someone would get a concussion and you'd say he just got dinged, take some smelling salts and get back in the game. Those days are over," he told the newspaper.

Madden NFL 12 is scheduled to be released in August, even if the current lockout continues.

  @ Madden putting more emphasis and care about concussions than the real life counterparts

i mean i dont want my players coming back too soon from a concussion and hurting his after video game life
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

Traded my copy in for $25, same with Crysis 2. 

However, EB added 50% on if I traded for used games, so I got $75 credit. Picked up Heavy Rain (for trophies) and Red Dead Redemption.

 traded my copy for Red Dead and Uncharted straight up 

Chris lets buddy up in RDR
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