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R-Type 3D coming exclusively to PS3

The latest Famitsu issue revealed that the legendary side scrolling shoot-em-up series, R-Type, is getting a new iteration exclusively on the Playstation 3.
It is unknown whether the "3D" in title means that the game will take place in a 3D plane or whether it would be in a 2D plane with 3D graphics (a la R-Type Delta).
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

just copped fallout goty edition the funniest late pass joint ya got cuz i deserve is bonkers. when dude tells u to smile for that pic with ur dad i actually smiled.

thats immersion

i recommend it for those that want something different

I haven't really read into this game but saw it and got 2K10 over it (maybe a mistake). What is it? Like just a first person shooter game? I saw the GOTYedition and there was all these new uploads that you got with it with maps and all. I am thinking about selling 2K10 and getting another game.
I think I'm gonna pick up GOW Collection. I never played the 2nd one but I heard it was really good.
Are any of you picking up the new Ratchet & Clank?
[h2]Godof War III demo included on District 9 Blu-ray[/h2]
by JC Fletcher { 2 hours ago }

If you're interested in checking out God of War 3 early, but don't want to play the first two God of Wars again, Sony corporate synergy has a solution for you! The Blu-Ray release of District 9, due December 29 (a bit later than the God of War Collection), will include a playable demo of God of War 3. Once you've played through the demo, a making-of featurette will be unlocked (for the game, not the movie).

While District 9 and God of War 3 are united in that they're both things that people presumably want to see, it strikes us as odd that this rather random collection is the first Blu-ray/game demo pairing for SCEA. The Watchmen movie and game actually related to one another in some way, and they came on separate discs.
would that BB scheme work using a CC? was thinking of pickin up Uncharted2, Ratchet N Clank and probably Madden10 unless yall recommend otherwise.. i rly wantdj hero but i heard its not included in the sale
[h2]All CoD: World at War map packs half-off until Nov. 1[/h2]
by Andrew Yoon { Oct 28th 2009 at 12:00AM }

Looks like this deal isn't just for Xbox 360 owners. Activision has slashed the price of the World at War map packs. As Richard noted, "it's just a cash grab before Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 makes everyone forget World at War, but hey, it's hard to argue with cheap."

In addition to this sale, all World at War servers will feature double XP. If you want to partake in giving Activision even more money, you better hurry up: this deal ends on November 1st.


[h2]Spend $80 on games at Amazon, get $40 in credit[/h2]
by David Hinkle { Oct 27th 2009 at 8:30PM }[/img]
There's no denying it: the holidays are right around the corner. Have you even begun to make your shopping list yet? Yeah, we thought so -- how'd you like some help? If you're planning on picking up some disc-based fun for a friend or loved one this year, then you may want to consider Amazon's current promotion.

So, like the headline says, if you pick up $80 worth of (select!) gaming goodness from now until October 31, you'll get a voucher worth $40 from Amazon seven days after your items ship. This credit comes through your email so, when it's all said and done, you should be able to treat yourself on top of making it a special season for a few of your closest. But, as for the games that qualify, well -- there's some really great titles in here for just about any type of gamer.

Know a music lover? Hey, how about The Beatles: Rock Band? If you know a comic junkie, then there's always the exceptional Batman: Arkham Asylum. Heck, if you got a couple friends, give 'em Borderlands, then use the credit to get yourself a copy for some co-op delight. How about some Uncharted 2? See what we mean? There's lots of good stuff in this sale.

Of course, there's always the option to just buy yourself a bunch of stuff, but we know even you aren't that selfish, right? Right?
[h2]Netflix details PS3 disc distribution for November, 'confident' it'll have ample supply[/h2]
by Alexander Sliwinski { Oct 28th 2009 at 9:30AM }

Netflix is confident that it will have ample supply in November for every PS3 user who requests a disc for its recently announced streaming service. Speaking with Joystiq, Netflix Vice President of Corporate Communications Steve Swasey wouldn't disclose the number of reservations the company has received for the free PS3 Netflix disc since the company announced the program on Monday, but did emphasize, "We're confident we've produced enough discs." Distribution centers apparently already have the units.

Swasey told us that the company is still hammering out the distribution details, but the plan is to send out a press release sometime in November announcing that the discs have shipped. Customers should receive the red envelope in about the same time it usually takes for a Netflix shipment to reach them. He expressed that "there's no VIP list or special circumstance list," so everyone should be receiving it around the same time.
Asked if there were any points he'd like to clarify about the recent announcement, Swasey told us that the disc was the best solution currently available in getting PS3 users the Netflix service, downplaying the need to always have disc in the tray. "They put the disc in whenever they play a game." When pushed on why an integrated solution wasn't implemented, he said, "We haven't given any reason. The key thing here ... it's very easy and no different than playing a video game. We'll have an update in time." The integrated solution is expected in late 2010.

Netflix doesn't like to discuss HD content in nitty gritty detail yet, but confirmed that the PS3 will have a similar offering to the Xbox 360, which outputs 720p and stereo sound.

Keep an eye out for an announcement in November for when the discs ship, then put that eye back in when the disc arrives. You'll need both to appreciate those episodes of Dexter.

[h2]Review: DJ Hero[/h2]
by Griffin McElroy { Oct 27th 2009 at 6:27PM }
DJ Hero
could end up being the most divisive video game ever created. It flies proudly in the face of certain qualities I've come to expect of the casual-aimed rhythm genre -- qualities such as accessibility, recognizability and general ease of play. Activision's latest possesses none of these characteristics: It's got a sheer learning curve, it exclusively features music that has been mashed into an indistinguishable pulp, and it's easily the most difficult peripheral-based rhythm game I've ever played. (Dance Dance Revolution notwithstanding, of course. These legs just weren't made to flail.)

Everyone who plays DJ Hero will either hate it to its core, eject the disc and toss in a more familiar musical standby, or, if they possess a certain collection of odd inclinations, they'll fall wildly in love with it. I fall into the latter group, though the small assembly of friends I recently had try their hands at the game fell firmly into the former. Yes, those people aren't writing this review, but I thought it important to note their existence.

For my part, I found DJ Hero to be fresh by every conceivable definition of the word.

[h3]Gallery: DJ Hero[/h3]

The best way to describe my final impression of the game is also the least eloquent: It is like Guitar Hero, but with turntables. Though that observation hurt to write, it's impossible not to see the similarities between the two franchises. It goes deeper than just aesthetic and gameplay elements shared between the two games: After playing DJ Hero for the first time, I got the same pleasant sensation I had the first time I booted up the original Guitar Hero.

It's hard to tell exactly what that feeling stems from. Maybe it's that both games feature types of music that had never really shown up in a video game before. For Guitar Hero, it was the rock music, both popular and classic. For DJ Hero, it is the mash-up, which is a fairly barbaric compound word to designate what I now realize to be the product of meticulous musical surgery.

The completely original soundtrack of DJ Hero is phenomenal, tended to by the artisanal hands of Grandmaster Flash, DJ Shadow, the late DJ AM, and a number of other skilled turntablists. The samples that compose these songs include genres of music that have never been well represented in a mainstream rhythm offering -- categories such as funk, soul, hip-hop, techno, and the theme song from Shaft, which I realize isn't a genre, but I just got too excited about it to not mention it mid-sentence.


Then again, the aforementioned feeling could arise from the actual interaction with the wonderful soundtrack, which is aided by an extremely well-built peripheral. When it comes to designing solid, functional and visually appealing fake instruments, RedOctane's always cornered the market. The turntable controller clicks where it's supposed to click, spins where it's supposed to spin and never feels like it's one angry button press away from dissolving in your lap.

The gameplay mechanics that comprise, what I like to call, "up-mashing" are intimidatingly numerous. At various points during a track, you'll be tapping, scratching up, scratching down, crossfading, crossfade-spiking, effect modifying, freestyle triggering, rewinding and, presumably, breathing in and out. [table][tr][td] [h2]DJ Hero is fresh by every conceivable definition of the word.[/h2] [/td] [/tr][/table]That's a lot to take in -- though these elements are piled atop one another slowly as you move up the difficulty ladder. On Expert Mode, the commands come fast and ferociously, but like most other rhythm games, my enjoyment of DJ Hero increased exponentially as I moved on to the game's harder modes.

However, regardless of what difficulty you choose to play on, the note tracking is universally unforgiving. Miss a cue by a fraction of a fraction of a beat, and the game won't count it. This seems like a petty qualm, but it really does make it difficult to indoctrinate new people into the luxurious virtual DJ lifestyle when they can only manage to hit half the notes. Mind you, there's no "failing out" in DJ Hero, but missing notes deactivates the afflicted track for a moment, disrupting the musical flow on which DJs pride themselves.

And that's the unfortunate news about DJ Hero: as a single-player mixology simulator, it's an overwhelming success; however, it's not a party game, and anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't been to a party in a long, long time.


I find it difficult to believe that attendees of a social gathering would put their cavorting on hold for a half hour as they learned how to effectively manipulate a plastic turntable -- an activity which a maximum of two of them may do at one time. (That's assuming you have two turntables, which at $120 per bundle, is unlikely.)

As you probably already know, there's a DJ-guitar multiplayer mode, which, while functional, feels slightly tacked on. Sure, it may add a bit of accessibility to the game for the Guitar Hero fanatics in your circle of friends, but the inclusion of just ten guitar-friendly mixes ensures that this mode won't get too much prolonged mileage.

As I mentioned earlier, I tried introducing DJ Hero to a group of friends with whom I regularly play Rock Band, and it failed spectacularly. Though all of them possess a knack for rhythm games, most of them couldn't seem to grasp the basic gameplay mechanics. Those that could lost their interest quickly and began eying the drum set on the other side of the room.

Regardless of how Activision attempts to market DJ Hero, it's not for everyone, and it's certainly not a party starter. It's a single-player experience tailored to the crowd who grew up on Daft Punk, the people who experience potent fits of joy when Girl Talk appears on a shuffled iTunes playlist, and the people who idolized the guy who could show up at a local bar with a box of records and make everyone in the joint start tripping the light fantastic.

I am one of those people, and if you are too, I'd suggest with little hesitation that you buy DJ Hero. You -- unlike your stupid friends -- are going to love it.
Originally Posted by Speedy0990

[h2]God of War III demo included on District 9 Blu-ray[/h2]
by JC Fletcher { 2 hours ago }

If you're interested in checking out God of War 3 early, but don't want to play the first two God of Wars again, Sony corporate synergy has a solution for you! The Blu-Ray release of District 9, due December 29 (a bit later than the God of War Collection), will include a playable demo of God of War 3. Once you've played through the demo, a making-of featurette will be unlocked (for the game, not the movie).

While District 9 and God of War 3 are united in that they're both things that people presumably want to see, it strikes us as odd that this rather random collection is the first Blu-ray/game demo pairing for SCEA. The Watchmen movie and game actually related to one another in some way, and they came on separate discs.
That was a dope movie, waaaaaay better than Wackformers 2.

2K Calls Out EA on NBA Live 10 Patch

In a post on their official forums (which has since been deleted) 2K Sports community manager Ronnie Singh responded to the wide-spread sentiment that therecently released NBA Live 10 patch took into account community feedback. The patch for NBA 2K10 won't be arriving for some time still and the positiveresponse to the Live patch along with it being out in time for the start of the NBA season prompted the following response:

To say that the Live patch was based on community feedback is outrageous. There is no way they could get days/weeks of feedback, build a patch to fix all their issues, have passed cert, etc. without a very simple thing: they were building the patch before release. I shouldn't even have to make you clear about this. You guys saw our efforts to get actual feedback as we put up countless threads about it. That's real effort.

Just like the constant shots at EA on Twitter this statement is at best unprofessional. It would be one thing if 2K10 was overwhelmingly well received but withthe poor framerate, numerous glitches, and non-functional online play there isn't much reason they should be taking shots at the competition. Itdoesn't take community feedback to recognize those core issues with the game.

One aspect that isn't being taken into consideration here is the early release of the NBA Live 10 demo. Feedback started being collected then with oneprime example being suggestions that EA add a manual backdown mechanic, which they immediately responded to and included in the patch. The early demo hasproven beneficial as community feedback has been directly taken into consideration in recent games such as Live and NHL 10. They both arrived nearly a month inadvance of their respective release dates. On the other hand NBA 2K10 did not release a demo for the 360 until a week before the game came out while the PS3got it over a week after release and they chose not to put out a demo at all for NHL 2K10.
bayonetta will be copped the demo was crack.... can anyone explain how netflix works? is it a one time fee or a subscription fee you pay every month?
I hate when i'm playing Uncharted 2 online, and join a game with people who are level 35 and 40. They are always saying they don't want the low levelpeople on their team. I'm at level 11, but I don't suck!
From joystiq:
GTA's 'Next Stop' teased in Liberty City Episodes manual


We'd thought the Grand Theft Auto franchise had taken us to lovingly rendered simulacra of every metropolitan city-type known to man, but apparently, we thought wrong. In the back of the GTA IV: Episodes from Liberty City manual, a fake advertisement points to the series' "Next Stop" (seen above). Of course, the destination being teased is quite obviously the lovely town of Clip Artington, Minnesota. Surely you've heard of Clip Artington! It's renowned for its apple butter festivals.

On the off chance the teaser is pointing to a different city, we've ... we've really got no idea. Looks like a desert, though, right? And a mountain? And some conical, obsidian monoliths? What? Trees? Oh, yeah, that makes a lot more sense. We'd love to hear your speculation in a well-written, thought-provoking comment! There's a place for those right after the jump, you know.

Here's the fullsize image:

Joystiq again:

Bayonetta's first dev diary explains protagonist's origins


Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya and Yusuke Hashimoto may not be taking the story super seriously in upcoming third-person action game Bayonetta, but that doesn't mean no effort was exerted in creating the title character's backstory.

As it turns out, she came from the future to kill someone's mother so that ... okay, yeah, we're just making that up. Everyone knows that you couldn't bring back all those fancy guns through time! Duh! It's really that her family was attacked when she was a baby and even though the attacker came after her, she lived and ... alright, it's not that either. Rather than trust ourselves to relay it, we'll just let the developers explain Bayonetta themselves in the video after the break.
Remember that scene from MW2 that I posted the other day?? Apparently it's skippable.

From kotaku:

Modern Warfare 2 Features Skippable Scene of Atrocities


Activision's upcoming first-person shooter Modern Warfare 2 includes scenes "designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism," the publisher told Kotaku today.

The scenes are so powerful that despite already having a Mature rating, players can choose to skip playing through it.

Details of the scene came to light after footage from the game was leaked on the Internet. Activision says that the footage comes from a game obtained illegally and "is not representative of the overall gameplay experience in Modern Warfare 2."

You probably want to stop reading now if you don't want to hear anything about the game.

"Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 features a deep and gripping storyline in which players face off against a terrorist threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. The game includes a plot involving a mission carried out by a Russian villain who wants to trigger a global war. In order to defeat him, the player infiltrates his inner circle. The scene is designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism.," according to the statement provided to Kotaku from Activision.

"At the beginning of the game, players encounter a mandatory "checkpoint" in which they are warned that an upcoming segment may contain disturbing elements and they can choose not to engage in the gameplay that involves this scene. Consistent with its content, the game has been given an "M" for Mature by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board. The rating is prominently displayed on the front and back of the packaging, as well as in all advertising."

It sounds like Modern Warfare 2 isn't planning on riding on the success of its predecessor. Whether the game goes too far will have to wait until all of us can play the game and experience the scenes in context.
Originally Posted by BlueberryMansions7000

I hate when i'm playing Uncharted 2 online, and join a game with people who are level 35 and 40. They are always saying they don't want the low level people on their team. I'm at level 11, but I don't suck!
Just hit lvl 30 last night *hat*..
After lvl 40 its much much harder to level up though..
Originally Posted by NCTwin

Remember that scene from MW2 that I posted the other day?? Apparently it's skippable.

From kotaku:

Modern Warfare 2 Features Skippable Scene of Atrocities


Activision's upcoming first-person shooter Modern Warfare 2 includes scenes "designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism," the publisher told Kotaku today.

The scenes are so powerful that despite already having a Mature rating, players can choose to skip playing through it.

Details of the scene came to light after footage from the game was leaked on the Internet. Activision says that the footage comes from a game obtained illegally and "is not representative of the overall gameplay experience in Modern Warfare 2."

You probably want to stop reading now if you don't want to hear anything about the game.

"Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 features a deep and gripping storyline in which players face off against a terrorist threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. The game includes a plot involving a mission carried out by a Russian villain who wants to trigger a global war. In order to defeat him, the player infiltrates his inner circle. The scene is designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism.," according to the statement provided to Kotaku from Activision.

"At the beginning of the game, players encounter a mandatory "checkpoint" in which they are warned that an upcoming segment may contain disturbing elements and they can choose not to engage in the gameplay that involves this scene. Consistent with its content, the game has been given an "M" for Mature by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board. The rating is prominently displayed on the front and back of the packaging, as well as in all advertising."

It sounds like Modern Warfare 2 isn't planning on riding on the success of its predecessor. Whether the game goes too far will have to wait until all of us can play the game and experience the scenes in context.

Yo im sick and tired of hearin about this "controversial" scene/mission in MW2. So what who cares that you play as a terrorist, run up in an airportand shoot up americans.Honestly there is no way thats gonna go down at any airport in the US today as it did in the video. Its entertainment and apart of astory in a video game no one complains about playing as an american and running through terrorist. Personally i wasnt offended when i saw it i was actuallyhype to see it in a game. Im sure that IW has it in the game to add more depth to the story. Im not skipping it i wanna play the game as it was made. Ifparents are mad dont cop the game for your kid(s) but i know im copping at midnight, blow me a nice kush L and hop online and get some games in wit most of NT.
Originally Posted by NCTwin

Remember that scene from MW2 that I posted the other day?? Apparently it's skippable.

From kotaku:

Modern Warfare 2 Features Skippable Scene of Atrocities


Activision's upcoming first-person shooter Modern Warfare 2 includes scenes "designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism," the publisher told Kotaku today.

The scenes are so powerful that despite already having a Mature rating, players can choose to skip playing through it.

Details of the scene came to light after footage from the game was leaked on the Internet. Activision says that the footage comes from a game obtained illegally and "is not representative of the overall gameplay experience in Modern Warfare 2."

You probably want to stop reading now if you don't want to hear anything about the game.

"Infinity Ward's Modern Warfare 2 features a deep and gripping storyline in which players face off against a terrorist threat dedicated to bringing the world to the brink of collapse. The game includes a plot involving a mission carried out by a Russian villain who wants to trigger a global war. In order to defeat him, the player infiltrates his inner circle. The scene is designed to evoke the atrocities of terrorism.," according to the statement provided to Kotaku from Activision.

"At the beginning of the game, players encounter a mandatory "checkpoint" in which they are warned that an upcoming segment may contain disturbing elements and they can choose not to engage in the gameplay that involves this scene. Consistent with its content, the game has been given an "M" for Mature by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board. The rating is prominently displayed on the front and back of the packaging, as well as in all advertising."

It sounds like Modern Warfare 2 isn't planning on riding on the success of its predecessor. Whether the game goes too far will have to wait until all of us can play the game and experience the scenes in context.

gotta be yuku
Originally Posted by Av1r3x

Originally Posted by BlueberryMansions7000

I hate when i'm playing Uncharted 2 online, and join a game with people who are level 35 and 40. They are always saying they don't want the low level people on their team. I'm at level 11, but I don't suck!
Just hit lvl 30 last night *hat*..
After lvl 40 its much much harder to level up though..
most of the people level 30 and up suck. they just go for the shotgun because it has auto aim
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by Av1r3x

Originally Posted by BlueberryMansions7000

I hate when i'm playing Uncharted 2 online, and join a game with people who are level 35 and 40. They are always saying they don't want the low level people on their team. I'm at level 11, but I don't suck!
Just hit lvl 30 last night *hat*..
After lvl 40 its much much harder to level up though..
most of the people level 30 and up suck. they just go for the shotgun because it has auto aim
Sounds kinda lame auto aim online? I loved U2 beat it, just wasnt feelin the online mode.
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