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Originally Posted by Proshares

Battousai701 wrote:

all this resident evil news got me nostalgic (looks for my RE2 game)

im not planning to buy anymore games right now, but kratos in mk is very tempting

The first 3 are in the PSN store for $5 a pop.

Boost, gonna PM you for some more info on GF thanks man

I bought RE3 from the store because it was one sale for 2.99. It was garbage

Most of those PS1 games haven't held up very well over time.
So I just started playing FF13. Had a few questions for those who already played it?
-What items can I actually sell to make gil
-On that note is it worth purchasing weapons and equipment in the stores or am I fine with the ones I find going along the story
-As far as weapon/equipment is it worth upgrading them or do I just wait until I finish the game when I try to go for the trophies
Originally Posted by Aztec

So I just started playing FF13. Had a few questions for those who already played it?
-What items can I actually sell to make gil
-On that note is it worth purchasing weapons and equipment in the stores or am I fine with the ones I find going along the story
-As far as weapon/equipment is it worth upgrading them or do I just wait until I finish the game when I try to go for the trophies
The random junk you pickup, it's really not worth grinding early on for gil trust me.

No don't purchase weapons, just keep the ones you get early on.

Don't waste $ upgrading thing early on as well.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Aztec

So I just started playing FF13. Had a few questions for those who already played it?
-What items can I actually sell to make gil
-On that note is it worth purchasing weapons and equipment in the stores or am I fine with the ones I find going along the story
-As far as weapon/equipment is it worth upgrading them or do I just wait until I finish the game when I try to go for the trophies
The random junk you pickup, it's really not worth grinding early on for gil trust me.

No don't purchase weapons, just keep the ones you get early on.

Don't waste $ upgrading thing early on as well.
Originally Posted by Aztec

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Aztec

So I just started playing FF13. Had a few questions for those who already played it?
-What items can I actually sell to make gil
-On that note is it worth purchasing weapons and equipment in the stores or am I fine with the ones I find going along the story
-As far as weapon/equipment is it worth upgrading them or do I just wait until I finish the game when I try to go for the trophies
The random junk you pickup, it's really not worth grinding early on for gil trust me.

No don't purchase weapons, just keep the ones you get early on.

Don't waste $ upgrading thing early on as well.

But actually in terms of weapons, you might want to go to a website with all the weapons full upgraded and see where you can get that one at it's 1st stage form.  So you might want to purchase one or two but it all depends on what you want if you know what I mean.
Originally Posted by Aztec

So I just started playing FF13. Had a few questions for those who already played it?
-What items can I actually sell to make gil
-On that note is it worth purchasing weapons and equipment in the stores or am I fine with the ones I find going along the story
-As far as weapon/equipment is it worth upgrading them or do I just wait until I finish the game when I try to go for the trophies

Some general tips while you are going through the main story:

Don't buy or sell anything you don't need to. I beat the game with standard weapons I would find through story progression.

Don't worry about 5-starring the end boss, you can always re-do it once you have a couple items that make it a lot easier. 

To be honest it is a much more interesting/fun game when you complete  the main story and continue to go through the sidequests/hunts.
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

To be honest it is a much more interesting/fun game when you complete  the main story and continue to go through the sidequests/hunts.

plus the growth egg

Massive GTA V Leak: Characters

Naturally, the name of the production and any revealing factors are not given away at this time, but we can hope for an announcement soon. will keep you fully updated on anything else we uncover

Rumor: Irem stops production of old Disaster Report games

Japanese retailer Famicom Plaza reports that Irem has halted future production of all Disaster Report games in the wake of Japan's March 11 earthquake and tsunami, according to Andriasang. The apparent stoppage follows the publisher's cancellation of the fourth installment in the series, which had been scheduled for release next month in Japan.

The report of the production halt has apparently caused the previous Disaster Report installments to increase in value (as seen in Amazon Marketplace listings); though it's unclear if copies of the 2002 and 2006 PS2 games have still been in print recently. A third Disaster Report game was released for PSP two years ago.

Machinarium headed to PS3 and undecided tablets this year

Developer Amanita Design seems to have its hands full, with a sequel to its adventure game Samorost and two other projects in progress. According to statements from founder Jakub Dvorsky at GameCityNights, the developer is still making time to get Machinarium onto PSN and as-yet-undecided tablets this year. Amanita publicly turned its attention to PS3 last year after Microsoft passed on the point-and-click adventure. There was no word on the previously announced WiiWare version.

Though the iPad seems like the obvious choice of tablet, reports that Amanita is instead "exploring" the Blackberry Playbook, which will be released in North America next month. If only we were privy to an animated thought bubble explaining the process behind that decision.

SCEA transferring 'online services operations, including your wallet and the funds in it' to SNEA on April 1

At CES 2010, Sony's Kaz Hirai -- potential successor to Sir Howard Stringer, if you're just joining us -- introduced "Sony Network Entertainment," a new corporate unit tasked with the expansion of the increasingly vital PlayStation Network architecture. At CES this year, Kaz said 2011 would find Sony "building upon the video, music, game and book offerings on our Qriocity and our PlayStation Network services to deliver a compelling, unique experience for Sony across a wide range of consumer electronic devices."

It looks like part of that plan is in progress now with the introduction of SNEA. Some of you may have received an "important message" from the "PlayStation Network team at Sony Computer Entertainment America" in your inbox today alerting you to a rather troubling change: SCEA is giving all of the money in your online wallet away ...

... to Sony Network Entertainment America! "The first time you sign in to your Sony Online Services account on or after April 1," the important message reads, "you will be asked to enter into a new Terms of Service and User Agreement with SNEA." You can take a peek at that new ToS located conveniently at (Aside: Isn't it cute when Sony pretends that Qriocity is just as important as PlayStation Network?)

If your relationship with SNEA starts and stops at PlayStation Network, then nothing really changes for you; however, if you're all about Sony's networked services, having a unified wallet and identity will probably be a convenience. Until they tie your PSN tag to your musical tastes. "Hey xxXSmokezMadBluntz420Xxx, how's that new Bieber album?"

Geohot's lawyer responds to Sony's South America accusations

Yesterday, the ballad of hacker George "Geohot" Hotz and his ongoing legal struggle with Sony took a bizarre turn, when the latter claimed Hotz had hampered "jurisdictional discovery" by removing parts of his overturned hard drives, and is currently avoiding trial in South America. Recently, Hotz' legal counsel Stewart Kellar responded to these claims, explaining, "The notion that George has fled the country is absurd."

Kellar added, "George is in South America to see a friend, on a trip he planned before this lawsuit ever began." With regards to the claim that Hotz had sabotaged the hard drives he turned over to Sony, Kellar said Sony is "using intentionally ambiguous language" to turn public opinion against Hotz. "The 'components' SCEA is talking about are hard drives' controller cards," he said, claiming that they had been supplied to the prosecutor.

We've once again contacted Sony for a response (to this response), but given their policy for not commenting on legal issues, we won't bother crossing our fingers.
If anyone wants to run some Crysis 2, let me know.
A couple tips to anyone just starting with the multiplayer....

- Connection makes or breaks games. If you have orange or yellow, dont even bother.

- DO NOT hip fire, even when in close. It is a joke how inaccurate it is without a certain perk eqipped. Basically the opposite of KZ3.

- Do as many assessments as you can (challenges basically), as they help level your nanosuit quicker.

I really disliked this game when I started, but after some persistent play, it is pretty fun. Not amazing, but unique and enjoyable. Rent it unless you want to enjoy the great single player.
@ Jose in that GTA V document. How they gonna name him Jose and the description says a white male...
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