PS3|VITA Thread: Vita $249 | PS3 BF3 Tonight PG727 | Black Ops 3rd Map Pack PG726 | Dust514 PG723

Originally Posted by BennyPowers

I'm going to f around and have a girlfriend by the time psn comes back up. 
Originally Posted by TheSwagOfSweetJones

selling my ps3 copping a xbox was fun while it lasted

Be ready for the amount of camping on BO.
I didnt think it was possible, but its worse than PS3.

I can see the rage now 
People are taking this too damn seriously.
we aren't paying for our service so just chill.
good things come to those who wait.
I would love to play BO online but it's really whatever to me right now.
Originally Posted by LanZeR23

we aren't paying for our service so just chill.

That's far from the point. And technically we did pay for it. We just pay one time flat fee included in the price of the PS3.
Originally Posted by LanZeR23

People are taking this too damn seriously.
we aren't paying for our service so just chill.
good things come to those who wait.
I would love to play BO online but it's really whatever to me right now.
stop it, what kind of passive weak argument is that.

x2@ what kingjames said. 
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Weak. Black ops is gonna be mad quiet now.

it wasnt that many of us playing it was just me, you, henz, vintage, and overtime.....henz and vintage got xbox...overtime is thinking the same %+!# I'm thinking..
Some of you are feeling hurt but i bring good news.

[h1]Sony Hiring Developer To Work With Google Chrome's Engine[/h1]

A few months ago, some general statements about PS3 having a major browser upgrade were said via responses to fans of the PlayStation Twitter page. [Updated Reference] Upon digging, it was revealed that Sony had updated PS3's webkit source for the currently integrated browser on March 31 which added the files for ChromeClientPOSIX. Those files can be found within the ps3-webkit-support.diff file. Given the good partnership between both Sony and Google, we have good reason to believe that the upgraded browser Google Chrome, the browser I'm currently typing into, will provide the rejuvenated PS3 web browsing experience. Sony has recently listed a job for the position of Senior Software Engineer under the SNEI branch. Google Chrome is significant to this job listing by the citing of WebKit, the engine of which Google Chrome runs on. The open sourced WebKit powers the amazingly responsive Google Chrome browser on the PC platform. The PlayStation Network browser runs on a software called Cairo, and Google Chrome runs on WebKit, both are cited within the job listing. This discovery gives a bit of insight on what we can expect to see on PS3 and other Sony products in the future.
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